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Thread: deca winny results and eq winny resuls please post them here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York

    Smile deca winny results and eq winny resuls please post them here

    Hey im up in the air with choosing either deca or eq. Im leaning toward eq but i got to see if i can even get it. If possible can anyone who did either cycle post there cycle layout and how much gains they made and kept. I have done a good amount of research on these gears and i will continue to look up more info on them, i just want to hear soem personal experinces between the 2 to see if maybe one is better then the other. Also state if you did winny tabs or depot. Thanks i appreicate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Damm this topic didnt make it lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida
    my roomie is takin winny and eq...ill tell u how it goes...peace bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Winny and eq will get you rock hard and vescular. Deca and winny is also beneficial because deca helps with winny joint pains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm going to do a deca winni cycle in may i will keep you posted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    EQ vs. Deca w/ 50mg Winny Orals every day

    I started my cycle taking 500 mg of Deca each week for four weeks and then added Winny 50 mgs ed(5-10mg tabs spaced throughout the day, be sure to chew them.) I noticed good results....not great. I finished the deca after 6 weeks and decided to try TTokyo EQ. I am currently on 400mg per week (2 shots each week) along with the 50 mg of Winny.

    I have to say the EQ is much better. I hold less water and feel pumped all day long. Not too mention the EQ is helping my appetite along which I struggled with while on Deca.

    I currently weigh 198 am 5ft 9in and put my BF% at 12%. I noticed increases in strength in compound exercises by about 30-35pds. Bench press at week one 225lbs for 6 now I can do it for three sets of 15. For Shoulder db presses I manage 80lb db for sets of 8-10. Chins have also exploded up to sets of 12 with a 45lb plate strapped on my waist. Although many people say that I am looking much bigger and heavier. My Bf% is slowly dropping with little or no cardio. My net weight increase since the start of the cycle has been about 8lbs in lean mass, noteworthy to mention that I have dropped about 5 pounds of fat.

    I would give EQ the nod over Deca for the vascularity, appetite, less water retention and overall hardness attributes. Deca is advantageous to take with Winny as it tends to alleviate join soreness that comes with Winny.

    Next time I cycle up I will make EQ a mainstay along with someother Test deritivative. Winny is great but hard on your system be sure to add Milk thistle just to be safe and drink lots of H2O.

    Hope this helps.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Brooklyn, New York
    I like what braski said!

    I am also in EQ and winny right now. But dam I hate the pain I feel with winny's but Eq got me hungier than a fat bee-och~!!

    I am gaining muscle and losing fat as well. I feel though that you should not try to lower your carbs if you are trying to get cut. I felt like shit. So I added some jelly beans and a cup of rice extra, early in the day. And I feel much better.


  8. #8
    whats milk thistle?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Milk thistle

    Milk thistle is a herbal liver protectant. It will help you organs deal with the toxicity of the oral winny's. My suggestion is to research these type of supplements in the educational threads. A recent Muscular development suggested that there are many better herbals than milk thistle. At the time I suggested it as an addition to your gear I was un aware that milk thistle can compete for androgen receptor sites and that other (better)supplements are available.

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