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Thread: Interesting new cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Interesting new cycle

    Ok here we go Ive done various cycles of real gear before but had to go with something a little different this time due to a fackin scammer!!!

    Started my cycle today

    1-4 5-10mg M1T ED
    1-10 2100mg 4AD CYP
    1-8 600mg 1 TEST CYP
    9/10-12 100mg M5AA ED
    1-10 1.25 mg letrozole ED
    1-11 10mg nolva Ed
    12-14 40mg nolva ed, 5G TRIBULUS ED
    15-16 20mg nolva ed, 5G TRIBULUS ED

    trying to get around 2500-3500 cals ED
    and around 300 Grams protein
    will be doing 30 mins cardio 3 times weekly at 65% max heart rate.

    Beta Sitosterol= prostate
    NAC= liver
    Green Tea= energy/ metabolism
    Cranberry= kidneys
    Bioperine= enhances supps
    ALA= liver, carb/protein shuttling
    Vit E= skin,antioxidant
    Vit C= liver,antioxidant
    Multi Vit= General health
    Vit B Complex= Hunger
    MSM= joints
    Glucosimine= Joints
    Vit B12= hunger
    Milk Thistle= liver
    ? B6= reduce prolactin havent decided wether to take this yet

    Ive never injected 1 test before and am very curious to see its effects! Many reference it to a mild tren alternative with less sides.

    The 4ad cyp should give me 315mg of test cyp and the 4ad unconverted is 90% as anabolic as testosterone so this leaves me with the equivalent to around 1500mg of test cyp just for anabolism(muscle building)

    Im using the M5AA in replacement of winny as a hardener towards the end of my cycle while waiting for the cyp to clear for pct.

    Day 1 did 1200mg of 4ad cyp in quads along with 400mg of 1 test cyp
    and 10 mg of M1T. People say that 1 test cyp burns really bad but all is well just alittle stiffness which was expected.

    Today im going to hit back and Bis normal routine is
    preacher/staight bar/ incline bench curls/ machine bicepts/ 21s/ cabells
    3-4 sets of 8-10 is usual routine for me

    then hit up lat pulldown/ low row/ back machine/ back machine/ freeweight back

    Weight 174
    Last edited by Bryan2; 10-29-2004 at 01:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Got back from workout weighed in at 175
    Up 6 pounds from last week due to bindge drinking (up in Monterey for the weekend)

    beginning arm messurements 14 3/4 in

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Weight 175 same

    The M1t is kicking in already I caught myself zoning out a lot at the gym today!

    I need the 4ad to kick in already

    I tested bf today and was very disapointed 13.8% most ive ever been up from 11% two weeks ago due to poor diet and lots of beer. Havent decided wether to try and burn some fat off or just straight bulk this cycle and worry latter.

    Today was chest i kept it light and concentrated on form arms are killer from yesterday gotta love those pumps from M1T.

    side note a lot of hotties are starting to come out from underground and workout even though its sweater season.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 3 Off day nothing to report
    Weight 175 same

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 4

    Weight 177 +2

    Hit up 900mg of 4ad cyp
    and 200mg of 1 test split up in each delt no sorness as of yet.

    Weight is going up slightly getting back to were I used to lift slowly I hope to get a modest 5 pound muscle gain from just the M1T so probably more like 10-15 pounds waterweight included I know last M1T cycle I got 16 pounds in 2 weeks from M1t. However im taking letro this time so it could halt the bloating but since it doesnt aromatize im not sure.

    I need a pre workout stimulant though thats isnt tough on my prostate because im already having difficulties with m1t.

    Anyone out there know of something good besides eca?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    letro is good stuff , i ran it with my 1-tu/4-ad and pulled the bloat right off me

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    where is the clomid for PCT, or does nolva work just as good for you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Nolva works just as good for me it just takes about a week longer I prefer it because of the lesser sides and I have a bit of gyno already so its a must for nolva after cycle and I feel why have to go with both nolva and clomid.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 5

    weight 177 +0

    Off day nothing to report except the horrible lethargy that M1T is giving me. I should of done some cardio but felt lazy today instead.

