This thread started on the questions board here:
Jakes Barnes stats are:
2 previous bulking cycles
Height: 5'11
Weight: 178
To recap, Jake Barnes is running an anavar only cycle like this:
Week 1 70mg/day
Week 2-6 50mg/day
The first thing Jake should note is that the test results on his anavar came back showing the 10mg caps overdosed at 12.3mg. So what he's actually running is:
Week 1 86mg/day
Week 2-6 61mg/day
Jake Barnes believes that this is a good thing. Today is Day 13. So far, the sides are a definite overall pump, especially lower back, but not intolerable like dbol. Jake Barnes is not prone to acne, so he found it surprising that he developed some light spot acne on his back. Seems to sort of come and go, no problem. Libido is definitely up, but this is probably more an effect of the Tribex than the anavar.
In the gym - definite increase in the number of reps Jake can put up. Increase in one rep max is not happening yet, confirmed by an unsatisfying deadlift workout last night. Expecting strength to come on soon. Post workout Jake was pretty jacked from the pump though, and gave serious thought to forgetting about the powerlifting thing and training to be a fitness model instead.
That's it for now. Jake Barnes is basically treating the anavar as a bulker, not seeing the drug as being a bulker itself, but rather the increased strength gains leading to increased appetite and greater bodyweight. Very light cardio while on, approximately 20 min. twice a week. In the gym 3 days a week, extra workouts at home for grip and light dumbbell pumper stuff.
Jake Barnes will post a current pic tomorrow.