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Thread: Is there a good oral cycle

  1. #1

    Question Is there a good oral cycle

    I was wanting to know a good oral cycle. Does anyone have any recomendations?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You got about half the question there...

    Give some background: age, stats, years lifting, previous experience ad what goals you want to achieve.

    Why oral only? Afraid of pins? I don't think you will get to many opinions on a "good" oral-only cycle. Injectables are by far more effective and have fewer side effects of the body. If you decide to cycle, do it right.

    Spend some more time on here observing and reading the posts--don't be in too big of a hurry to decide. Also, read the drug profiles and stacks sections of AR...

  3. #3
    I am 52 years old, in very good shape. I am 5' 8" and weigh 200 lbs. I lifted regularly for several years and am just getting back into it. I've always wanted to try roids, and decided that if i was going to do it I had better do it soon. I thought that an oral cycle might be the easiest way, but I am definately open to sugestions. I am not opposes to doing injections. Just want to get big, and have fun!!!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    If you are looking to do an oral only cycle. You may want to consider an Anavar (oxandrolone) cycle. Some guys swear by it, and some think it is the Steroid equilivent of M&M's

    From the Drug profiles

    "Athletes over forty should predominantly use Oxandrolone."

    It is just about the mildest steroid with very few side effects although, being an 17aa oral is puts strain on your liver. There are a lot of guys on the board that will recommend Injectables like test and deca an eq, but if this is your first cycle at age 52, I would play it safe with anavar.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I would say you need some injectables in there. Too many 17aa is bad for your liver. Plus men over 30 benifit from test more than anyone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    I did not come up with this information so to the person who did, (BOUNCER AKA bouncer) thank you and feel free to take the credit.
    I hope this info helps you out cmlike

    If using orals only: You have to use them for 8-12 weeks in order to solidify gains. If you use them for <6 weeks you won't get as many gains as 8-12 weeks and you'll lose more muscle than if you ran 8-12 weeks.

    Why? Orals stimulate GH and IGF-1 production in the liver. However, the stimulation INCREASES as time goes by. So, by the end of the 8-12th week your GH and IGF-1
    levels are MUCH higher than at 6 weeks, therefore it is FAR easier to keep your gains.

    Here are 3 easy beginner cycles:

    The best: Winstrol at 40-50mg/day for 12 weeks.
    The second best: Anavar at 40-60mg/day for 12 weeks
    The third best: Dianabol at 50mg/day for 12 weeks.

    This of course is in terms of price/affectivity and safety. Anavar is probably out as its too expensive for you. So, that leaves Winstrol or Dianabol. So, the choice now becomes whether you want to look nice and tight while still gaining muscle or strong and bloated. Another bonus is that anti-e's DO NOT need to be run with the Winstrol, only the Dianabol.


    1. ALA at 600mg/day
    2. 4-5.0L of water/day

    No other liver supplements are necessary. You do not have to buy 3-4 other because they don't do anything ALA doesn't do.

    So, to re-run everything:

    Choice 1: Winstrol at 40-50mg/day+600mg ALA/day+ Clomid/Arimidex at the end.

    Choice 2: Dianabol at 50mg/day+600mg ALA/day + Clomid + Arimidex throughout the cycle and post-cycle.

    Post-cycle= 4 weeks of 100mg Clomid/day+ 0.25-0.5mg Arimidex/day

    Choice 1 is cheaper AND better than 2 IMO. But, it’s your choice.

    Remember too, that the Dianabol bloat will DEFINITELY give others the impression you're on something.
    Last edited by utah pump; 03-22-2002 at 04:14 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    JMO but you don't have to run orals 12 weeks I think, 8 weeks is fine.

  8. #8
    dude, at 52, even though you are new to roids, what do guys think of someone his age trying GH... he doesn't sound like he wants to compete or anything, but GH has age reversing effects that would probably make a huge impact with test based on his stats... think that at his age GH is too much too soon?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    If I were you, I will go looking for specialist (nutricionist) and he can give you the right GH program for you, but you better know GH have lots of side effects.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    hey man, how about going to an anti-aging doc??

    he'll give you testosterone and GH i bet.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I have a friend jsut finished oral only cycle something like this.
    1-8 wk : primo 60mg/d
    1-4 wk : dbl 30mg/d

    His weight went from 160lb(13%bf) to 200lb(17%bf).
    Bench: 260lbs to 380lbs
    Sq: 380lb to 500lbs

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    is loss of sex drive possible on all oral?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    loss of sex drive is imminant unless test is with it

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA
    Originally posted by utah pump
    The best: Winstrol at 40-50mg/day for 12 weeks.
    The third best: Dianabol at 50mg/day for 12 weeks.
    Are you kidding this will kill your liver?? 12 weeks of winny or dbol at 50mg a day?????? this must be a typo

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    best oral cycle = 25 prairy oysters a day, cant get test more pure my friends!!! enjoy LMAO

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