Thread: My DNP cycle
02-19-2005, 02:52 PM #1
My DNP cycle
Day 1:
Weight 185lbs (morning prior to eating)
Took 200mg at about 7pm, could already feel the heat as I slept that night. Awoke several times with a sweaty forehead and felt clammy all night.
Day 2:
Weight 184lbs (morning prior to eating)
Woke up at 6:30 am and did 30min of moderate cardio on the cycle and the stair stepper. I feel I get a better sweat from the stationary bike than anything else. I get too much of a painfull pump in my shin muscles when I walk on the treadmill at a fast pace and on an incline. It is obviously the juice in me giving me the painfull pumps.
Took 200mg at about 11am so I could get on an earlier dose time. Walking around on campus got me plenty sweaty. Some people don't experience any heat for the first few days to a week, not me. I felt the heat all day. I had a great workout, but I could tell that I got winded a lot easier. VERY winded and light headed. I drank about 1.5 gallons of water today, and still my piss is yellow. Normaly it is clear on consumption of half that amount, but not on DNP . I'll do a few more days at 200mg to see if I want to even go up to 400mg. But I'm already feeling the heat at 200mg, so as for now, I'm staying there. I had 21 caps, so it could last anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks depending on what dose I take.
Day 3:
Took 200mg around 10am.
I felt the heat again last night while I was sleeping. I awoke again several times with a wet forehead and a damp pillow. I had to turn the fan on me at work just to keep from sweating all day. But the drying sweat made my skin all sticky like during the summer. I can definetely tell this stuff is kicking in, especially after I eat any type of carbs.
I didn't do the whole carb depletion in the days prior mainly because I am still unsure if it is true or not. The DNP makes you burn so much that I really don't think it matters whether you carb deplete or not. I'm sure it will make a difference, but I feel that the difference will yield negligible advantages in weight loss over not carb depleting prior to use.
Anyway, The sides aren't really that bad to me. Yes I feel hot all the time, but it's not unbearable. My piss is dark yellow whether I drink tons of water or not. But I'm drinking about 1 to 1.5 gallons a day. I also don't believe you have to take one of everything at GNC to stay healthy on DNP. I'm simply taking my multi-vitamin, B12, B6, CoQ10, and an ephedrine tab here and there when I need energy. And I am doing fine. But we will see when the DNP blood concentration levels get higher.
Day 4:
Weight 182lbs (morning prior to eating)
Took 200mg around 10am.
Still sweating at night. It seems to increase just a little with each night. I did 30min of cardio this morning. I got more tired than usual, but not by much. It may not even be attributed to the DNP. I sometimes strugle through cardio anyway, so it could have just been one of those days.
I was sweating my a$$ off at school today. Nothing horrible, just a little uncomfortable. The sides aren't bothering me at all yet. I can feel that later in the day, I have a little less energy, but nothing extreme at all. I'm taking a day off from the gym today though, I have too much homework to do. I'll be back in there tomorrow at lunch though.
With the weight loss I'm seeing so far, I'm staying at 200mg a day and letting my blood concentration levels rise slowly. I feel this is the best approach. Long duration and low dose.
Day 5:
Weight 182lbs (mid-day)
Took 200mg around 10am.
Feeling a little crappy and tired today. Nothing bad, just enough to notice a difference. The sweating is under control, but I do feel kinda damp and clammy. Kinda like my shirt just came out of the drier and isn't all the way dry. Still waking up at night and having to flip my pillow over to get a dry side. I can not sleep under the sheets at all or I just get too hot.
Great day in the gym today during lunch. I felt strong on bench, and ended up trying to max after my first two sets. My first set was 135X12 warmup, 1st real set was 225X10, then 265X8. I was feeling strong so I thought I'd go for 300lbs for 1 rep. I DID IT TWICE! I was very happy after that. I do sweat a lot in the gym, but I feel like I have plenty of energy. Probably from the ephedra.
One thing I have noticed is that my sweating is different from what everyone else describes. I have never really been much of a sweater. To tell you the truth, I don't even wear deoderant because I don't sweat that much, and when I do, it doesn't stink. I have always sweated profusely on my head though when I excercise. But On DNP, my head won't stop sweating. I am constantly having to wipe it off with a towel.
Day 6:
Took 200mg around 10am.
