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Thread: LWB's DNP RUN

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Ah, the time has come for me to partake on a journey with this wonderful drug. If you would have asked me a year ago if I ever was going to do DNP, I would have said hell no. Time s have changed. I plan on running it for 10 days, after 5 days I plan on adding t3 at 25mcg a day. If I decide to go over 10 days I will bump the t3 up to 50mcg. I would like to loose at least 10 pounds after everything is said and done. I will be eating clean throughout-Chicken/Tuna/potatoes/eggs will be the four staples throughout the cycle.


    Multi V
    Lutein(for eyes)
    Anyother supplements I should take?

    Height 5 feet 11 inches
    Weight 215lbs
    BF 12.5%

    Day 1 200mg
    Day 2 200mg
    Day 3 200mg
    Day 4 200mg(possible point where I may increase to 200mg 2x a day)
    Day 5 200mg/400mg?-T3 25mcg
    Day 6 200mg/400mg?-T3 25mcg
    Day 7 200mg/400mg?-T3 25mcg
    Day 8 200mg/400mg?-T3 25mcg
    Day 9 200mg/400mg?-T3 25mcg
    Day 10 200mg/400mg-T3 25mcg?

    I Started this thread on anabolicmonsterz and decided it would also be good to post it here.


    Took First Dose at 8:00PM, no real change but I was not expecting one either. I felt a little warmer than normal when trying to go to sleep but that only last for a little bit then was gone.

    DAY 1 8:00AM
    No effects at all, waiting for day 3 and 4 to come that is when I should feel the full effects and also is when I decide whether or not to bump up the dose to 200mg 2x a day.

    DAY 1 9:00PM
    Took my dose for today about an half hour ago. I am so excited for this stuff to kick in, **** i wish it kicked in faster. Going to wait it out for three days do not want to get ahead of myself with this.

    Day 1 10:00 PM
    Feeling a little warm, and a little clammy. No big deal getting excited for the days to come.

    Day 2 8:00 AM
    I had mild-medium night sweats last night. Definately felt warmer last night. Right now do not feel much different maybe a little warm but no enough where it is really noticeable. I am going to go do some high incline cardio, so I will see if I feel hotter than normal when doing that.

    DAY 2 1:25 PM
    Cardio for 30mins at a 11 incline and a speed of 3.5mph. It was definately hotter than normal and my soat was a little more wet than usual(my shirts are usually always completely covered with sweat). It was nothing unbearable by any means. Looking forward to taking my 3rd dose tonight at 8 PM.

    Day 2 9:00 PM
    So several minutes after writing my last post (1:25P) I decided to take a nap, big mistake I just woke up about a half hour ago. I am so tired I honestly want to go back to bed again, I am not sure if it is the DNP for sure or not but my energy level is definately low. Same night sweats as last night during my supposed nap. Took Dose 3 about a half hour ago.

    Weight: 212.5 lbs (down 2.5lbs from 215)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    By a bunch of cornfields
    hey bro, did you take any pics before you started? Id like to see some before/after pics of a DNP run.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    No man i really wish I had a digi bc I have been wanting to take pics for the past 4 months. The pic in my avatar was me at like 195. I have more muscle mass now and lower bodyfat then when I took that pic.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    By a bunch of cornfields
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    No man i really wish I had a digi bc I have been wanting to take pics for the past 4 months. The pic in my avatar was me at like 195. I have more muscle mass now and lower bodyfat then when I took that pic.
    no worries man, i think ill start a thread asking if anyone has some before/after pics

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    bro no sweat losing the ten lbs. make sure you buy some benadryl antihistamine syrup and drink at least 10ml everynight. dont wait til you get the hives. better safe than sorry. good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Day 3 8:00 AM

    Last night I did not sleep very well at all. I was either having cold chills or sweating my a$$ off. It was pretty warm but I still find it bearable. I have decided to go up to 400mg a day(200mg at 8:00 AM and 200mg at 8:00PM). Just took my first dose for today I will keep this updated on how I feel throughout the day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    bro no sweat losing the ten lbs. make sure you buy some benadryl antihistamine syrup and drink at least 10ml everynight. dont wait til you get the hives. better safe than sorry. good luck
    The benadryl pills are fine too, right? I love benadryl honestly I take it all the time just to sleep. Believe it or not it is the same active ingredient in sleep aids. So instead of buying sleep aids I buy benadryl bc they are one in the same.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Day 3 3:40

