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Thread: Pics series cont. from Steroid Forum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west

    Pics series cont. from Steroid Forum

    Age: 34
    Workout experience: 20 years (10 w/juice on and off)
    Days of workout per week: 5
    Stats: 6'2", 257
    Cycle: Tren 75 mgs. EOD, Clen (working up to 5-6 per day), 10-20 mgs. Nolv per day, 250 mgs. test every 10 days, clomid.
    Goals: Lose fat until I get a 6-pack, weight at that time will depend on the tren, but would like to be 250 or over.
    Diet: a lot of shakes, bars, and trying to make myself eat smaller portions more often
    Expected Calorie Intake: I never count calories. I eat lots of Mexican food. I balance my calorie intake with aerobics when I am losing fat. It just seems that the more I do aerobics, the less crap I want to eat. So I just let my body tell me what it wants and it turns out ok (at least it always has before).

    Here are some back pics. Sorry I only have a cheap digi-cam, but its better than nothing.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sept 30 back.jpg 
Views:	2081 
Size:	62.0 KB 
ID:	134  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west

    one more back

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sept 30 back4.jpg 
Views:	1612 
Size:	66.5 KB 
ID:	135  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Damn bro! Nice freakin V. That shit is sick looking, are my role model!! I'm workin on my back as we speak(however i'm still natural, so hopefully when i start up, the bitch will get thicker), i go crazy heavy bent over rows, lat pulldowns, rows, t-bar rows, you name it..i do it. , while still being able to do good form, and i do pull ups, close-grip,wide-grip,reverse-grip. What's your routine look like?

    By the way, GL with your cycle


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    Thanks 3P ( I hope that catches on), it's always motivational to receive compliments.

    Part of the reason I gained so well on this cycle is that I came off of an injury, and was in better shape then than I am now. I had done a series of cycles then.

    My back routine: I work back once a week and have two workouts that I switch between. They overlap a little.

    workout 1: standing rows (4 sets), pulldowns with a wide bar but I put my hands right at the part where the bar bends, so my grip is not way out there, this way (I read this somewhere, recommended by one of the old timers, i.e. before arnold) you dont get a V that runs way down your back and takes away from the taper of your waste. I hope that makes sense. Then I do 3-4 sets seated rows w/ handle, then 3-4 sets of machine rows slow.

    workout 2: 4 sets pulldowns, 3 sets close grip pulldowns, 3 sets T-bar rows, 3 sets one arm machine rows, and 3 sets roman chair situps.

    Then I do shrugs. My only rest between sets is enough time to change the weights. You don't need rest on shrugs, traps grow easy.

    I hope that you can find something in there to use. Please keep us posted.

    and BTW, I have already changed my juice. The tren following teh dbol/test cycle is affecting my nuts too much. I am going on my honeymoon soon and I aint gonna start that off on the wrong foot. So instead of the above, I am going on 200 mgs of primo, clen, and clomid, and am going to chage my workout. I am going to try DNP for the first time too. I'm just want to keep as much lean mass as possible during this down time.

    Thanks for the luck 3P, I wish you the same bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Ohhh no!!! "He's turning to the darkside of the DNP world"

    Routine looks great, I'll try those one arm machine rows, don't do them THAT much. I just did back yesterday, and I was dissapointed with my performance. I did not know why I was lagging so much, and then I began rethinking what I did that day, everything was exactly the same...except one little eensy weensy thing....SLEEP! I barely got 6 1/2 hours in, and I need at least 8. I don't know if 1.5 hours can make a difference, but it did to me.

    Anyway, have fun on your honeymoon, and STOP GROWIN THAT DAMN BACK AND LET ME CATCH UP!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You are HUGE!!!!!!!!! Keep it up. Looks very good.

    Keep us updated on your progress.!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Chit, da dude it huge. gosh darn. wish my back looked like that.

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