Hey there everyone, been a little while since I've logged on. I started pct 2 weeks ago and at the same time started my new dnp cycle, this is my second cycle, my first consisted of 200mg for 2 days and 400 for 4 days, I never recieved any side effects more than sweating and a little lethargy.
This new cycle has been 200mg for 2 days, 400 for 3 days, and 600mg for the past 9 days. Im following a strict diet and drinking plenty of water, and taking ancillaries t3 at 37.5mcg per day and half a tab of 37.5mg dosed phentermine.
So far I have lost 12 pounds, and it looks to be mostly fat even though my muscles are flat right now due to lack of glycogen (and being off cycle) I am holding a bit of water right now, not as much as on dbol, but it's slightly noticeable.
I will probably continue running my cycle until next friday then stop, I will update this sometime later. Just wanted to let you all know how it's going, later!