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Thread: Prop/Dbol/Sus/Deca Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Talking Prop/Dbol/Sus/Deca Cycle

    Alright guy's here's the Journel I promised from my last post. Thanks for the help on getting everything set in stone. Here's what the cycle looks like:

    Week1-4 Prob 50mg/eod
    Week1-5 Dbol 35mg/ed(upped it from the last post 'cause I have more)
    Week1-12 Deca 300mg/week(w/B-6 200mg/ed(I might run the b-6 until PCT if need be)
    Week1-13 Sus. 500mg/eod

    *10mg of Nolva ED will be ran from week 1 until the beginning of PCT for my anti-e.

    Week 6 and week 12; 500IU of HCG/ED making it 5000IU's

    PCT 2 weeks after the last shot with clomid 50mg/day and 500mg/day of Trib and I'll tapper it down to 300mg to week 6 if need be.

    Stats: 5'9" 195lbs
    For lifting stat's these numbers are from the last 2 set's @ 10reps (due to me NOT believing in max's)

    Bar Bell Bench 225lbs
    Dumb Bell Bench 100lbs
    Squat 405lbs

    Diet wise I'll be watching like a hawk and will look like this:
    Protein is 2g/bodyweight
    Carbs is 3g/bodyweight
    Total cal. = 4500-5000cal

    Work-outs are 6 day's a week with 2 day breaks for each muscle group and having Sunday as my off day and also the only day that I'll be able to up-date this Journal. Therefore this is only a week to week Journal and not a day to day Journal, and I'll post pics with those entries. My goal is to reach 220lbs and am still debating on a cutting cycle, but it all depends on how I look at the end. This is my first cycle so this will be interesting to see how it goes, and YES I did want a Mass-cycle thus the reason why I have what I have. First injections is tomorrow 4/3/05 and I'm pretty sure I'll be standing in my room butt-a** naked holding a needle trying to build up the courage to stick my-self. I've read almost all the info on injections on this and many other sites, so I'll be practicing CLEAN sanitation which will also be performed after a nice warm shower to help soreness and I'll also be rotating my injection sites. Ya' all are welcome for comments and question's as I'll try to responed to them ASAP. Other than that I'm EXITCED AS HELL for this so here we go!!!
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    Last edited by RedBaron38; 04-23-2005 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Week 1:

    Well as I expected nothing really changed drastically but I have noticed that when I do work out that my pumps are better, like I can do my normal lift with no problem at all. To counter that I just did burn-outs after I was done and that seemed to have been effective in getting the bulky feeling that I'm sure we all like to have when we are done working out. I've also noticed a little water weight coming into play like i felt when I took creatine, and I'm almost 100% sure that it's the dbol doing it's job. On friday and Sat. I did increase my weights with leg press and shoulder presses but well see what happens next week. Other than that here are the new stats: said 200lbs but I took a few pounds off 'cause I ate a few hours before I weighed my-self.
    Bench 225 w/ease and burn out's at 135
    squat 405 w/ease and burn out's at the end w/315

    Oh yeah and for pic's I couldn't get a good back pic but I'll try and get one up sometime soon, but in all reality there was no noticable change from last week to this week.
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    Last edited by RedBaron38; 04-10-2005 at 09:57 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Week 2
    I've decided that since I was getting some good pumps, from mostly the dboll/prop, that I'd change my work-out to mostly concentration of that particular muscle group that I was working out that day. (Example: work out chest I would fully concentrate on the squeezing my pec's at the top of the rep.) It's proved VERY benifical to me doing my work out's and seems to be better than the burn-out's I have usually been doing. I've also decided to try a new lower body work out routine to see if that'll give me the feeling of "I can't even walk out of the gym" type 'cause I've noticed that my legs fully recover before I even leave the gym. (Lower body day's are legs/calves/shoulders in that order). Basically my normal work-out routine that has put me aching for day's, in some cases, as now become some thing rather simple and I recovery is in a few short hours. So hopefully a new change will prove something benefical. As for weight wise I decided to hop on the scale this week with an empty stomach to see if that'll do anything compared to last weeks mishap, and in reality I couldn't even believe it when I saw it. I'm a little over 210 right now. So I went home and tried that scale and it too also said I was a little over 210(and I alway's thought the da*n thing was broken) so I'm pretty happy with the way things are turning out. As for side-effects I'm starting to see a little increase in acne on my back and legs and also have been having a hard time sleeping like I'd wake up every hour at night but I'm not tired through out the day. I had a little gyno show up, most likely from the dboll and it's way of converting to estrogen so fast, but treated that by upping Nolva to 80mgs/day for 3 day's and now's it's almost gone. Aggression as also went up, but it's something that I can easly control, just seems that I have a shorter fuse and I higher irratabilty rate. Pic's you can see the little acne increase I was talking about; other than that I'm starting to like this cycle and hopefully I'll hit that 220lbs I want when I'm done with this cycle.
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Name:	Chest3.JPG 
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ID:	48577   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Leg3.JPG 
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ID:	48579  
    Last edited by RedBaron38; 04-17-2005 at 11:15 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Week 3
    Well something is starting to kick in and I think it might be the deca from all the research I have done. Either way this week was VERY impressive . Lifts are just going insane now, for instance my leg press went up 100lbs from last week. Also starting so see the size increase stay with me through out the day instead of just me blowing up in the gym and settling down until the next day. I went out and got some OTC acne med. to take care of the acne on my face and showering is something I seem to do at least twice a day. Notice the acne is going down all over my body, so I strongly incourage this if you have acne problems. Also gyno is COMPLETELY gone now, which is a relief since b**** tit's don't attract the ladies . The changes in my work out routine seemed to be a postive one 'cause I feel like I kicked my ass in the gym everyday I leave and it feels great!!!(More bang for my buck, as I say). I am a little worried that I might be overtraining so I'm going to post a thread in the Work-out forum and see what they say. Also seem to have an increase in diet right now and it's kind of annoying really. I eat about 6-7 times a day but I try and keep the cal. intake at 5-5,5000 Cal. Other than that I feel great and pic's are below.
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Name:	Chest4.JPG 
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Name:	Back4.JPG 
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Week4: (Thurs)
    Just a side note I'd like to add, the test has got to have kicked in 'cause I'm lifting some INSANE WEIGHTS in the gym!!!Bench went from 235-275 last set 7 times
    Last edited by RedBaron38; 04-29-2005 at 12:58 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Week 4
    Well like I stated above the test has to be kicking with the deca 'cause strength is sky-rocketing. I got some help and re-did my work-out routine, but did keep the lower body of the new routine 'cause I'm seeing MAJOR improvements with it. Pic's will tell you. As far as weight I'm at 216lbs so my goal is only 4lbs away and it's only the end of week 4 I only have 9 more weeks to go with my cycle so this my get a little crazy, weight-wise, to see where I do go.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Just to let you guy's know that I am in the process of moving so my journal may not be updated for about a week or so. Currently 218lbs on Thursday of Week5. Stopped using prop and the end of this week is the end of dbol.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Week 10:

