Background Info:
At 20 I weighed ~130lbs in 2000. I was introduced to d-bol and deca. I did a few cycles of these and shot up to 175.
Was benching over 300 for a single rep.
Stopped working out around 2001 and dropped 20lbs over the next 2 years.
I became sick in March of 2004 and was diagnosed with Chrone's disease. I was so sick I lost an additional 30lbs in 2 months. I weighted 115lbs. 2.5 feet of my intestines was removed. Lucky/Unluckily it was the part of my intestines that processes fat, depending on how you look at it.
I read about M-1-T and thought it could help regaining some of the weight that I had lost. I don't need to be as big as I was before but I would like to look normal. I have always had a problem keeping weight. Probably because of the Chrons.
Here's my workout.
Cycle: M-1-T + Milk Thisthe for liver
Diet: Trying to 3,000 calories/day and 150grams protein.
Start weight: ~125lbs
Goal: 155lbs of lean muscle
I truthfully try to eat anything I can just because my body throws away the fat. I normally eat chicken, eggs, and pasta.
Week 1:
5mg/day M-1-T.
Start of week1: ~125lbs.
Work outs swelled my muscles quite nicely. But I attribute this to the fact I haven't worked out in a while.
Week 2:
20mg/day M-1-T.
Start of week2: 135lbs
I noticed a conciderable increase in strength although energy was a little down. So far no side effects except higher aggression.
Week 3:
20mg/dat M-1-T.
Start of week 3: 140lbs
Appetite hadn't really been a problem until today when I got an upset stomach eating breakfast. I'm attributing this to the increased dosage. The lethargy is killing me now. I am having a huge problem staying alert and getting out of bed. I didn't really think this would be a side effect I would experience, after reading other's post, but it is fairly bad.
Weight gain has stagnated a little. I also think the weight gain is my body remembering where it was at before I was sick. I'm hoping my muscle memory remembers where it was when I was 175 and helps me make even more gains.
I had planned on going on a 4 week cycle but it doesn't look like I'll reach 155lbs by then. Because of the harshness on the liver I'll most likely stop the cycle at the end of week 4 unless anyone can advise that another week would provide more gains without anymore damage to the liver.
Comments are very welcome.