Originally Posted by
Yea, i dont feel bloated at all, thats whats really puzzling me, and i never do cardio usually, but I have been doing it pretty much ED on this cycle, sometimes 2X's a day, and my diet has been a lot better than usual. I cut my cals in half and my carbs are at about a 3rd of what they were...lots of protein and fats meals with a little carb in the AM and Dext. PWO, although some days I cant help it and have carbs with one other meal. SO hopefully i will see some good results, i am sickof these wet, sleepless nights
Tommy keep us updated, I am runnign a 10 day at 400mg ( im a lot heavier than you though) and I plan on running a 600mg/day for 7 days like you for my next, if I still am not satisfied...Good thread BTW