    Sorry about not posting the last month, it's been busy. When I moved I only worked out 3 out of the day's day's I normally lift, but have been back since then. My weight dropped a lot when I moved and I don't know if it's water weight or what, but anywho I'm at 222 lbs and I had to fix the diet mid-way 'cause my numbers where only for a 200lb person. Also I switched from a 3,2,1 to a 2,2,1 diet and have noticed a little fat lose, but nothing too significant. Since I passed my goal for weight, I'm just going to continue the last 2 weeks as normal and then start to cut the fat off. So anyway, here's the pics and my stats for in the gym are:
    Bench 2reps of 6 @ 275 ( going up 'cause that was too easy today)
    Squat 2 reps of 6 @ 455 (also going up since it was easy)
    Leg Press I moved from the 45 degree's to the almost verticle machine 'cause I maxed out the 45 degree machine 'cause it can only go at 720lbs. On the new machine I'm at 590lbs and it's kicking my butt. Also for a side note, I've been having problems lately with my leg routine 'cause my leg's are killing me. I"m having some shooting pain above my knee's so the last 2 weeks it's been to what I can tolerate. After talking to a friend we come to the conclusion that it may be my hamstrings not being as developed so I'm going to switch to a routine that focuses more on the ham's for about 2-3 weeks and then switch back to the regular leg routine. If anyone want's to get bigger leg's and also gain a S@#$ load of weight for your squats and leg presses I would suggest this leg routine. Other than that I'll try and keep you guy's posted for the next few weeks.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Week 12: Done;

    Well it's done and over with, all I got left is to take the rest of my HCG and finish with my PCT. I'm glad to have gotten the results that I did. Stats are:
    Weight: 195lbs-223lbs (increase of 28lbs)
    Bench:225x8 2 reps to 285x 6 last rep/ Dumbbell 100lbs-125lbs same reps
    Squat: 405x10 2 reps to 455x6 2 reps
    Incline: 185x8 2 reps to 245x 6 2 reps/ Dumbell 75lbs-100lbs
    Leg Press: Maxed out original machine(45 degree incline) but on the new machine(nearly verticle) I last was at 610lbs
    *everything I lifted when up in this dramatic weight increase so you can get the drift of what I'm saying here.

    Also, before I started I took some measurements of my thighs, chest, arms, and calves, surprising, grew about an 1.5 inches all round. (Granted some places grew more than others e.g. Chest easily doubled the growth rate of my claves, so I just took that average of them all) Also I know some of this is water weight so it'll be interesting to see where I settle down at, but I did reach my goal which is what I wanted. Now the trick is to maintain this weight and see if I can keep it, but I'm sure a good diet and a good workout routine will keep it relatively round +-220lbs. I've also concluded that this will be the one and only cycle I will take since I do not wish to be any bigger nor any heavier. I would also like to thank everyone that helped me out. (*Newbies; this is a great site with a LOT of info. Also research EVERYTHING before you even get your gear!) The only reason I choose this cycle is the lack of options I had; therefore, it seemed the most effective without too much risk as a first cycle. If I do cycle again (probability is low at the moment) I would like the try this "short cycling" with short and/or ester-less based steroids that the Europeans seem to be doing. Yes, is does seem a little rough on the testes but I think if you take the proper PCT you should be fine. (I'll refer you to this thread which is a great thread on "short cycling", also if you go to the other website where the author is at, you'll find even more info there to help you out.) I'll keep on researching this only 'cause it's got my interest going right now, but it'll be a long time before I even think about cycling again. (Need a reason to get bigger if I want too) Once again thanks for all the help that this board has given me and good luck on your goals. Also some advice that seems odd but is helpful for you newbies; if you start cycling, get some Cocoa cream for stretch marks 'cause I got them BAD on my bi's,tries, shoulder,chest and thighs, and once you get them, they are the a BITCH to get ride off(and that's a BIG "if" on getting ride of them.)

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