Ok here we go Ive done various cycles of real gear before but had to go with something a little different this time due to a fackin scammer!!!
Started my cycle today
1-4 5-10mg M1T ED
1-10 2100mg 4AD CYP
1-8 600mg 1 TEST CYP
9/10-12 100mg M5AA ED
1-10 1.25 mg letrozole ED
1-11 10mg nolva Ed
12-14 40mg nolva ed, 5G TRIBULUS ED
15-16 20mg nolva ed, 5G TRIBULUS ED
trying to get around 2500-3500 cals ED
and around 300 Grams protein
will be doing 30 mins cardio 3 times weekly at 65% max heart rate.
Beta Sitosterol= prostate
NAC= liver
Green Tea= energy/ metabolism
Cranberry= kidneys
Bioperine= enhances supps
ALA= liver, carb/protein shuttling
Vit E= skin,antioxidant
Vit C= liver,antioxidant
Multi Vit= General health
Vit B Complex= Hunger
MSM= joints
Glucosimine= Joints
Vit B12= hunger
Milk Thistle= liver
? B6= reduce prolactin havent decided wether to take this yet
Ive never injected 1 test before and am very curious to see its effects! Many reference it to a mild tren alternative with less sides.
The 4ad cyp should give me 315mg of test cyp and the 4ad unconverted is 90% as anabolic as testosterone so this leaves me with the equivalent to around 1500mg of test cyp just for anabolism(muscle building)
Im using the M5AA in replacement of winny as a hardener towards the end of my cycle while waiting for the cyp to clear for pct.
Day 1 did 1200mg of 4ad cyp in quads along with 400mg of 1 test cyp
and 10 mg of M1T. People say that 1 test cyp burns really bad but all is well just alittle stiffness which was expected.
Today im going to hit back and Bis normal routine is
preacher/staight bar/ incline bench curls/ machine bicepts/ 21s/ cabells
3-4 sets of 8-10 is usual routine for me
then hit up lat pulldown/ low row/ back machine/ back machine/ freeweight back
Weight 174