I have found that I sweat the worst during the 2 hours after I eat. My head is still pretty much the biggest sweater on me right now. I do feel clammy and damp everywhere else, but my head is the worst. The sides aren't bad at all for me right now. We will see how I hold up over the next 2 weeks. I'll weigh myself when I hit the gym this afternoon. I'm probably still around 182 to 181lbs. I really don't feel lethargic at all. I haven't had the sides that most complain of wile on DNP. It is either too soon, or it is the low dose that is keeping the sides away. Or I could just react well to it.
Anyway, I hope this cycle works out well. My source doesn't stock it anymore and he said he would reorder any for several months. So after this 21 day cycle, I'm out. So far though, I like the results, and I don't have bad sides.
I am keeping very well hydrated. I've also noticed that if I drink about 1/2 pint of water per 1 to 2 hours, my pee is just tinted yellow. But if I slack for a few hours, my pee is neon yellow and kinda burns a little. (not that kind of clap burn though so no jokes!) All I am taking is my normal multi-vitamin pack, B12, B-6, Zinc, 150mg CoQ10. Oh yeah, and 900mg of test cyp per week and 50mg of winny ED. My cycle will be ending in two weeks though. This is why I started on the DNP now. I think the test in me may be helping with some of the DNP sides. Who knows though.Last edited by 9000rpm; 02-21-2005 at 07:00 PM.
02-19-2005, 06:28 PM #2
Nice feedback. Good luck and keep us posted.
02-21-2005, 03:09 PM #3Associate Member
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yes, please keep us updated..... hope you feel the anabolic rebound effect like i did, it was a rush after having crappy workouts. good luck stay safe. get off the board and go drink a gallon of water. lol
02-21-2005, 07:16 PM #4
Day 7:
200mg @ 10am
The sweats were not all that bad today. I had to go look at houses all day, so I did sweat a little since I was outside a lot. Mostly my head and back. But when I got home, I was hungry so I ate the leftover spagetti and turkey meatballs. About 30 minutes later, I was sweating balls! My wife even noticed hot hot I was. I had the fan on and everything and still couldn't stop the heat and sweat. I skipped the gym today because I was itred from looking at houses all day and I felt lazy.
Day 8:
Weight 182lbs (night time)
200mg @ 10am
I was still around the same amount of heat as the past 3 or 4 days. I felt clammy all day and had the fan in my office on me at work all day. I do notice that when I exert myself at all, I'll break out in a sweat. Walking up stairs, walking 100 yards to get my lunch from the restaurant near my building, etc.
Just got back from the gym @ 7pm. Good arm workout. I really don't feel that the DNP is affecting my workouts that much. Maybe it is the lower dose that is keeping the extreme lethargy away. I know it is working though because I haven't slept with the sheets or anything on for the past week. I have to be bucket nekid in order to even be able to sleep. I still wake up with a sweaty head and back. The sheets are very damp when I get up every morning too. It has been in the mid to high 70's here in Dallas for the past few days also and the heat isn't killing me yet.
I think I may be holding water too. I haven't lost any weight in the past 4 days or so. But I also haven't gained either. So the weight loss so far isn't a fluctuation (which I do a LOT). I'll be doing cardio in the morning before class so I'll weigh myself then to get a better view of where my weight is at.
So far, I am a fan of the constant 200mg dose. I definetely feel the heat, but it isn't killing my workouts or killing my energy. Besides the heat and the yellow pee, I have absolutely no sides at all! And remember, I am only taking a multi vitamin pack (7 pills), and extra B6, B12, CoQ10, and ephedra as needed. But most of those supplements are for my cycle that I'm on now and not the DNP.
02-21-2005, 08:22 PM #5
Good job. How long are you running the cycle? You'll start seeing more changes about 3-5 days after you're completely done because of the water retention.
02-21-2005, 10:10 PM #6
If I stay at 200mg for the whole cycle, the length will be 21 days total at 200mg. I may do 2 or 3 days at 400mg at the very end though. Not sure yet.
02-21-2005, 11:42 PM #7
Good stuff dude!
02-22-2005, 09:10 AM #8Originally Posted by 9000rpm
02-23-2005, 08:06 PM #9
Day 9:
Weight 181lbs
200mg @ 10am
Still the same thing as the past few days. The sweating is increasing, especially at night while trying to sleep. It wakes me up probably 4 or 5 times throughout the night. My workouts are till fine and with plenty of energy. No real big changes to report.