    Im kinda concerned because im not going up in weight as quickly as I did last time. This could be 1 of 3 reasons
    1. The M1T im using is old might not be a potent
    2. Im running Letro this round could be keeping bloat down
    3. Kind of been slacking in the diet so this could be it also

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    up ur cals to at least 4500-6000 that will put the weight on u but try and make it healthy cals not junk...u can cheat a lil bit to lol...good luck bro keep us posted on how its going

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 6

    177+ 0

    Too busy to workout today tomarrow is leg day

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 7

    177 + 0

    Today was leg day did leg presses
    2 ham excercises 2 quads and 2 calfs. Along with abs I cant go really hard with legs due to bad hip so they are always short workout days.
    still no weight gain uping the kcals tomarrrow adding 1 more protein shake a day

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 8
    weight 179 + 2

    Bf 13.4% -.4%
    decided to measure Bf once a week on mondays to make sure the weight gain isnt fat.

    Today was back and bis. threw a 30 min cardio session in at the end. Lifts are still going up and the lethargy is begining to subside which is a plus. I hit up 1200mg of 4ad cyp and 400mg of 1 test in my quads today. Im pretty sure I hit a nerve going in because my foot when numb but I kept injecting anyway. There is some blood underneath the skin at night and its a little sore so I hope no problems will ensue. But from the looks of it seems to be an infection starting so I will rub the alcohol on it 2-3 times a day and Im keeping a band aid with some neosporin on it. I hope i can catch it before it turns to an infection!!! no redness or or heat so hopefully I am just tripping.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    day 9

    weight 178 - 1

    shoulders and tris today down 1 pound jus water of course. the injection spot looks much better nothing to worry about now im just guessing some dirt got into it and it started to head into a wrong direction but i caught it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    day 10

    weight 179 + 1

    today was chest back up 1 pound again i wish I could break 180 already its taking days. Anyways I decided to throw in 100mg of m5 30 mins before workout to give it a shot and it was friggin awesome i cant wait until my test kicks in full force. All weights were up and i blasted the crap out of my ches today. One bad thing with M5 and me is it aparantly makes me sweat my ass off like crazy. Moreso even than when I do cardio.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 11

    Weight 180 + 1

    Today was an off day. I should of worked out a leg day or something but felt pretty lazy so I never ended up getting there. Weight consistantly going up a pound or 2 at a time and this time i really think the letro is keeping me dry because i have not blown up in weight like I did last time with water. I know M1T doesnt aromatize but last time I took it I blew up with water. Nothing more to worry about with the quad its closed up now. I havent hit up my second set of shots this week but might do so in an hour or two (waiting on friend for delt shots). Im betting that I can get another 4-5 pounds from the next week(hopefully) andthen my cyps will kick in full force and I can decide wether to go one more week with the M1T or not. Test is up a little I have been haveing some sex dreams. But the letro is definatley ****ing with my libido because I have no drive??? But I really want to kill this gyno so im going to keep it at 1.25mg ed. Oh well I dont have any consistant tang at the moment anyway.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 12

    Weight 178 - 2

    **** down 2 pounds today this is pissing me off Im sure ill get it back tomarow though I weighed in the middle of the day instead of the usual night time. Today was shoulders and tris work out went well. Hit up 400mg of 4ad cyp and 400 mg of 1test in delts today.
    Funny story, An old buddy who friggin sucks when it comes down to anything that You need is not to be relied upon. I mean hes a cool guy known him for years but lets just say that 7 times out of 10 if I needed to depend on him or someone else for some kind of generous help id go with the other guy.
    So I go ahead and let my buddy whos never injected anyone before pop his cherry on my shoulders. Bad call on that one first shoulder he was nervous and shakin like crazy an started injecting right away and I stoped him and aspirated it and some blood so he hit a vein. Next shoulder after showing him better and sticking the needle in myself he injected fine but when he pulled the needle out he sliced the needle along my shoulder. so i have to wear a band aid until it clears to avoid infection.
    Last edited by Bryan2; 11-01-2004 at 05:19 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 13

    Weight 180 + 2

    back up in weight today so thats a plus I went ahead and did a bf test and it was down but I will do it on Monday for the weekly thing. Now I think the reson for my weight fluctuation is that I am loosing fat and gainning muscle weight instead. Today was Back and bis work out was decient I could of pushed it harder but so far i have to say im disapointed in myself I mean I started at 174 and almost 2 weeks later I am only at 180 only 6 pounds and last M1T go around I had gotten 16 pounds in 2 weeks!!! Granted I had a **** load of water last time and only ended up with a 5 pound lean body mass gain but still I want more weight!
    Oh well I still have 8 weeks to go and I am hoping next week my test kicks in because I need some more drive in the gym. I still dont have that "on" feeling.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 14

    Weight 183 + 3

    Well this is a full two weeks into the cycle and I must say that I now officially have raisins for testicles!!! Yep small as a raisin. anyway i need to start eating some of the oral 4 ad base powder to get some kind of test in me for this week I think it would help out. Side Note "****" I think im getting sick and this spells bad news for a cycle there goes all of my weight gain if I am trying to fight it off I guess I should double up the vitamin c and see if I can bump the cold people in my house are getting sick so **** those punk ass germs are there floating around my house.

