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Thread: My DNP Cycle

  1. #1

    My DNP Cycle

    Received DNP on Friday, started cycle on Saturday morning. No carb depletion, no strict diet. Been eating healthy foods like yogurt, bananas, cereal, eggs, lots of juice, sodas(not healthy but whatever), salad...

    I'm 5'9", 195lbs, 25%. I want to get down to 160 lbs, 9%. I gained about 15 lbs recently, drinking problem, but i'm hoping DNP will jump start my goal to better health.

    I'll be happy with anything from 10 to 20 lb loss on this 14 day cycle.

    Here's what i've taken so far:
    The number in parenthesis is the amount i've calculated to be in my body; let me know if i'm off in my calculations.

    Saturday 9:30 AM - 200mg

    Sunday 9:30 AM - 200 mg (326mg total in body)

    Monday 9:30 AM - 200 mg (405 mg)

    Monday 9:30 PM - 200 mg (522 mg)

    Tuesday 9:30 AM - 200 mg (614 mg)

    I was a little heated yesterday, but mainly because of the nice weather. Went out for a motorcycle ride in tshirt and got some ice cream felt fine for the rest of the day.

    I've been taking benadryl daily. I'm taking a multivitamin, magnesium and iron tabs, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, calcium, zinc losenges, and 100mg potassium tabs. I don't know whats up with the potassium tabs, but theres alot of vitamin A and other chems in them so I figure its better than nothing. I've been eating bananas to make up for it. No glycerol or pyruvate, that **** seems nasty. Low on funds so i'm sticking to the basics, no appetite supressants, etc... Should I be taking pyruvate for my eyes, or is the vitamin E and other anti's good enough? Where can I get it if I need it?

    According to my half life calculations I am at 614 mg right now and feeling decent, with the exception of a cold. Asuming I feel the same lately, here is how I will continue the program. I'm a little uneasy about having 700mg in my system but I will skip a dose if i'm not up to it.

    Tuesday 9:30 PM - 200mg (687mg)

    Wednesday 9:30 PM - 200mg (633mg)

    Thursday 9:30 AM - 200mg (702mg!)

    I'm not sure where i'll go after that. I'll adjust according to how I feel. I plan on going for at least 10 days, 14 if I can. My vacation will be over next week so I may have to cut the cycle short.

    Here's a formula i've worked out for getting the half life for one 200mg cap if you're curious:

    Then to find the sum of half lifes of multiple caps:
    Where x equals the hour

    y1(x) + y1(x-24) + y1(x-48)=SUM

    y1(x) is the first cap at hour 0
    y1(x-24) is for a cap 24 hours later

    Its not really efficient so let me know if you have a better method for calculating the cumulative effects!

    Well if you've got any suggestions or advice for me let me know! Thanks!
    Last edited by lococoyote; 03-29-2005 at 03:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hey bro. Best of luck! What's your weight and approx. bf%? How much weight do you plan on losing? I don't know if you checked out my DNP threads, but in my first cycle I ate like total crap. And when I mean crap, I mean crap! lol. I'm on my second cycle right now with a super strict diet and increased cardio. I also added an amazing appetite supressant (SyneBurn). Good work!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Best of luck bro. Be careful and tighten up the diet if possible. It will be well worth it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by soontoberipped
    Best of luck bro. Be careful and tighten up the diet if possible. It will be well worth it.
    I have to agree with you here. I learned my lesson the first time around. Take our advice. Just think- you might have to run an addiitional 3 cycles of DNP to reach your goal if your diet is like crap, but if your diet is strict, you won't have to go through those other cycles and feel like crap.

  5. #5
    I'm concerned with 'starving myself' of carbs if I don't eat enough while on DNP. Can I eat as if I was on a traditional cutting diet while on DNP? I figured eating alot would keep me healthy...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Well, there's a BIG difference between eating healthy and just eating crap. Keep your carbs around 50-60%. Otheriwse, keep your calories around maintainance or a little below and keep protein intake high as you would on a normal diet.