Day 10:
200mg @ 10am
Felt fine in the morning at work. Then at about 2pm, the DNP lethargy hit me like a train. I am pretty tired right now and feel like taking a nap. If I don't stay in front of the fan, I will start sweating profusely. I am having more and more sweating with every day. My wife asked me yesterday if I was getting sick because She said I have been sweating a lot lately and I felt like I had a fever. (she doesn't know I'm using anything to lose weight) I just told her I was a little sick, nothing bad though.
Anyway, the blood concentration levels must be climbing because I am feeling about 3 times worse than I have in the past week. But still not anything I can't take. It is getting more noticeable though. especially since I sweat when I do anything at all besides sit in front of a fan. We just bought a house on Monday, so the added stress isn't helping either.Last edited by 9000rpm; 02-24-2005 at 09:09 AM.
02-24-2005, 09:56 PM #10
Day 11:
200mg @ 10am
Sweating was bad last night. My pillow is wet when I wake up at night. It is more annoying than anything. But it is tollerable I guess. I can't wait until I can get through a whole night without waking up 4 or 5 times. That will be in 10 more days though.
I didn't sweat as much at school today for some reason. I think it is because it was colder here today in TX. My back did sweat pretty good though.
I did legs today at the gym, and the DNP snuck up on me. I couldn't finish my workout because I just got too tired and run down. I did increase my weights in squat though. I did 355X10, 385X9, 405X5. That is the most reps I've ever done 405lbs. But then I started feeling weak on the leg press. Then after calves and leg curl, I could only get through one set of leg extensions and had to quit. I didn't get to do my other 3 sets of calves or my lunges at the end.
One big thing I did notice today though! My weight belt is now too big. I believe I have lost 2 to 3 inches in my stomach area where I wear my belt for squats. I had to wear it loose today since it was too big, and still did 405lbs more times than I ever have.
Anyway, I'll weight myself either tomorrow or Saturday.
02-25-2005, 09:41 AM #11
I've been following this closely. Thanks for the updates. Keep em coming!
02-25-2005, 11:16 AM #12
man that is great, losing inches on the waste and still squatting more than ever. good job, keep us updated, thanks
02-25-2005, 02:59 PM #13
yeah keep up the good work. sounds like you're progressing very well
02-26-2005, 03:43 PM #14
Day 12:
200mg @ 10am
Well, the sweating wasn't bad at all yesterday, and it almost seems that my body seems to be getting used to the DNP . I have decided to start taking 400mg per day for the next 5 days and the be done. I'll be weighing myself tomorrow at the gym because my monthly poker game is tonight and I won't be at the gym this afternoon.
I'll be taking the second 400mg at 5 to 8pm tonight.
Day 13:
200mg @ 10am
The second 200mg last night really made me sweat at night. I woke several times with sweat rolling off my head and my pillow is very moist. Kinda nasty. I ate a big waffle for breakfast this morning and those carbs made me sweat big time. Now that it is 2pm, the lethargy is really getting to me. I am about to take a nap before going to the gym tonight, otherwise, I probably wouldn't go. Getting the motivation to work out while on DNP is tough, but not impossible. Anyway, I'm sweating my a$$ off right now and it is about 55 degrees in my appartment. My wife is bundled up in covers, and I'm in my underwear just trying to survive. She keeps commenting on how hot I feel too. I'll report in about my weight tonight.
Sorry for you guys that wanted me to go the whole 21 days at 200mg ED. It just felt like the DNP was wearing off or something. I didn't sweat during the day like I did for the first week. Kinda wierd. But at 400mg per day, I'm sweating again now.
02-26-2005, 05:36 PM #15
Good job. Most people really feel it @ 400mg. I don't blame ya for bumping up the dose.
02-26-2005, 05:43 PM #16
02-28-2005, 01:21 PM #17
Day 14:
200mg @ 10am
200mg @ 8pm
I finally see what it is like to have drenching sweats and killer lethargy. I am sweating nonstop now. My pillow is dripping wet on one corner that I left my head on last night. Tip: for people who have a goose down pillow or any other type of feather pillow, don't use it while on DNP. I have a $150 goose down pillow and it is now ruined. If I do anything at all, I get short of breath and VERY tired. Me and my wife went to The Great Indoors and Lowes to look at flooring today, and I am beat. I don't want to do anything but take a nap. I actually feel like I have a bad hang over but without the headache and nausea. I just have that "day after" tired feeling. It sucks! I've decided not to weigh myself until I'm done so I'll be surprised after it is all over. But theis 400mg per day is killing me. I have no idea how people do it at 600mg ED.