    Anyway today was an off day again I know im slacking but the gains keep coming im excited to see 183 thats almost 10 pounds in 2 weeks!!! these last 3 are probably still water but its still weight and the cyps havent even kicked in yet!!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 15

    Weight 181 - 2

    BF was 13.5 + .1

    Interesting because two days ago it was 12.8 but I guess that I gained a pound of fat since then huh? Oh well I lagged on cardio last week I have to make sure that I do it at least twice a week to keep the fat off. well this means I have gained 6 pounds lbm since day 1. Today was chest I did 8 different excersices really blasted it and i am deffanatley noticing body comp changes; fuller muscles but the pump isnt so good anymore. Hit up the quads today with the weekly shots.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 16

    Weight 183 + 2

    Weight is back up im liking that. It seems to be a trend first ill jump up in weight and then a day later i will loose some or most of it and the day after it will be back so I think the water fills the muscle cell and inflates it and latter on the water leaves and is replaced with mscle fiber. Back and bis today. Evrything went well weight are gettting heavyer. My dad flew in so i will be in Diego for the next 2 dats and will continue wekkly training after that on friday.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 17

    weight ?

    was in diego no scale.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 18

    Weight 184 + 1

    Still in diego not lifting my nephew is sick and ive been trying to fight it off but I think im comming down with a cold.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 19

    Weight 180 - 4

    Deffanatley sick **** it I dropped 4 pounds because of it and I cant work out tody either because it would be useless. Just trying to pop as many vit c pills as possible to up the immune system. I am dropping the dose of M1T to just 5 mgs while sick because im popping tylenol as well for the cold and both dont go well with liver enzymes. Having to up the water intake as well because my kidneys are bugging me so I picked up some more cranberry pills. I had to hit up my shots but my flaky buddy couldnt do it and my other bro sucks at doing it. So I tried it myself and im pretty sore it knoted up bad, nothing a heat pad wont take care of though.

    3 ccs left delt
    2 ccs right delt

    400mgs 1test
    900 mgs 4ad

    Hopefuly I will shake this cold and have at least a decent lft tomarrow. Side note I need this dose of letro but **** i have no desire for sex at all its hard to maintain erections. I am still deciding wether to go with another week of M1T or not.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 20

    weighht 181 + 1

    Still sticking with 5mg of M1T because im sick and i know that m1t supresses immune functions but I kept it light and did chest today back up a pound so thats cool I am really thinking about cutting off the M1T after this week because my cyps really should be kicking in. But I probably wont because I really like to see the scale go up every few days. I have noticed a little fat gain this week due to poor eating habits and being sick so I will have to work on that in the remaining 7 weeks to make sure my bf goes down. After all is said and done im hoping for at least a 2% bf loss and at least a 15 pound gain in lbm.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 21

    Weight 184 + 3

    Well I have seem to have gained the weight back but Im guessing that it is just water as of now because I can gain like 5 pounds water whenever Im taking M1T. Bumped back up to 10 mgs. Anyway I hit up shoulders today really good lift getting stronger still. But I should of done some more tris I only hit up two excersices. I am going to test my bf tomarrow to see how much more fat I gained from a sloppy week. And I figure screw it I will go one more week on the orals even though I can start to feel my test kicking in. Hello walking erection!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 22

    Weight 184 + 0

    Bf 15% + 1.5% CRAPPPP!!!!

    Well I get friggin sick and look what happens I lose 1 pound of muscle and I gain 3 pounds of fat.Well I deffanatley am kicking up the cardio a bit One week and its all screwed up. Did legs today went ok. I need to find out if water weight carries onto bf tests with the electrode impulse machines. GOing to hit up my weekly shots tomarow instead.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 23

    Weight 184 + 0

    BF because yesterday was kinda fishy 14.3 -.7

    Well i decided to do another bf test today because yesterday i had eaten a gang of food and missed my letro so i figured it was off. So I am at 158 pounds lbm i guess i gained 2 pounds yesterday of muscle and the previous test was off. Anyway today was back and bis today. I railed on my bis and hit up 40 pounds on each side for straight bar. Did 45 pounds on each side for preacher and did 220 pounds plus a 45 pound plate added to the sitting machine bicept. Weights are so light now. I threw in 30 mins of cardio today because im worried about fat gain so far only 3 pounds of new mass has been fat. Back sucked because of an old trap injury. I tore the muscle about a year and a half ago and it still gives me problems. One of the major things holding me back is my back I would look so much bigger if I could go heavy on it, but I cant only slow and controlled motions when lifting back. did my shots today in the quads. I am worried about my kidneys though because they have been bugging me the past couple days i need to quit the m1t already but the gains are so sweet.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 24

