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Thread: M-1-T Experience.

  1. #1

    Post M-1-T Experience.

    Background Info:

    At 20 I weighed ~130lbs in 2000. I was introduced to d-bol and deca. I did a few cycles of these and shot up to 175.

    Was benching over 300 for a single rep.

    Stopped working out around 2001 and dropped 20lbs over the next 2 years.

    I became sick in March of 2004 and was diagnosed with Chrone's disease. I was so sick I lost an additional 30lbs in 2 months. I weighted 115lbs. 2.5 feet of my intestines was removed. Lucky/Unluckily it was the part of my intestines that processes fat, depending on how you look at it.

    I read about M-1-T and thought it could help regaining some of the weight that I had lost. I don't need to be as big as I was before but I would like to look normal. I have always had a problem keeping weight. Probably because of the Chrons.

    Here's my workout.

    Cycle: M-1-T + Milk Thisthe for liver
    PCT: 6-OXO
    Diet: Trying to 3,000 calories/day and 150grams protein.
    Start weight: ~125lbs
    Goal: 155lbs of lean muscle

    I truthfully try to eat anything I can just because my body throws away the fat. I normally eat chicken, eggs, and pasta.

    Week 1:

    5mg/day M-1-T.
    Start of week1: ~125lbs.

    Work outs swelled my muscles quite nicely. But I attribute this to the fact I haven't worked out in a while.

    Week 2:

    20mg/day M-1-T.

    Start of week2: 135lbs

    I noticed a conciderable increase in strength although energy was a little down. So far no side effects except higher aggression.

    Week 3:

    20mg/dat M-1-T.
    Start of week 3: 140lbs

    Appetite hadn't really been a problem until today when I got an upset stomach eating breakfast. I'm attributing this to the increased dosage. The lethargy is killing me now. I am having a huge problem staying alert and getting out of bed. I didn't really think this would be a side effect I would experience, after reading other's post, but it is fairly bad.

    Weight gain has stagnated a little. I also think the weight gain is my body remembering where it was at before I was sick. I'm hoping my muscle memory remembers where it was when I was 175 and helps me make even more gains.

    I had planned on going on a 4 week cycle but it doesn't look like I'll reach 155lbs by then. Because of the harshness on the liver I'll most likely stop the cycle at the end of week 4 unless anyone can advise that another week would provide more gains without anymore damage to the liver.

    Comments are very welcome.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    M 1 T has to many sides/Versus positve effects. The lethargy is too intense. I couldn't get through the 2nd week.

  3. #3
    Yeah I am going to cut back on my dosage. I was completely useless today. It feels like I haven't slept in days. I've read many posts about only cycling for 2 weeks with M-1-T but I wasn't sure that it would even be effect as such a short cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    If you stack m1-t with 4-ad it helps even out the lethargy. It works great i havent been lethargic this whole cycle (today is my last day of my cycle) and i havent lost any libido. 4-ad works like a charm. Also for PCT 6-oxo is worthless imo, stick with nolva and clomid, remember m1-t is a steroid and you should have the proper pct for it. Good luck bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    M1T also causes a decrease in blood sugar levels, so that along with low test is what will make you tired.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the reply nsa and BduBbz.


    How long was your cycle?

    Do you know why 4-AD would counter act the lethargy from the M-1-T? Or does anyone? It would be nice to know why stacking the two would be benefical.

    Also is 6-oxo useless for a PCT or is it not as effective as Clomid or Nolva? I had researched that 6-oxo was an easy alternative to Clomid that was legally purchasable in the US.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Do you know why 4-AD would counter act the lethargy from the M-1-T? Or does anyone? It would be nice to know why stacking the two would be benefical.

    ... the 4-ad counter acts the lethargy cause just as NSA said when your on m1-t and ur natty test is low.. the 4-ad will aromatise into test, bringing your energy levels back up.

    Oh ya and my cycle was 30 days. If you got any more questions check out NSA's m1-t faq, it will answer alot of ur questions.

    goodluck bro

  8. #8
    Thanks. I'll check the FAQ out.

    It is unfortunate that the PCT (Noval/Clomid) needed for M-1-T isn't available without a prescription. For those of us that are interested in M-1-T because of the current legal nature of it, it's counterproductive to have to get an illegal substance just for the PCT.
    But it's better to be safe than sorry though. And really sorry if all the gains are lost after the cycle. Then it was just a waste of money and time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    well you dont have to have a perscription for the nolva and clomid.. there are tons of labs online that sell it for cheap. And also just fyi, it IS legal, but for research purposes only . heh

  10. #10
    Yeah that's what I had read. Heh. I suppose it depends on your point of view.

    NSA's FAQ was exquisite.

  11. #11
    Just to finish this experience.

    I stopped M-1-T and started an albeit crappy PCT of 6-OXO. Couldn't get Clomid in time was didn't research enough to know how strong M-1-T actually was.

    Start Weight: 125lbs
    End Weight: 143lbs

    I contribute almost all of this weight gain to my diet and don't expect to lose it. I did notice some strength gains though that I can't contribute to the diet.

    Bench went from ~95lbs 1 rep to 155 3 reps. These are very horrible bench results, but keep in mind I had been sick and quite a bit of my muscle had atrophied
    away in the past 3 years.

    I'm gonna stick it out with a clean diet for a while and see if I can actually get my weight up to 160lbs of LBM. This would be a personal best if I can make it up to 160 cleanly. It is very tempting to take something like d-bol because my body responds very well to it, but like many others have said it is very very difficult to keep the gains from d-bol alone.

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