Half way through my 12 week cycle, i have gained 12 lbs so far. I have lost 1-2% bf (down to 11-12ish) because im eating real lean according to the diet stickys (thanks to swolecat for flaming my diet and pointing these wonderful stickys out to me!!). Im taking 400mgs test cyp/week and i started the winny at the 6 week mark(50mgs/day). I have been taking nolva throughout the cycle, so i dont bloat, so im confident i havent put on that much water weight. Strength gains have been moderate to good, im noticing more endurance than anything, although my bench is up 30lbs and my shoulder presses are up 25lbs. Right now im at 200lbs on the dot hopefully i can be up to a lean 210 by the end of the cycle. If i can get my digital back from my buddy ill get some before and afters for you guys to flame.