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Thread: My cycle appreicate any advice and help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York

    My cycle appreicate any advice and help

    I am 21 years old working out about 21 months now. 5'10 165
    BF% ?? not sure. I have been on the boards for about 2 weeks now and i have done a good amount of research theres still a lot for me to learn and im willing to learn, i just want to see if im progressing well and to see if i can apply what i learned. I have never done a cycle before

    My goals are

    1- to gain about 15-20 pounds of musle and
    most imporantly be able to keep about 15 pounds of it.

    2- to take gear that has the least amount of side effects or are at least controllable meaning that i have some power on preventing side effects.

    3- to not spend too much money i dont want to spend more then 350 but i understand that if you want to do the cycle right you are going to have to pay and if it comes to that im wlling to spend extra money as long as it will benefit me and get the job done.

    4- most important to make sure im doing it right. I am being patience and trying to learn as much as i an before i take anything. The first cycle is the most imporant and you only get one chance at it so i want to make the best cycle i can.

    The cycle im thinking about taking is
    winstrol/eq/test cyp

    weeks 1-10 test cyp 500 mg
    weeks 1-10 eq 300-400 mg
    weeks 6-12 winnie 50mg ed tabs
    clomid hit 300 mg the first day then the 100 mg for 7 days and then 50 mg 10 -12 days

    Any advice or objections please post i want to know if this is good or not and most importantly wil it achieve my goals??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Personally, I think you could still grow a little more without gear if you are 5'10" 165, but if you feel you're ready I think the cycle you've got laid out there will definitely achieve the goals you have provided you're diet and trainig is intact. You could run some d-bol to jumpstart your cycle as you wait for the test and eq to kick in. It's pretty cheap as well. I'd go 30-35mg ed for the first four weeks-you'll get some nice strength and mass gains. I wouldn't go below 400mg with the eq. Make sure you've got an anti-e on hand; i.e. nolvadex-and run some ala or milk thistle to help out the liver and you should be good to go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Yea i know i can still grow more with out gear. I feel im ready to do it, i did a good amount of reserach all i realy have to find out now is a good diet for this cycle and i got a nurse to do inject me. As for the dbols i have seen it used as a kickstarter and i was thinking about using it but you know what i waited almsot 2 years to juice so i an wait 4 extra weeks to see some results. I dont want to do another gear just to get my cycle kickstarted its my first cycle so im not czyin about doing too much. I orginal was going to do a winni cycle lol then decided winni/eq then the bros on here recommended i run some test with it so now its at hweres it at. Im glad to hear i can accomlish my goals on that cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I really liked the d-bol when I was on it, but I think you'll do fine w/out it. definitely make sure your diet is in check though. Let us know how it goes once you start-good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Thanks alot bro. I appreicate your advice and the dbol does make sense so dont get the impression that i dont think its good advice its definity a good idea to run the dbol, its just i dont want to run too many thigns at the same time. Thanks again for the help and ill definity know how im doing when the time comes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Make sure you have an anti-e (arimidex, novladex, or liquidex) and run 800 mg ed milk thistle with the winnie.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    How much do the anti-e's go for and these are all in case of things happening. Do i get them from my supplier?

    800mgs of milk thistle for the liver ed for how long
    Thats a lot
    run this wit that run this wit this im gonan run my head threw the fuckin wall soon

    This cycle is goin to be freakin expensive
    I dont even care anymore im doign the cycle
    then ill take my post cycle stuff
    as far as the anti e and milk thistle i dont kare i dotn have the money for in case thigns happen
    im to the point where i just give up
    im takin all this shyt chances are ill drop dead from puttin all this shyt in me instead of preventing shyt from happenin... by puttin all this stuff in me lol.

    Im not yelling at u arthur im just gettin frustrated and i appreicate the advice and help.

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