    Definately getting hotter, energy really low sweating a good amoun too. Tonight will be my second dose of 200mg, I will see how I feel tom. and use that to judge what dose I will run for the rest of the cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    Day 3 3:40

    Definately getting hotter, energy really low sweating a good amoun too. Tonight will be my second dose of 200mg, I will see how I feel tom. and use that to judge what dose I will run for the rest of the cycle.
    No need to bump up the dose. 400mg ed should be hitting you hard in a day or two. good luck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    No need to bump up the dose. 400mg ed should be hitting you hard in a day or two. good luck.
    Yeah I am sticking at 400mg a day no matter what. I kind of figured 200mg a day would not be enough. So far today has been warm and sticky just took the other 200mg about 15 mins ago so it will be a hot wet night of sleep.

  11. #11
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    Aug 2003
    Day 4 9:20AM

    Took my first dose for the day about 8:30, So far this stuff is not bad at all. Still waiting to see How I feel in the days to come. I am thinking tonight will be a little hotter since it will be my second day at 400mg. Going to go do some cardio then probably sleep, that is the one down thing about it so far I am really tired and energy is low.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Day 4 8:06PM

    Took my second dose for the day, today has been warm and sticky like yesterday. Still not bareable. My weight is still only down 2.5lbs. I hope it is because I am holding water. We will see how well this stuff works in the days to come. Going to take my benadryl soon really helps me to sleep better at night. It has been in the low 50's taday which is really strange for december in chicago. I have to sleep on top of my covers and use two fans and have the windows open or else I sweat a decent amount.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Day 5 10:40 AM

    Yesterday night was miserable, probably the worst night of sleep I have ever had. Sheets were soaked and I felt weezy at times. I was almost thinking about going down to 200mg a day or ending the cycle completely, but I was feeling better so I am still going to be taking 400mg a day for the rest of the cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Day 6 10:14PM

    Not feeling very hot at all today, thinking about maybe bumping it up to 600mg a day for the last 3 days (tues,weds,thursday)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    bump it up

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    Day 6 10:14PM

    Not feeling very hot at all today, thinking about maybe bumping it up to 600mg a day for the last 3 days (tues,weds,thursday)
    it is not necessary to bump it up to 600mg just yet. wait a couple of days bro. keep it at 400mg ed. if you still feel ok in 2-3 days then that is the time you bump it up.

  17. #17
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    it is not necessary to bump it up to 600mg just yet. wait a couple of days bro. keep it at 400mg ed. if you still feel ok in 2-3 days then that is the time you bump it up.
    I have been at 400mg a day for over 3 days, I will be at 300mg for today(sunday) and tom.(monday). At this time it will have been 5 days at 400mg which will give me a good idea if then i can go to 600mg on tuesday.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    I have been at 400mg a day for over 3 days, I will be at 300mg for today(sunday) and tom.(monday). At this time it will have been 5 days at 400mg which will give me a good idea if then i can go to 600mg on tuesday.

    ayt man you know your body best. good luck and dont forget to give us updates.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    oh I will for sure bro

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Keep going bro... looks like you're doing fine...
    Be careful though, and listen to your body...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    i ran 600 ok for a while. Just BE CAREFUL, drink tons of water, and keep anti-oxidants high.

    Also, at 600mg split your dose evenly, you dont want a large spike at that high of a dose, it could lead to disaster. I took mine at 12am, 8am and 4pm, and it was great.

    the 4th day of 600 though i got a MASSIVE migrane and couldn't even stand. I mean cranium splitting. After that day i stopped taking it for 36 hours so my blood levels lowered and went back to 400mg!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    i ran 600 ok for a while. Just BE CAREFUL, drink tons of water, and keep anti-oxidants high.

    Also, at 600mg split your dose evenly, you dont want a large spike at that high of a dose, it could lead to disaster. I took mine at 12am, 8am and 4pm, and it was great.


