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Thread: Clen/T3 Cutting Cycle...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Post Clen/T3 Cutting Cycle...

    This is a 6 week cycle:

    Clen is taken 1 week on / one week off:

    As in my experience it is more effective this way:

    A mild anabolic of 50mg of Winstrol ED, Anavar at
    40mg ED or Test Prop at 50mg ED or 100mg EOD is
    recommended to preserve muscle lose and fight of
    a catabolic state that T3 can cause. You could also
    use longer ester testosterone, but they will take much
    longer to kick in to be effective.

    Start T3 at 50mcg as any lower makes no sense since
    your body should be producing between 20mcg-25mcg
    daily naturally... Clen doses use as a guideline along with
    the T3 doses, everyone has different tolerances for both,
    but this is was very effective for me...

    You can use a simple ECA stack during your off weeks in the
    place of Clen if you want to help with the fat burning progress...
    Your diet should be fairly high in protein, moderate carbs with
    no sugars and moderate fat intake... You may also want to add
    a source of EFA's like a flax seen oil to your diet during this time...
    Also Clen is known to cause alot of muscle cramping... Also I start
    off week three at the same dose I finished with at the end of week
    one... Again all depends on your tolerance to the drug, you may
    want to start a little lower for a few days before going right back
    to your maximum dose.

    Drink more water along with taking extra minerals and potassium
    and 2-3 grams ED of the amino acid L-Taurine is recommended if
    cramping is really a problem... Also take your Clen and T3 in two
    divided doses during the day... Also to give you an idea my daily
    calorie intake was probably about 1,000 to 1,200 lower then normal
    for this entire time...

    BTW when I ran this cycle I was running 900mg week of Test Cyp
    as my only anabolic right at the end of a bulking cycle... My results
    is I went from a chunky, but thick as a bull 240lbs to a fairly hard 212lbs
    or so in only 6 weeks... Again adjust the doses to fit your tolerance...
    At these doses you will be sweating and hot all day long... Plan on
    losing some muscle mass even with the anabolics...

    Day 1 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 2 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 3 Clen 80mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 4 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 5 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 6 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day 7 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day 8 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day 9 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day10 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day11 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day12 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day13 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day14 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day15 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day16 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day17 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day18 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day19 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day20 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day21 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day22 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day23 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day24 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day25 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day26 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day27 Clen off / T3 125mcg
    Day28 Clen off / T3 100mcg
    Day29 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day30 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day31 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day32 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day33 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day34 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day35 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day36 Clen off / T3 50mcg
    Day37 Clen off / T3 50mcg
    Day38 Clen off / T3 25mcg
    Day39 Clen off / T3 25mcg
    Day40 Clen off / T3 25mcg
    Day41 Clen off / T3 25mcg
    Day42 Clen off / T3 25mcg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Other opinions are welcome as T3 is ran a number of ways...
    I've used the 1mcg per pound of bodyweight method also and
    other methods... I've also been told tapering is not necessary
    at all with T3 from someone that dealt with a endocrinologist, so
    there are a number of different takes on this... But this cycle
    worked quite well for me...

    For those wondering about a PCT for T3 cycles as is often talked
    about I did use a Guggulsterone product for 2 weeks after just for
    peace of mind and to help stimulate natural thyroid production to
    some extent.. Not sure how much it really helps, but better to be
    safe and cover all your bases...

    Yes I did lose some muscle, but not much and overall lost about
    1" off my arms in the process and over 4" off my waist with very
    little lost in muscle, even though I felt flat and a little weak after
    6 weeks of cutting carbs in half and T3 has that effect anyway...
    Makes me feel weaker within 1-2 weeks of starting to use it...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hos Ka Bos Ka
    hey buff, see you're over here to, just starting cycle and was thinking of giving it a try, will post on other board also

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    You should be happy with the results... Just gauge your tolerance
    and you'll be fine along with keeping your diet in check and bust your
    ass in the gym.... I don't lie or bull**** numbers... I lost some muscle
    on this cycle true, but the results are just as good as anything else
    you could expect from anything else if you do it right....

    Quote Originally Posted by dtr98
    hey buff, see you're over here to, just starting cycle and was thinking of giving it a try, will post on other board also

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hos Ka Bos Ka
    thanks buff, i 'm using your cycle

  6. #6

    How Much T3 And Clen

    Quote Originally Posted by dtr98
    thanks buff, i 'm using your cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hos Ka Bos Ka
    depends where you get it from, it will say on the bottle. mine is clen-100mcg per ml, t3-100mcg per ml

    Quote Originally Posted by ACESUP

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    ? what should i do ?

    i want to get cut and not lose muscle what should i do whats recomended without the use of androgenic/anabolic gear mabie cyto ( scared of using) clen(used it before but i dont know if the right way)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    what is e/c/y

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    E/C/Y is a ephedrine, caffeine, yohimbine HCL stack for fat burning...

