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Thread: cycle ends

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    cycle ends

    does this sound right (Post #1)

    just got done with my test only cycle 500mg w for 9 weeks loaded for 2 weeks at 750mg. got stronger through out the cycle ecept when I got sick. the gains were not drastic or fast I had to work for them but they came. had no gyno at all a little back cramping but that is it. as for gains I put 1/2 on each arm 30lbs on my bench and 50lbs on my squat. gained 10 lbs and lost 2% of body fat. but body fat may have came back. this puts me at 260 18-20% bf

    also just finished my clen and clomid. did clomid 250*1 day 100*9 days 50*7 days only had 30 pills. I now get the morning wood again so does this mean that my test levels are back up.

    as of keeping my geain I have a cold so lifting is a chore but I only have lost a little strenth that I can tell so far.

    does that sound about right for a test only cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Sounds to me like you did alright for a test only cycle!...especially at your bodyweight!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    it worked out well now i plan on droping some fat before my next cycle and the next one will be a lot bigger.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    .now that you mentioned it thats about the only side i got from my low doesage cycle is lower back cramping. but i only get it when playing b it because of the added weight my body is carrying??(i gained 17+ lbs)i guess i need to strengthen the lower back and really stretch it out right???..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The dark jungle...
    What kinda of back cramping are you talking about? I want to know so I can figure out if that is what I am feeling...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    after I would do back hyper ext my lower back would get very tight and this would last for about 20 min the pain was so bad that I could not stand up I had to lean on something. so I uped the water but that only helped a little this lasted for about 4 weeks

  7. #7
    what do you mean by gyno? just curious...........I have been off test for six weeks now and plan to go back on next week. just wondering what is gyno. is it ssomething i should now. is it serious.

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