Hey bros, I just did my first inject of my 3rd cycle today (I couldnt wait till Monday)
Here is my cycle:
wk 1-18 Test E 600mg/wk
wk 1-17 Eq 400mg/wk
wk 1-10 Tren E 400mg/wk
Letro @ .5mg Ed with Nolva @ 10mg ED
Proper PCT with Clomid, Nolva, L-dex, Trib, Creatine
My stats: I am 5'9" 210 lbs bf?? but I have been doing cardio 4-5x/wk at 45 min-1 hr. Been Training for 3 years Hardcore
I have a clean diet with high protein and very low simple carbs (only PWO).
I will post each time I inject with body weight changes and pics. Here are some pics of me now.