    Quote Originally Posted by L-carnatine
    what is e/c/y

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Just bumping this to the top with a few pics...
    Meant to add pics to this when I first posted it...

    So incase this question ever comes up?? Buffy does this
    stack really help burn BF% if my diet and training are in check..

    The 240lb Pic was at the peak of my bulking phase, Yes I was
    carrying way to much BF% but that was the plan at the time
    and the 215lb pics are a short time later... And yes I swear the
    timelines are 100% accurate and true... And done right this is
    what a Clen/T3 cycle can do if you bust your ass the right way..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Buffy @ 240lbs.JPG 
Views:	41914 
Size:	39.4 KB 
ID:	47763   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Buffy @ 215lbs.JPG 
Views:	34583 
Size:	54.7 KB 
ID:	47764   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Buffy @ 215lbs_1.JPG 
Views:	42548 
Size:	58.1 KB 
ID:	47765  

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    A shameless bump...

    Since Clen/T3 questions seem to come up all the time...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    long island ny
    this answered all the questions i was looking for i liked the way you broke it up into 6 weeks and how etc.. thanks alot i think im going to start this cycle thanks buff

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Could someone use this even without taking anyting else. I'm at 235 and want to trim down to 210-215 in a short amount of time.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    You can, but T3 is going to burn muscle as well as bofyfat, so that's why
    it's a good idea to always run some sort of anabolics along with it...
    Even with anabolics you'll lose some muscle with T3 at higher doses...
    I'd suggest you run at the very least a mild anabolic with it...

    Quote Originally Posted by BuildaBeast

    Could someone use this even without taking anyting else. I'm at 235 and want to trim down to 210-215 in a short amount of time.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What do you think of adding clen / T3 to an HGH cycle? My only concern is the slightly elevate BP from HGH..


  17. #17
    E/C/Y how much each would u take or just go by what the bottle says

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Great White North
    I'm currently on a cycle of Clen/T3 and I've read in numerous threads that the use of ECA or ECY reduces the effectiveness of Clen as the Ephedrine also works the same receptors that Clen does. My cycle is working very well right now. I started my Clen off at 100mcg in the morning and 100 again in the afternoon, I do this for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, and my T3 i started at 25 and cycled up to 100mcg and will soon by cycling my way down again, I will then take 2 months off and do it again. If T3 is done properly it can actually assist in the gaining of muscle as it mobilizes proteins and carbs more quickly to the muscle cells. When your not trying to cut so quickly I reccommend it in a lower dosage without cutting your carbs, it has a mediocre effect but at the price its definately worth the money.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    How do you know it was the t3 making you feel weak? Maybe it was the clen or the comination of t3 and clen.

    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    Other opinions are welcome as T3 is ran a number of ways...
    I've used the 1mcg per pound of bodyweight method also and
    other methods... I've also been told tapering is not necessary
    at all with T3 from someone that dealt with a endocrinologist, so
    there are a number of different takes on this... But this cycle
    worked quite well for me...

    For those wondering about a PCT for T3 cycles as is often talked
    about I did use a Guggulsterone product for 2 weeks after just for
    peace of mind and to help stimulate natural thyroid production to
    some extent.. Not sure how much it really helps, but better to be
    safe and cover all your bases...

    Yes I did lose some muscle, but not much and overall lost about
    1" off my arms in the process and over 4" off my waist with very
    little lost in muscle, even though I felt flat and a little weak after
    6 weeks of cutting carbs in half and T3 has that effect anyway...
    Makes me feel weaker within 1-2 weeks of starting to use it...

  20. #20
    great information

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Middle Earth
    So I just order my first clen/t3 cycle and was wondering about it working for a female.

    I read that female can you clen 6 weeks straight not going over 100mg but how would t3 fit it there accordingly?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BrickHouseGrl
    So I just order my first clen/t3 cycle and was wondering about it working for a female.

    I read that female can you clen 6 weeks straight not going over 100mg but how would t3 fit it there accordingly?
    100 mg of clen is a little on the highside.

    I'm a male and i don't go over 80 mg

    t3.. you can add at a low dose.. like 25 mcg

    I personally don't believe in running a high dose of this compound

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Middle Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    100 mg of clen is a little on the highside.

