I am just about to start my first cycle, my main goal is to gain no more than 20 pounds of quality muscle, this is what I was thinking about using...
WEEK.......SUSTANON...............WINSTROL........ ......CLOMID
1...............250 mg
2...............250 mg
3...............250 mg
4...............250 mg
5...............250 mg.....................50 mg/day
6...............250 mg.....................50 mg/day
7..............................................50 mg/day............100 mg/day
8..............................................50 mg/day............100 mg EOD
9................................................. .........................50 mg EOD
10................................................ ........................50 mg EOD
I can also get Testoviron, is it better and Should I use it instead of Sustanon (Iam looking for the least sided efect AS)?.
Should I use proviron and Nolvadex also???? Please all comments will be really apreciated. Thanks.