  7. #7
    Had so far:

    Saturday 9:30 AM - 200mg
    Sunday 9:30 AM - 200mg (326mg total in body)
    Monday 9:30 AM - 200mg (405 mg)
    Monday 9:30 PM - 200mg (522 mg)
    Tuesday 9:30 AM - 200mg (614 mg)
    Tuesday 9:30 PM - 200mg (687mg)

    I was sweating alot last nite at 687mg in my blood, and my breathing was heavy even at rest. I got out of breath pretty quickly, and it took a few minutes to get back to 'normal' breathing, but it was very manageable. Didn't sleep last nite, wasn't anything to do with the DNP, had a bit of a wild time that kept me up. So i'll be taking another cap this morning, which should get my blood levels of DNP at 746mg. 687mg was no big deal, so 746mg should be fine. This is my 5th day on DNP, very bloated (some pants do not fit), and piss is radioactive looking. A pretty cool experience so far, i like the heavy sweating and shortness of breath when active because I know the DNP is working hardcore. Didn't think i'd like it, but that v8 is pretty tasty... Like tomato soup.

    I've got a question... When people talk about being on 600 mg of DNP, does that mean they are taking 3x200mg caps throughout the day, or is this the blood level at approx 600mg? I dont want to look like a fool considering my blood level and finding out how much has accumulated if all I have to do is worry about how many tabs i get in a day. Its the 5th day so I should be feeling horrible like others have discussed... Well i'm not. Especially since I am not taking gycerol, pyruvate, etc... I suppose in a week when my cycle is coming to an end I will be feeling like ****?
    Last edited by lococoyote; 03-30-2005 at 09:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by lococoyote
    I'm concerned with 'starving myself' of carbs if I don't eat enough while on DNP. Can I eat as if I was on a traditional cutting diet while on DNP? I figured eating alot would keep me healthy...
    I followed the cutting sticky strictly and had great results. Like Tommy said, getting it right the first time will prevent you from going through it again...and once the heat comes in, you'll realize that it's not something you look forward to repeating. Best of Luck!

  9. #9
    I took 200mg/day for 2 days. Today will be my fourth day of 400mg/day. This is EASY ****. Low temp, light sweats, feeling great, well rested, piece of cake! I'll be taking 600mg/day tomorrow and on. I'll skip a 200mg dose if 600mg/day is too hard on me. Any objections? Its day 6, would have thought i'd be feeling like ****? This stuff is really liveable on. I planned it out so i'd be on it while on vacation (spring break) b/c I was afraid i'd be missing class/work, nope.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    If it was me, since this is your first run, I would stay on 400 for a couple more days. It is still building up. I'd save the 600mg dose for your second run.

  11. #11
    Yeah, alrite... Guess i'll just take 400mg until it builds up and starts getting bad. Man i hope this **** kicks in hardcore soon, im ready to feel the burn!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lococoyote
    Yeah, alrite... Guess i'll just take 400mg until it builds up and starts getting bad. Man i hope this **** kicks in hardcore soon, im ready to feel the burn!
    You're insane bro. You must be living in a pretty cold climate if you don't feel any sweats. Like soontoberipped said, it's still building up in your body. Take ti easy and finish off with 400mg. I feel the sweats all day long and I'm at 400mg. What's your weight loss to date?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    This is the reason why people give DNP a bad reputation. There are countless post that all say it is irrelevant if you feel DNP the first few days to know if its working or not, and that it most definatly is. Also, 600 mg is a mistake for a first time dose. Just my opinion, be safe and be careful!