    I'm a male and i don't go over 80 mg

    t3.. you can add at a low dose.. like 25 mcg

    I personally don't believe in running a high dose of this compound
    So having requested clen / t3 combo from arr..applying it for female cutting...using the t3 would be steady or would you suggest an on off time frame??

    Can you give a suggested 6 week dosage please??? I appreciate any help here...

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    You can, but T3 is going to burn muscle as well as bofyfat, so that's why
    it's a good idea to always run some sort of anabolics along with it...
    Even with anabolics you'll lose some muscle with T3 at higher doses...
    I'd suggest you run at the very least a mild anabolic with it...
    hey man i am currently in a cycle of Test E. and looking to do clen/T3 cycle would it be wise to put the 2 together? or should i just finish my cycle of test e and then start the clen/T3. you say to run anabolic with it i just want to check to see if this is a good combination of the 3

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hey bros I got a quick question for you all

    I am going to be starting a Clen/T3 combo soon and was wondering if I should just run a clen cycle because I have heard that T3 will get rid of some muscle mass. ( I know during a cutting cycle this is expected but will the effects of T3 be more detrimental than positive?) Thanks bro, I really appreciate your time. There is no profile on T3 do you know what it does exactly to the body?


    Please don't flame my questions. I know there are tons of threads and as a result it is hard to find good ones with substance and actual evidence behind them!
    Last edited by Growingpains; 05-01-2006 at 02:54 AM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Im also wondering since T3 can cause muscle loss if during this 6 week cycle creatine would benefit you. Also as stated in the beginning do you have to take a test for it to work fully?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I'm on day 3 right now and I feel like Im running a fever. Hopefully it will go away soon. Should I be taking any other supplements instead of the ones buff87 said to take?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    # 25mg Ephedrine HCl
    # 200mg Guaifenesin

    would this be a good ephedrine to use on the off weeks? or do you perfer

    Ephedrine Alkaloids 25.00mg

  29. #29
    I was thinking of the aar lion's clen t-3 combo what would you reccomend with that cycle?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    what would be good dose of t3 to use for the first time? 75mcg ED along with 125mcg clen?

  31. #31
    a good dose of t3 for the first time has been outlined above...start off low and build up , just listen to your body and adjust accordingly but slowly

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Jack 87,

    Did you do any Cardio in those 6 weeks? Or just lower the calories 1000?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Awesome info Buff, I think I will try your cycle out as it has more info in it than others I have looked at. this will be my first ever cutting cycle and I ordered ARR's Clen/T3 yesturday. Hoping to lose a conservative 10-12lbs (currently 202, want 190 for now).

    I have been reading up on some reviews from people who have ordered the same from ARR and the one question that comes up a lot is what dosage is a single squirt or the oral spray? Since I do not have mine in hand yet I just thought I would ask in case those directions are not on the labels...

    thanx in advance.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2006
    A squirt is .1ml

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Jack, I took your clen knowledge and mixed it with some others and have started to cut. I posted my pics from day one in the members pics forum. I'll add new pics every week. Check it out if you wanna see your cycle at work. (Threads named "Cutting Log w/ Clen/T3" aptly) Thanks for the info.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    so how many sprays of lions t3 for 50 mcgs
    2 and a half or what?
    i know im a dumb fcuk but please advise

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lbrlbr
    so how many sprays of lions t3 for 50 mcgs
    2 and a half or what?
    i know im a dumb fcuk but please advise
    There's 20 mcg's in a squirt, good luck getting a half a squirt out.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Yesevil
    There's 20 mcg's in a squirt, good luck getting a half a squirt out.

    thats what I was thinking, how the hell do you get "half" a squirt

    but yes 20mcg per pump

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Get a 1ml syringe if you are dead set on 50mcg.

    A 1mL syringe is graduated down to .01ml. The major graduations are .1 increments, with the ones in between at .01. So getting .25ml is cake.

    I personally question the accuracy of a "pump" but, I am very anal that way.

    And do not get an insulin syringe, they are marked in IU and specific to insulin. They do not translate to mL.
    Last edited by kynetguy; 11-29-2006 at 07:10 PM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Oh for further information. . .

    Depending on your Clen. . .

    100mcg/mL = 10mcg/.1mL = 1mcg/.01mL
    200mcg/mL = 20mcg/.1mL = 2mcg/.01mL

    So you could get pretty anal with your dosage if you really wanted to with a 1mL syringe.

    Good thing is you only need one syringe. Since you aren't squirting gear into your muscle, sterility is not an issue, you only have to clean it with some hot soapy water.

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