Alright guy's here's the Journel I promised from my last post. Thanks for the help on getting everything set in stone. Here's what the cycle looks like:
Week1-4 Prob 50mg/eod
Week1-5 Dbol 35mg/ed(upped it from the last post 'cause I have more)
Week1-12 Deca 300mg/week(w/B-6 200mg/ed(I might run the b-6 until PCT if need be)
Week1-13 Sus. 500mg/eod
*10mg of Nolva ED will be ran from week 1 until the beginning of PCT for my anti-e.
Week 6 and week 12; 500IU of HCG/ED making it 5000IU's
PCT 2 weeks after the last shot with clomid 50mg/day and 500mg/day of Trib and I'll tapper it down to 300mg to week 6 if need be.
Stats: 5'9" 195lbs
For lifting stat's these numbers are from the last 2 set's @ 10reps (due to me NOT believing in max's)
Bar Bell Bench 225lbs
Dumb Bell Bench 100lbs
Squat 405lbs
Diet wise I'll be watching like a hawk and will look like this:
Protein is 2g/bodyweight
Carbs is 3g/bodyweight
Total cal. = 4500-5000cal
Work-outs are 6 day's a week with 2 day breaks for each muscle group and having Sunday as my off day and also the only day that I'll be able to up-date this Journal. Therefore this is only a week to week Journal and not a day to day Journal, and I'll post pics with those entries. My goal is to reach 220lbs and am still debating on a cutting cycle, but it all depends on how I look at the end. This is my first cycle so this will be interesting to see how it goes, and YES I did want a Mass-cycle thus the reason why I have what I have. First injections is tomorrow 4/3/05 and I'm pretty sure I'll be standing in my room butt-a** naked holding a needle trying to build up the courage to stick my-self. I've read almost all the info on injections on this and many other sites, so I'll be practicing CLEAN sanitation which will also be performed after a nice warm shower to help soreness and I'll also be rotating my injection sites. Ya' all are welcome for comments and question's as I'll try to responed to them ASAP. Other than that I'm EXITCED AS HELL for this so here we go!!!![]()