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Thread: Break on through to the other side (test/fina/dbol)

  1. #1

    Break on through to the other side (test/fina/dbol)

    bulk cycle
    test (Testovirone Depot Pakistan 250mg/1ml enanthate ) 500mg week 1-8
    dbol (Thai 5mg tabs) 40mg ed week 1-4
    fina (homemade 75mg/1ml) 75mg ed week 1-6
    prop (Virormones 100mg/2ml) 50mg ed week 9-11
    anadrol (British Dispensary 50mg tabs) 100mg ed week 8-11
    insulin (Humilin R) 10 IUs in morning & 10 IUs post workout week 6-next cycle
    nolvadex 20mg tabs week 1-9
    underground lab letrozole 2.5mg week 11-15

    dose schedule
    test - 1/2 cc mon, tues, thursday, friday
    dbol - 2 tab at breakfast, 1 lunch, 2 pre-workout, 2 post-workout, 1 dinner
    fina - 1cc ed
    prop 1/2cc ed
    anadrol 1 tab morning 1 tab evening
    nolvadex - 10mg ed
    letrozole - 1.25mg eod

    pre and post workout coctail
    creatine monohydrate and glutamine peptides
    (BCAAs, sugars, and carbs)
    2 dbol

    post workout shake
    whey taken with ala 20 minutes post workout

    other supplements
    vitamin c 2 grams a day
    panthoeic acid (b-5) 2 grams a day for acne
    whey and casien (spread throught the day)
    multi vitamins (in the morning)
    flax oil (at night)
    zma (at night) this was given to me so i thought i would try it
    injectable b-12 (1cc wednesday, sunday)

    multiply bodyweight by 25 for calories
    four grams of carbs per pound of body weight
    1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight
    trying to eat as clean as possible but will squeeze in calories where i can

    i will keep weekly records of gains so stay tuned. if anyone has any questions just ask.
    Last edited by Dizzy; 05-23-2002 at 07:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    Good Luck.....

  3. #3
    thanks doofy

    well day 1 and getting awsome pumps already. i love da dbol! i might get some more and run it 6 weeks. or take a little break and run it past the test for two weeks (four weeks total).

    no fina cough to speak of yet. the lungs burned a little on today's injection but still all is going good. also started using 25gauge pins. much better. highly recomeded.

    tomorrow is quad injection day. with b-12. that shit is blood red. how the hell am i supposed to know when i aspirate that i don't hit a vein. oh well not really that worried about it.

    more updates coming soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    keep posting results dizzy! cant wait to hear your success. take it easy bro

    Big J

  5. #5
    thanks bro!

    six days. up five pounds. i'm eating everything in sight and may be holding a little water though. i really can't see any difference as far as fat goes so i dunno. the pumps are definately awsome. i can't wait for the test to kick in.
    Last edited by Dizzy; 04-15-2002 at 12:45 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    way up north
    yah true stuff that should be a dame good bulkin cycle

  7. #7
    Nice, bro keep it up and keep us updated!

  8. #8
    Thanks guys.

    Day 14

    Up a total of 8lbs. My diet isn't where I need it to be right now. But I will make sure all that changes. It hasn't been real bad. But I've definately been coming up short on my calories. My muslces are definately getting fuller. I love it because my traps are really getting bigger. And that has been a problem area for me. They are bulging. LOL. I love it. Not quite as good as Diesel's...but they will have to do. Plus i've still got plenty of time left.

    One side effect thing. The sweats are coming on. And sleep seems a little disrupted the past two nights. But I took my injection a little late so...

    Like I said muscles are fuller, yet harder too. That fina does not play. At all. And another good thing...I'm really starting to feel the test. I think my last thread proved that. LOL. Sorry if I offended anyone. You know I really like you guys. And I love helping you out any way I can. And I appreciate you helping me as well. Now...time to chow. Laterz

  9. #9
    Day 21

    Up a total of 15 lbs. This is without a doubt my best cycle yet (so far). And week three was awsome!! Strength is unreal. Pumps are still killer. I think I might add some insulin in there somewhere. Probably on week 5. Not sure yet. I will keep yall posted.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    keep kickin some ass bro...that is the shit that i like to hear!! i'm in my 3rd week also and its starting to come.... so i know how you feel!! keep posting results. i'll have my week 3 in on sunday! take care bro

    Big J

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    wow sounds like you got it going just right... Whats yourdiet look like? Whats the strength increase in lbs??

    Just curious ... Why did you add anavar??

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Fast Results
    wow sounds like you got it going just right... Whats yourdiet look like? Whats the strength increase in lbs??

    Just curious ... Why did you add anavar??
    My diet has changed to as clean as possible to everything in sight. And I have incorporated one day a week of cardio. I get in about 4000-5000 calories a day...about 360 grams of protien and about 700 grams of carbs. I'm naturally lean so fat really isn't a problem.