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by RATM
    This is the reason why people give DNP a bad reputation. There are countless post that all say it is irrelevant if you feel DNP the first few days to know if its working or not, and that it most definatly is. Also, 600 mg is a mistake for a first time dose. Just my opinion, be safe and be careful!
    Well i'm finishing up my 6th day on DNP. Its almost been week, I wouldn't exactly call it 'a few days', and i'm NOT giving DNP a bad reputation. I wouldn't go up to a potentially deadly dose (1g); REGARDLESS of how well i feel. My supplier advised me that 400-600mg was a reasonable first time dose if I felt well at 200mg. Its obvious the DNP is working... I can handle very cold showers, and I lose by breath quicker... BUT I can handle alot more DNP. I will stick to you guys' advice and wait it out on 400mg.

    I'm in California; its spring break. Weather has been comfortable. When i'm active I sweat like a pig. If i'm jus restin at home its jus a little stuffy, but nothin bothersome. I feel great.

    Haven't lost any weight, been fluctuating +/- 2 pounds, thats it. I've always got a big water bottle on my side, having a few cups of V8 a day, vitamins...
    Last edited by lococoyote; 04-01-2005 at 03:18 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I would say you're making the right decision bro. Once the cycle is over and you let the water come off, you will be able to judge what doses you want for next cycle. Keep up the good work and stay safe as always.

  16. #16
    Well i've just finished 7 days on DNP. Today is the first day i've actually been 'feeling it' bad. I've still got plenty of energy and feeling great, but i've entirely soaked through 3 or 4 tshirts. That doesn't bother me much at home, but it will be a problem next week when i've got classes. Been really greasy, causing some acne so thats the worst... Its my fifth day on the 400mg dose, i'm hoping i can keep it up for another week. Since i started last Saturday, it will end next Saturday.

    My temp was very low earlier this week... 94-95ish if I recall correctly... Temp was 98.5 today. I don't know my baseline.

    Weight and bodyfat have been fluctuating, always under my initial weight. It is obvious i'm bloated; my pants are a very tight fit now. Since i'm also a pound or two under what i started at, its obvious i lost some fat. Hopefully not any muscle...

  17. #17
    My vision was cloudy when I woke up today. I was scared ****less, but my vision returned to normal after a few hours. I fell asleep with contacts on, so it had something to do with that. Usually I just rub my eyes, put in some drops and its all good in 5 minutes. I've missed my last two or three doses; i'm waiting to feel better and cool down. My temperature is 99.7, and there are red dots (hives?) covering my entire body. I've been taking benadryl everyday, but from now on I will use the maximum reccomended dosage. I will continue with the regimen (200mg 9:30 AM/PM) tomorrow morning if i'm up to it. I feel slightly 'fitter' and i've lost a few pounds. This wraps up day 9.

  18. #18
    I've stopped my cycle on account of these dots. They just started itchin really bad. I've never had any skin problems, allergies, not even to poison oak... I really have no idea what this is, but maybe someone else can identify it? I attached pics. Its like that almost everywhere on my body. I'm pretty close to visiting the doctor, I heard this might have something to do with the liver?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    Yikes!! Holy **** man, that doe not look good, were you taking benadryl??

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lococoyote
    I've stopped my cycle on account of these dots. They just started itchin really bad. I've never had any skin problems, allergies, not even to poison oak... I really have no idea what this is, but maybe someone else can identify it? I attached pics. Its like that almost everywhere on my body. I'm pretty close to visiting the doctor, I heard this might have something to do with the liver?
    wow. I'm really sorry to hear this. The only thing I can think of is that you had an allergic reaction to DNP. I've heard of other people that developed "red dots" while on DNP, but they said they went away a few days after they stopped DNP. Continue to take your benadryl. If they don't go away in a few days, see a doctor immediately.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    Yikes!! Holy **** man, that doe not look good, were you taking benadryl??
    Yeah, i started taking benadryl a couple of days before i started my cycle, and continued taking it regularly. My DNP had quercetin in it, and i've just started taking chlorpheniramine (antihistamine). I'm hoping this combo can knock it out. Well i'll give it a few more days...

