Age: 34
Workout experience: 20 years (10 w/juice on and off)
Days of workout per week: 5
Stats: 6'2", 257
Cycle: Tren 75 mgs. EOD, Clen (working up to 5-6 per day), 10-20 mgs. Nolv per day, 250 mgs. test every 10 days, clomid.
Goals: Lose fat until I get a 6-pack, weight at that time will depend on the tren, but would like to be 250 or over.
Diet: a lot of shakes, bars, and trying to make myself eat smaller portions more often
Expected Calorie Intake: I never count calories. I eat lots of Mexican food. I balance my calorie intake with aerobics when I am losing fat. It just seems that the more I do aerobics, the less crap I want to eat. So I just let my body tell me what it wants and it turns out ok (at least it always has before).
Here are some back pics. Sorry I only have a cheap digi-cam, but its better than nothing.