    Bad advice in my opinion.

    Whats up LWB...long time since i posted......if you even want to think about sleeping @ night take that full 600 dose all @ once in the morning. Check my journal bro....i have it documented in there somewhere where i tried taking like ol' boy sucks ****....all @ once bro is the way 2 go

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    Bad advice in my opinion.

    Whats up LWB...long time since i posted......if you even want to think about sleeping @ night take that full 600 dose all @ once in the morning. Check my journal bro....i have it documented in there somewhere where i tried taking like ol' boy sucks ****....all @ once bro is the way 2 go
    Yea, when I did higher doses, I made sure I consumed it all before 2pm otherwise trying to sleep at night is just disasterous.

    Are you still feeling too hot at night? Im only alittle over an hour north of you and its been snowing alittle, so its cold.... I keep a box fan in my window pointed right at me when I sleep and I keep the heat off. Sat. and Sun. since all I had to do was work, i did 600 and 800 and I didnt sweat one bit at night.... so maybe try that???

    Hows the weight loss progress going?

    Good luck,


  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    Bad advice in my opinion.

    Whats up LWB...long time since i posted......if you even want to think about sleeping @ night take that full 600 dose all @ once in the morning. Check my journal bro....i have it documented in there somewhere where i tried taking like ol' boy sucks ****....all @ once bro is the way 2 go
    you have no idea what your talking about and I know render any of your knowledge useless. Why would you want a massive spike of DNP in your bloodstream when your not sure how your body responds to such a high dose yet? I dont understand what little logic there is, if any at all, behind that statement.

    AT first you should take the dose in even set intervals to keep blood levels as stable while increasing as possible, so you can judge your reaction to such a high dose, that is the ONLY smart way to do it.

    Mealticket that was NOT MY OPINION, it was a clear medical fact. Now that you've stated your opinion, you are WRONG.

    that advice could kill somebody, how would that make you feel? just because somebody followed the advice in your post!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by OSTIE
    Yea, when I did higher doses, I made sure I consumed it all before 2pm otherwise trying to sleep at night is just disasterous.

    Are you still feeling too hot at night? Im only alittle over an hour north of you and its been snowing alittle, so its cold.... I keep a box fan in my window pointed right at me when I sleep and I keep the heat off. Sat. and Sun. since all I had to do was work, i did 600 and 800 and I didnt sweat one bit at night.... so maybe try that???

    Hows the weight loss progress going?

    Good luck,

    Its better to have a hard time sleeping for 3 days because of sweats than it is to die from your brain frying at 105 degrees from a DNP overdose, or from massive dehydration... no?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    Its better to have a hard time sleeping for 3 days because of sweats than it is to die from your brain frying at 105 degrees from a DNP overdose, or from massive dehydration... no?
    I did not recommend he take it all in the morning, I posted that I also took my doses alittle earlier in response to mealtickets post.... I agree he should follow the proper precautions.

    The ONLY thing i recommended was to put a box fan in the open window to keep cooler while sleeping.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    you have no idea what your talking about and I know render any of your knowledge useless. Why would you want a massive spike of DNP in your bloodstream when your not sure how your body responds to such a high dose yet? I dont understand what little logic there is, if any at all, behind that statement.

    AT first you should take the dose in even set intervals to keep blood levels as stable while increasing as possible, so you can judge your reaction to such a high dose, that is the ONLY smart way to do it.

    Mealticket that was NOT MY OPINION, it was a clear medical fact. Now that you've stated your opinion, you are WRONG.

    that advice could kill somebody, how would that make you feel? just because somebody followed the advice in your post!
    Who the fuk are you to tell me im're swinging a pretty big dik in here for only being here a couple months carefull who you're talking to as i've helped out alot of bros on here before...not to mention i know alot about LWB past cycles and i'm sure he can handle the dosage..

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by OSTIE
    Yea, when I did higher doses, I made sure I consumed it all before 2pm otherwise trying to sleep at night is just disasterous.

    Are you still feeling too hot at night? Im only alittle over an hour north of you and its been snowing alittle, so its cold.... I keep a box fan in my window pointed right at me when I sleep and I keep the heat off. Sat. and Sun. since all I had to do was work, i did 600 and 800 and I didnt sweat one bit at night.... so maybe try that???