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by lococoyote
    Yeah, i started taking benadryl a couple of days before i started my cycle, and continued taking it regularly. My DNP had quercetin in it, and i've just started taking chlorpheniramine (antihistamine). I'm hoping this combo can knock it out. Well i'll give it a few more days...
    Best of luck bro. I hope it clears up soon.

  23. #23
    ok its kinda ****ed up that this 19 year old member has not posted in a week after posting this **** about an alegic reaction to DNP

  24. #24
    Its been more than a week since by last dose of DNP. Dots and redness had just started to fade away.

    I've been taking a ****load of antihistamines... benadryl, claritin, chlorpheniramine...

    I went to my doctor, but he would not perscribe prednisone, but **** that I will deal with this with my own willpower. He believed I had all the symptoms of scarlet fever. Test came in negative of course, but he gave me penicillin anyways, gee thanks. He said I was not having an allergic reaction, but that I was infected with a virus that will pass on its own time.

    I have still not shed the water from my last cycle. I have just started another cycle at 400mg, and I will deal for a week. Redness came back instantly, as well as severe itching. I'm working on not scratching and it has been going good so far. Certain clothing seems to aggravate it. At least I have no dots this time around. Now I don't look diseased; I don't have people afraid of me. I look badly sunburned (luckily no peeling of skin), and everybody thinks I was out in the sun all weekend so its all good.

    I've been drinking a couple cups of V8 as well as all of my vitamins. I jumped right in at 400mg a day since I know I can manage it. If I feel too bad I will stop immediately. When I lose the water from the last cycle and this one, it should be ****ing awesome, I can't wait.

  25. #25
    Guess i spoke one minute too soon....

    But umm dude....your doing it again and the redness came back. YOUR ALLERGIC TO IT DUDE. you should stop.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Be careful bro. Your health is priceless.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    GET OFF THAT **** NOW! Im sorry but you are a phuckin dumbazz if you are still taking it, eventhgouh the redness is coming back

  28. #28
    DNP makes you tired, no doubt, but I feel great. This is a minor allergic reaction. I am putting a pesticide in my body, **** happens. Others have experienced the same reaction and continued without problems. But what it comes down to, is me. Last cycle I had a cold, it was too much for me, felt like absolute **** and I ended it early, I didn't take chances. I will end this cycle the moment I feel uncomfortable. I'm at 400mg a day and I can handle it. Cycle wil be 1 week; it will not build up beyond control. I am cautious, and i'm not stupid, I can make the right decisions. My breathing is better than ever (little/no shortness), i am not sweating anywhere near as much as the last cycle, and I feel fine. I'm not fretting over redness and itching, its superficial and I can deal with it. Bodyweight has remained the same but my electrical bodyfat scale is showing some good results!

  29. #29
    Just checking in. Normal day on DNP. Sweating, tired, carrying a bag full of water bottles everywhere, pissing alot. Redness is nearly gone like I thought it would be. Just a little bit on the legs still, nothing like it was before. Little/no itching. Bad cramps in one leg, probably from running yesterday w/out stretching... This wraps up Day 4. Good so far, will quit sometime between Day 7-10, earlier if i'm not up to it.

  30. #30
    Been at 400mg, normal sides, heavy sweating...

    Got a sore throat this afternoon, its pretty bad tonite. Makes it hard to put down the fluids... I slept most of today so I didn't drink as much as I usually would, so i'll hammer down a liter and see if it helps. No headache like i'd normally get if I don't have enough H20 so its prolly something else. Had some Zinc/Vitamin C losengues, some kind of throat medicine, will make some tea. I'll end the cycle tomorrow if its this bad in the morning.

    Been getting some of those 'phantom itches', but nowhere near what they were like on the 1st cycle. Looks like the info below is correct. If I do another cycle in the future hopefully itching and redness will be alot better.

    Dry/ sore throat- I don’t know the cause of this one, but it is pretty common among users and seems to manifest itself the most during sleep and may contribute to the insomnia.

