Just figured I would throw in my results...I will have pictures up shortly as well.
I ran a Winny Only cycle for 5 weeks...approx 1ml/50mg eod. I honestly went from 194lbs to 210lbs. I have been lifting consistently for 5 years now...I had a tendency to get intense for 4 or 5 months and then lose it...but decided to get a bit more serious with it now. I had knee surgery in February,., so I have been loyal with lifting since. Just got back into legs a few months ago lightly and did not want to overdue things so I decided to just go with Winny. Most notable increase was on bench press. Went from 225@8 reps to 255@eight reps. Also noticed significant strength gains in my back with rows of all forms. I didn't expect to have puffy nipples with winny only, but I got em so nolvadex and clomid will be in all future cycles. Next cycle I plan on running 10 weeks with 500mg Test E/week and stack it with Deca and Nolvadex. I will run the cycle from the novice cycle link on the main AR page. Great site here and thanks to the vets and mods for all the great input,,,,,unfortunately I didnt listen so me and my puffy nipples will have to pray they unpuff.....should have taken nolva...Pics within a few days guys....
Also diet was basically eating everything in site....I stayed above 3500 calories a day. I am 6'2" and went from 194 to 211.....so yes im a bit thin. Thanks again folks