    Hows the weight loss progress going?

    Good luck,

    First off its always a good time to see disputes go on in your threads. To answer your wueation about feeling hot at night. Yes my night sweats have been worse the past couple days. I will give you an idea of how much I sweat. Last night (10pm) I went to bed weighing in at 209lbs, I woke several times to not only my body being drenched but every single part of my sheets wets too. I changed my sheets 3 time and my blanket twice. At about 4 am one of the many time I woke up during the night I decided to jump on the scale. I was 204lbs, There is no way in a 6 hour time frame that I lost 6lbs of fat, so that give you an idea of how much sweat there was. To give you more of a perspective of how hot I am getting I also keep both windows open so my room is about 35 degrees. Its not like I really feet super hot but as soon as I go to sleep I starte sweating like crazy. during the day sweating is not much of a problem.
    Last edited by LightWeightBaby; 12-13-2004 at 05:00 PM.

  29. #29
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    Aug 2003
    as far as whether or not I am bumping it up to 600mg for the last few days I am not positive yet. The amount of swetting last night was a real problem. I can't even imagine what it will be at 600mg. As far as my dosing It would probably be something like this 8 am, 4pm and 10pm. I choose 4 pm because after 4 pm excessive sweating is not a problem but before then I am out doing stuff.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    Who the fuk are you to tell me im're swinging a pretty big dik in here for only being here a couple months carefull who you're talking to as i've helped out alot of bros on here before...not to mention i know alot about LWB past cycles and i'm sure he can handle the dosage..
    How are YOU sure he can handle the dosage? HE is not even sure if he can handle the dosage you moron. I'm not swinging anything...your analogies are childish.
    AND i will NOT be careful WHO i am talking to if they are giving out improper advice. I DO NOT CARE HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN HERE. YOU are clearly lacking the education that I am not, and i know what i am talking about. Your post count and/or time residing here on AR MEAN SHlT TO ME, your intelligence matters. I would talk to you the same way if you had 10000 posts, or 1, if you gave the advice you recently did!

    Oh and by the way, you have only been here a few more months than me, I think you have little dog syndrome...
    Last edited by angelxterminator; 12-13-2004 at 04:30 PM.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    today is my last day, my weight is between 204-205.5, I will update this in a week to tell you my current weight as of then. I am going to visit relatives and there will be tons of food so i may gains some weight back.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Montreal (Canada eh!)

    Exclamation Stfu

    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    Who the fuk are you to tell me im're swinging a pretty big dik in here for only being here a couple months carefull who you're talking to as i've helped out alot of bros on here before...not to mention i know alot about LWB past cycles and i'm sure he can handle the dosage..
    Bro seriously Shut the F*ck up... ive got help from angelxterminator many times and ive seen him help countless other people. And you I havent even seen ur name before (anywhere) let alone helping people out. I hate it when people like you think you know more and are superior since u were on AR longer... your time on AR has nothing to do with it. IMO taking 600mg of DNP at one time is totally insane... you continue taking urs like that, we probably wont be seeing you around anymore.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    How are YOU sure he can handle the dosage? HE is not even sure if he can handle the dosage you moron. I'm not swinging anything...your analogies are childish.
    AND i will NOT be careful WHO i am talking to if they are giving out improper advice. I DO NOT CARE HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN HERE. YOU are clearly lacking the education that I am not, and i know what i am talking about. Your post count and/or time residing here on AR MEAN SHlT TO ME, your intelligence matters. I would talk to you the same way if you had 10000 posts, or 1, if you gave the advice you recently did!

    Oh and by the way, you have only been here a few more months than me, I think you have little dog syndrome...
    I agree with you oin this one bro...

    You cannot give someone such advice especially with DNP...there is no way in hell you would know how he would react off 600mg of DNP at one time. That is plain ****ing stupid IMO.

    Glad to hear your cycle has went well, i might run my first cycle of DNP around Feb...

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    good to know some people on this board have some common sense

    Now that the issue of dosing pattern is settled, how is your cycle going LWB?

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