I did go to the gym today and did chest. I haven't really lost much strength at all fromthe DNP . But I have lost tons of energy.
Day 15:
200mg @ 10am
200mg @ 7pm
I truely can't wait until this is over. I really hope this is worth it, because I feel like $hit. I CAN NOT STOP SWEATING. If I eat anything at all, I will start sweating buckets.
The odd part is that I haven't had an elevated temperature yet. I have taken my temp about every other day since the beginning. My temp in the beginning when I was at 200mg was averaging around 97.5 to 98 degrees F. I took my temp today since I felt like I was burning up, and my temp was 96.2F. I've read that DNP actually lowers body temp, but so many people report that their body temps increase while on DNP. Not mine though. I feel like I'm about to cook, but the thermometer doesn't agree.
I just couldn't muster the energy today to go to the gym. I really feel like total $hit. Almost like I have the flu. But I know I don't because there's no temp increase and no aches and pains.
Day 16:
200mg @ 9am
next 200mg will be @ 7 or 8pm
I took an ephedra pill this morning and drank a coffee prior to class. BIG MISTAKE! My sweating was out of control. My shirt was soaked and I could feel the sweat rolling off my back and I was just sitting still in class. It was so uncomfortable that I felt like screaming! I will never do this long of a DNP cycle again. It sucks.
I ate lunch and then commenced to sweating like a pig. It is just horrible and so uncomfortable. I am constantly wiping off my forehead. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I get to the gym today. I left work early because I felt so bad. So I'll take a nap today so I'll have enough energy to go hit the weights.
I would really like to be down to about 170lbs. All of my pants feel much more loose, so I know I have lost some. I only have one more day at 400mg and I'll finally be done! If I am down to my goal weight of 170lbs, I'll have to find another source for my DNP since my guy doesn't have anymore and probably wont for a while. I think his price was a little high anyway. I paid $3/cap with 200mg DNP and 200mg Quercitin. I have read from others that they only pay $1/cap for the same thing. Even at $3 it's not a bad deal for what you get, but at $1, it is an amazing deal. Anyway, I hope he carries it again soon.Last edited by 9000rpm; 02-28-2005 at 01:45 PM.
02-28-2005, 03:01 PM #18
Sounds good bro. best of luck on the scale tomorrow . 17 days on DNP must be killer. I plan on doing a 10 day cycle shortly. Looking forward to the numbers!!
03-01-2005, 12:36 AM #19Junior Member
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the dnp downregulated your t3 levels which is why it loses its punch after day 11 or 12. i personally did 11 days and quit because i wasnt feeling much and didnt think upping the dose was the answer. however, adding t3 WITH the cycle makes it more ubearable trust me. downregulation begins after 3 days on dnp. with cycles over 8 days, t3 is required.
03-01-2005, 06:22 AM #20Originally Posted by Starkraven
03-01-2005, 08:51 AM #21
haha. so what are the final numbers? Keep in mind that you'll most likely lose an additional 5 lbs. over the next week due to excess water weight.
03-01-2005, 09:17 AM #22Associate Member
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i only lost about 2lbs of water but i also used t3 and heard that can help keep some of the water off too, who knows, but you def feel 10x better about the 4th day off, at least for me, but even better at 9 days out.
03-01-2005, 02:41 PM #23Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
My wife asked me yesterday if I was having withdrawal from some type of drug. She said that she saw a movie where the guy was always sweatng profusely while in withdrawals. I just laughed and told her no and that I was just a little sick. I hate lying to her, but she is one of those people that think things that are illegal are black and white, grey area at all. I did tell her that she should realize that I am so into fitness that I wouldn't put anything into my body that would hurt me, and she said she knew. I'm just slowly trying to warm her up to the idea of me using juice about once a year.