    Allergies/ dermatitis- this is relatively rare. I’ve been in contact with nearly 500 people who have used DNP and I would estimate about 30-40 of them have experienced allergic reactions to DNP. The allergies manifest themselves first as phantom itches (itching without any rashes or redness) around the torso in some people. It will later develop into rashes and or hives around the body and possibly spread to the face, neck, lips, and scalp area in severe cases. Any over the counter or prescription allergy medication (anti histamine) will cure the allergies. Also if you’re allergic to DNP it doesn’t mean you can’t use it in the future. Allergies to DNP seem to have a tolerance factor. It first gets worse, then better with successive cycles. So if you are allergic, stop immediately and start again 7-10 days later and repeat until you are no longer allergic to DNP anymore. Allergies are also dose and length dependent.

  31. #31
    Last dose was on 4/16. I quit immediately when I got a sore throat. 5, going on 6 days later and still getting ****. I'm on 60mg/day Prednisone, Hydroxyzine(for itching)... Gone through bottle of cough syrup, bottle of benadryl caps, tube of benadryl cream. Before the prednisone, fingers swelled up like little sausages, painful! Was getting mild hives and severe itching, moving was painful, sleep restless.

    Body is on high alert, getting runny eyes from driving outside in the wind w/ all the pollen. Skin turns bright red anywhere I scratch (even a simple rub) or where clothes rubs the skin. Been very careful not to hit any more triggers.

    I've really underexagerrated the seriousness of it all though. Like others said, this is some scary ****. One night I couldn't even sleep because I couldn't swallow my own spit lol, joints were swelling, i was like a mood ring, whole body was turning blue/purple/gray/yellow/red/orange you name it, breathing was rough, hacking cough, lots of bloodwork done, i was passing out in the hospital, i'm not even going to write about it all, its really not fun stuff.

    DNP and it's lethargy, sweats, heat... is CHILDS PLAY compared to the **** you feel like when you're having a bad allergic reaction to it. I've got some kind of virus and a cold mixed in all this too, so everything is really feeding off each other.

    I took the recc. supps, and drank a ****load of v8 and water everyday. Ate big. In retrospect I wish i'd done alot more cardio, I really could have handled it and results would've been x2 i'm sure.

    DNP is not for me. If I EVER decide to use it again in the distant future, i'd do ultra-low doses (maybe 200 or 400mg a WEEK), and go overboard with the antihistamines... Benadryl just doesn't cut it. Point is, I wouldn't take a chance in the future. There are easier ways to do things, and cardio + healthy eating is a hell of a lot more fun, not to mention better for your body than being tired and sweaty for a week then rolling around on the ground not being able to sleep, not being able to relax, do much of anything for a week or two more looking like ****, doped up on meds putting on creme every ****in 10 minutes.

    Monday i'll step up to the plate, stop taking the prednisone/hydroxyzine/cremes and see where it goes, just deal. Take a ****load of antihistamine, if that even helps...

    Ehh whatever its past now i'm already doing regular cardio and hitting the weights like I always have.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    too bad bro..hope you recover quick...

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hope you recover quick bro. Next time listen to your body and us!

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Each cycle gets worse and you want to try just one more time? don't be an advocate for something that has kicked your ass more than once. Dispose of the DNP to get rid of the temptation.

    I'm going to hire that guy on ebay to kick your ass if you don't!

    Quote Originally Posted by lococoyote
    If I EVER decide to use it again in the distant future, i'd do ultra-low doses (maybe 200 or 400mg a WEEK
    Last edited by LewdTenant; 04-22-2005 at 09:15 PM.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by LewdTenant
    Dispose of the DNP to get rid of the temptation.
    Send it to me!

    Great that you are ok, but you should have stopped when you had the first allergic reaction. Live and learn. You should be thankfull that you are still living though, much less learning.

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