Welcome to my first DNP cycle. In the upcoming weeks, I will be using DNP. I will try to make this journal as in depth as possible. If at any point in time you have questions, suggestions, or comments on my cycle, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be doing a full 10 day cycle followed by 10 days off. I will start dosage at 200mg for the first 4-5 days. Depending on how my body reacts and how I feel, I will probably up the dosage to 400mg for the remainder of the cycle. I will commence the cycle sometime next week. Until then, I will give you some background information:
Some Important Numbers
Age: 21
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160's (I will weigh myself to get my exact weight once I start the cycle)
Years Lifting: 3
3 Days Prior: Carb Depletion
Total Calories: 1700-1900
-60% Protein//20% Carb//20% Fats
While on DNP: Clean Diet
Total Calories: 1700-1900
-40% Protein//30% Carb//30% Fats
Cardio: Three times per week (monday, wednesday, friday).
-20 mins. HIIT on elliptical
-10 mins. stairmaster/rower
Lifting: Two times per week (tuesday, thursday)
-Moderate lifting no longer than 45 mins.
DNP: 200mg-400mg
Animal Pak:: This multi-vitamin is one of the best. I will not post all the ingredients, but is definitely my favorite multi-vitamin out there
Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg
Vitamin E: 1,000 IU
ALA: 600mg (split into three 200mg doses)
Sesathin: Just a good overall supplement that's a staple in my diet.
**I will also be consuming V8 and bluberry yogurt for antioxidants**
I will post before/after pictures once my cycle is complete. I will update this journal daily and provide you with my average temperature, my weight, as well as my experiences. Once again, all questions/comments/suggestions are welcomed! Looking forward to sharing my experiences with all you guys!