Anyway, I'm sitting here in the computer lab at school, and my shirt is soaking wet since I just ate lunch and the heat is really kicking. I'll weigh myself on Thursday or Friday morning and report my weight loss. I did weigh myself about 3 days ago and I weighed 178lbs. But this was at night after I had eaten 3 meals that day, so I'm sure that was not a good weight. I am pretty confident that I have lost around 10 to 12 lbs.
03-01-2005, 02:42 PM #24
Oh, and my last injection of 300mg of test cyp will be on thursday, so my cycle will be complete. I planned the DNP cycle so that I would have at least one last injection just after coming off the DNP.
03-01-2005, 07:06 PM #25Originally Posted by Starkraven
If you run T3 with DNP, be careful. That can become catabolic incredibly fast. Make sure the T3 dose isn't above maintenence, or you will start destroying muscle tissue at an insane rate!Last edited by angelxterminator; 03-01-2005 at 07:10 PM.
03-01-2005, 07:38 PM #26Originally Posted by angelxterminator
03-03-2005, 09:10 PM #27
Today was my second full day off of DNP . I still felt a little warm after eating breakfast and then lunch, but I did sleep MUCH better last night.
Day 14 & 15 were pretty much a big bowl of tired sweaty mess. I started to get the allergic reaction on my chest and on my wrists just a little. It wasn't bad at all. I took 75mg of benadryl and it was fine.
I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning. Then I'll weigh myself again in two to three days to see how much water I've lost.
03-06-2005, 07:04 AM #28
very interesting read...keep us updates...
03-07-2005, 05:49 PM #29
Well, the weight loss wasn't as high as I expected. I started at a weight of between 185 and 190lbs. I weighed myself on Sunday morning, 6 days after last 400mg dose. I weighed in at 178lbs. So I lost between 5 and 8lbs. But I think I still lost quite a bit of fat around my midsection. First, my weight belt I use for squatting is too big now. Second, all of my pants that fit good before, are now probably 2 to 3 inches too big in the waist. Even after a big lunch and a full bladder from drinking lots of water, my pants were still not tight at all at my waist.
I think the lack of overall weight loss can be attributed to the 900mg/week and the 50mg/day I was on during the DNP cycle. I think I was still gaining some muscle mass from the juice. I ate healthy overall, but I did try to keep the calories up around 2500 to 3000 per day when I was on.
So my overall verdict is that I am very happy with the results. I can definetely tell a difference with the leaness of my waist and I can most definetely tell a difference from my pants being much too big now.
Now if my source would get some more in stock, I'd stock up to do another cycle in a month or so while off the juice to see if there is a difference.
03-07-2005, 06:06 PM #30
Nice work. My guess is that you gained some muscle and lost fat. Especially if you were on juice and consuming between 2500-3000 calories daily. Did you do any cardio?
03-07-2005, 06:32 PM #31Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
Good luck on your cycle by the way. But I read your stats in your thread, and you don't seem like you should need to lean out. I am 5'5", and weigh 178 now, and I'm pretty lean everywhere besides my midsection area. You said that you wre 5'6" and in the 160's? That seems like you should be pretty lean already.
I plan on doing about 3 more DNP cycles throughout this year. So I'll se how much I can lose.
03-07-2005, 06:34 PM #32
Oh, one more thing about the and of my DNP cycle. I have noticed that the back of my neck is VERY dry and scaly now. I think it was from sweating so much and the sweat was drying out my skin very badly.
So as a tip for all of you, if you notice a certain area sweating more than others, try using some lotion every other day on that area to keep it from drying out.
The back of my neck looks like a sheding snake right now.
03-09-2005, 07:34 PM #33
Wow! It has now been about 8 or 9 days since I stopped my DNP cycle. I am noticing more definetion in my legs than I have ever seen before. My vein in my bicep now protrudes out all the time and not just when I'm working bi's. I am definetely much more lean now. I can even see some lines in my abdomin area.
I am impressed with DNP, and I now see that most will only see the difference after at least a week off the cycle.
03-10-2005, 02:23 PM #34
One last update. I weighed myself this morning before cardio, and just as I suspected, I weigh 175lbs. So this puts my weight loss at about 10lbs in 15 days.
Not bad, and I'll definetelly try it again in the future.
03-10-2005, 03:14 PM #35Originally Posted by 9000rpm
As for your fat loss fo 10 lbs. in 15 days, that's awesome. You were eating above maintenance and on juice so you probably gained muscle too.
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First Test-E cycle in 10 years