    Weight 183 - 1

    Down a pound today. I hit up shoulders abd tris today five excersizes for each muscle. Kinda pissed off that my weight is not continually going up. I dropped the m1t today my kidneys have been bugging me even though the water intake is up.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 25

    Weight 183 + 0

    Threw in a leg workout today I should of ran but didnt feel like it. I never go heavy on legs because of an old hip injury! Hopefully my weight will start to go up consistantly like maybe 2 pounds a week fingers crossed! Im stuck below 184 i cant push past it so Ive decided to up the protein!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 26

    Weight 184 + 1

    Today was an off day. Up one pound, did shoulder shots today. Need more protein or something because ive been at this weight for coming up on 2 weeks!!! I am uping the cals and upping the protein!! I really need to stop slacking with those its so hard to get that much good food in my house, everyone i live with eat my darn food. I know this stuff is kicking in because my nipples are puffy now but **** i need more weight! Side note: I must be the most gyno prone person in the world even at this much letro and nolva up to 20gs everyday i still am having slight tenderness. Its not all the time but it is there for maybe 15 mins or so and then it goes away. But I know during those fifteen mins some growth had to of happened because the end result is I notice bigger nips.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 27

    Weight 186 + 2

    Up 2 pounds but i assume its just food and water did a nice chest workout today strength took a halt after M1T but it continues to go up slightly now because of the 1 test.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    day 28

    Weight 185 - 1

    off day

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    day 29

    Weight 185 + 0

    BF 14.7 +.4

    I hit up back and bis really hard today doing 5 diff excersizes for bis
    and doing 5 diff excersizes for back went up in weight moderatley and still focused on form. But the bf test shows that i have lost a pound of muscle and replaced it with fat. so it still shows that i have gained 7 pounds muscle and 3 pounds of fat. I can say though that i deffenatley notice a difference between 500mgs test and 2100mgs 4ad cyp. Test works a lot better. So I think im not getting enough cals I mapped out my diet and i am only getting around 2500 cals but i am getting between 175 and 225 grams of protein a day. So i decided to add a weight gainner shake to my daily regimine. That adds another 6 -700 cals a day mostly from carbs though and i am hoping its cool to not gain that much more fat. Any way Im being pretty meticulous about my cycle and expecting to many gains to fast I guess i got used to the orals but not the weight is gonna slow down a lot. I am still hoping for another 10 pounds lbm from this cycle, But if I get another 7 pounds muscle and 3 pounds fat i will still be satisfied!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 30

    Weight 187 + 2

    up 2 pounds mos likely just water weight but its still weight so i dont know. Its around 12:15 am right now and i weighed in at 7:30pm just used home scale was at 191 so I guess I can carry about 6 pounds of water bloat no matter how many anti es I take. I hit up shoulders for five different excersizes and same for tricepts. They will be sore tomarrow! Ii tried incline skulls today and deffanatley do not favor them over decline or even flat. Took measurements last night of arm
    and waste and chest also calves.

    Arms 15 1/2 + 3/4 inch
    chest was 403/4 chest +/- ? no previous messurements before cycle
    waste was 35 in + 1 in
    calf was 15 3/4 +/- ?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 31

    Weight 187 + 0

    Did chest today incline, decline, flat, no cables, machine incline, 1 more excersize.
    Ran for 30 mins today. The cyps are kicking in full force this week the 1 test cyp is giving me night sweats it sucks. It really does act like tren only milder. was 190 after workout I thought letro was supposed to keep the bloat off? Yet i can have a 5-6 pound difference in water weight.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Day 32

    weight 185 - 2

    Today was cheat day/off day only had 3 eggs 2 toast 1 in an out double double meal and a taco bell nachos and cheesy gordita crunch.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    day 33

    weight 187 + 2

    Off day

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    day 34

    weight 187 + 0

    off day did shoulder shots two weeks late.And by weeks i mean days.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    day 35

    Weight 187 + 0

    Killer arm worlout today felt as though i could go on forever amazing pump also!!!

    back was cool too but I cant go heavy more about form due to an old torn trap muscle.

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