    I've added 10lbs to my bench and 15lbs to my squat. I'm really working hard on my legs.

    I was planning this cycle when I first joined...I originally wanted to do winstrol...but a vet suggested to go with anavar. Since I was running dbol...he thought adding winstrol would be too liver toxic. So I took his advice...I'm interested in anavar anyways. I'm looking for alot of extra strength and this should really help.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    great to hear about your gains bro.. they will just keep rising! i like the addition to anavar in your cycle.. you will gain lean, hard muslce and keep it. the only problem with it, is the price. i would say if you had maybe 4 weeks inbetween the dbol and winstrol, you would have been fine. just run ala throughout the whole cycle and then get a test on your liver values just to be safe. but it's your call bro. keep us updated! take care

    Big J

  14. #14
    Week 4

    Up 20lbs. Not ripped by any means. Just throwing slabs of mass on my body. Fucking great. I think around week six I'll start 2 to 3 days of cardio a week and maybe cut the cals down.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    keep posting

  16. #16
    Dbol is all gone...damn@.

    I love the stuff...but next time I'm trying anadrol. The lower back pains were pretty constant from the dbol during that third and now fourth week. It does effect leg and back day.

    But the gains from dbol are definately not all water. Not for me anyway.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    20lbs in 4wks.... Hell yea bro. Keep up the good work. How are the symptoms from the fina? Any sweating or coughing? I'm still on the fence about using it.

  18. #18
    Just a little sweating now that you mention it. Nothing uncomfortable at all. In fact I havent been hot since I first started using it. No coughing whatsoever. No rage or uncontrolable anger. I really wish I got enough for 10 weeks worth.

  19. #19
    Week 5

    Up 23 pounds. I'm just simply a bigger man. LOL

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Awsome bro. So that component th is treating you right huh?? Think I'm gonna have to order some, and just do it before I overthink it again. Maybe I'll get enough for 12wks just in case.

  21. #21
    Yes sir...

    I could go another six weeks easy. Lots of water and cranberry extract...and I would be confident in that for sure.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    how you doin bro?!?! fina workin like a charm still??!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002

  24. #24
    Week 6

    Well my weight has stayed the same. I'm shedding of all the water from the dbol. Muscles are getting hard as rocks from that fina. I also added insulin to the mix this week. I started with 5 IUs post workout. Huge pumps. I love the stuff. I've worked my way up to 10 IUs in the morning and 10 IUs post workout. I'm using Humilin R so I have to workout like no later than 7pm. That way the insuling will be gone from my system and it is safe to sleep. No signs of hypo what so ever. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one. I will be using slin until I start my next cycle. I may take a break for a week or two here and there. I will keep everyone posted on this thread about the results.

    I have made some slight changes. LOL I will be switching to prop (virormones) week 9-11 and will be starting anadrol week 8-11. I know big change. But I want more size. I don't care about water. In fact I welcome it. I do have some femera i will run post cycle to shed off any excess water (If I even want to use it). Here is the plan. I will be bulking probably for the next year or so. I want to get around 25-30lbs over the weight I want to be...then I will cut down. Wish me luck. I will make the proper edits to my original post.

  25. #25
    G-S Guest
    What are your overall strength increases like? I'd expect more than a 10lb increase on the bench, and 15 on the sqaut as you have stated. Shit, I'd expect ALOT more with the FINA alone.

  26. #26
    That was on week three. I don't test my max out very often. I don't want risk injury. I will do it tonight and post tomorrow.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Damn Dizzy, throwing in the drol and the slin?? You and I aren't even in the same league anymore bro. Glad to hear all is going well still, and I'm sure you're gonna get that size you want. Are people freaking out when they see you yet, asking you if you can hook them up with what you're taking cause they wanna look like you? Love that question

  28. #28
    Originally posted by JP1570
    Damn Dizzy, throwing in the drol and the slin?? You and I aren't even in the same league anymore bro. Glad to hear all is going well still, and I'm sure you're gonna get that size you want. Are people freaking out when they see you yet, asking you if you can hook them up with what you're taking cause they wanna look like you? Love that question
    Yeah...I've actually seen a bunch of people I hung out with a couple of years ago. They all say I look like a completely different person. And I get alot more attention from people I don't even know.

  29. #29
    Week 7

    I spent most of this week just getting in enough calories to maintain before I add the prop and anadrol for that last 4 week mass kick. I've also started 2 days of cardio a week instead of just one. My metabolism is still awsome. I'm getting a little ripped just after one week.

    I did add the letrozole this week. This stuff is awsome. I had puffy nipples from the dbol and it is completely gone only after 4 days of using it. It has also helped in making my skin a little tighter. Highly recomended to all you gyno prone individuals out there.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    any updates?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Great job Dizzy!!!

    Glad to hear such wonderful things!!!!

    Makes my gray day go away!

    keep us posted!

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