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Thread: watch out fellas!! here i come!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn

    watch out fellas!! here i come!!!

    alright, tomorrow (Monday, 4-14-02) starts Day 1 of my cycle. here it is boys

    1-10 EQ 400mgs
    1-10 T-200 400mgs
    1-4 halo 15mgs ED
    9-13 winny 50mgs ED
    8-12 Fina 75mgs ED
    clomid 300mgs day after last winny shot, then 100mgs 10 days, 50mgs 10 days

    ALA will be ran all the way through around 2500-3000mgs ED. i will be getting around 4000 calories. 400 grams of protein a day, try to keep carbs to a minimum. cardio 45 minutes monday-thursday. shots will be broken up on mon and thurs.

    if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to send away. always welcome to criticism.

    i will also post results every friday. cheers

    Big J
    Last edited by BIG_JDAWG; 06-04-2002 at 06:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I am in my second week of almost the same cycle...

    T 200 weeks 1 - 10 400/wk
    Anavar weeks 1 - 6 25mg/day
    Ultragan (EQ) weeks 1 - 10 300/wk
    Winny (tabs) weeks 8 - 12 50mg/day

    I don't believe in keeping the carbs to a min...
    Just keep them clean (yams, brown rice, oatmeal)
    Your protein sound good... I will be curious to see your results. Keep me informed.
    Good Luck!
    Last edited by NoLimits; 04-26-2002 at 02:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    sorry no limits! i should have rephrased the carb part. i should have added simple carbs..that is what i am keeping to a minimum. i will get plent of carbs from my daily intake of oats, rice, and bread. sorry about the confusion..

    also, after my first shot today, i felt really dizzy afterwords.. i dunno what's never really happened to me before when i was taking sust and deca. after i pulled the needle out and whiped off with the alcohol swab, i just laid down on my bed! i couldn't stand up straight..but it was gone after a little bit. other than that, my 1st injection was a success. aspirated clean, no blood after i pulled the needle out..we'll just have to wait until thursday.

    Big J

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Just got a little queasy huh.... I think its funny how you go to the doctor and shots hurt like a b####, but doing them yourself... never a problem...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Where there's more than corn
    week 1 is in the books.. nothing too major...pyschologically, i feel great. i think the halo is really kickin in. my lifts went up about 10lbs from the previous week. so this i am liking!! no weight gains or anything like that to speak of. granted, it's only the end of week 1. i didnt expect anything really to happen. just major a slight increase in strength..but the pumps i get are unreal with the halo. top notch shit. lovin... week 2 starts tomorrow....another good week ahead of me!

    Big J

  6. #6 Good to hear about that halo. I may have to give it a try. Keep it up. Gains are around the corner.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Never mixed the Halo with that much. I usually run it by itself 20-25mg day for 6-8 weeks. I agree with the part about the great pumps! Halo is insane. Usually Halo messes with me a little to much so I get gun shy of mixxing it. I am really curiious to see how your cycle goes!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Where there's more than corn

    week 2

    alright boys, week 2 is in... i've put on maybe 3 1/2lbs...which i think isn't bad.. my lifts have gone up around 10lbs on everything. pumps are INSANE!!! the halo is really kicking in now and i'm loving it. not too much to really report. about the same as week 1. like you said dizzy, gains are just around the corner..and i cant wait until my test and eq really hit! i'll give you guys a report a week from today..take care

    Big J

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    i figured i would report gains on friday instead of sunday..everything is going great..i'm up around 8lbs. in body weight... strength has increased a good 15lbs on everything! i'm starting to get my defined and ripped than i ever have been.. mostly in the shoulders and back. prolly from the halo..its doing wonders with strength gains. i am loving it. i also got my hands on a 25ml vial of fina.. so that will be run the same time as the winny for that last kick in the ass. everyone take care

    Big J

  11. #11
    Dude...fina at the end with winny...your gonna be hard as a rock.

    How do you plan on running the tren?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    i plan on running it 75mgs ED for weeks 8-12..then finish that last week off with just winny. i figured that way, i would get pretty hard and ripped.. at least that is what the plan is!!

  13. #13
    Where you at BIG_JDAWG??? Need that update fool. LOL

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    sorry bro!! i havent had much time the past few weeks to get on and post how everything is going.. here is where i am at so far..i've gained about 18lbs so far.. but my weight fluctuates pretty bad.. so that is about an average.. sometimes i get up to 25lbs heavier then when i began.. i'm putting up around 20lbs more on everything than what i did before.. so overall, everything is looking good.. i am done with halo completely..overall, i was satisfied with it.. it seem to get me more denser and stronger without all the water weight.. so that was a plus.. the test is starting to kick in along with the eq.. i have 2 more weeks of that by themselves, then come in the fina and winny!! cant wait for that! i'll be on time this week and post how this weeks training results go... take care

    Big J

  15. #15
    How was your mood on that halo? Did it suffer at all? How about coming off the halo?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    sorry i have been gone for so long.. here are some updates... i am up 22lbs... all my lifts are going through the roof. i'm getting a ton more vascular and veiny. as for coming off the halo, it really wasnt that bad actually. with only taking 15mgs a day, my mood wasnt too severe. i am a pretty modest person to begin with. i was a little testy at times, but other than that i liked it. my mood coming off was good because around then is where the test and eq kicked in. this week, i have started my fina at 75mgs ED.. next monday will start the winstrol. looking for nothing but good things in the next 5 weeks

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    382 is the EQ working for you? I'm starting a cycle very similar but no Halo or winny. I'll be running TEST E and EQ @ 400mg each per week for 10 weeks and then throw some FINA in at Weeks 8-12. I've been following your progress so far....KICK ASS BRO. Keep us posted ALL the way through the clomid! Take care!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    i really liked the EQ this cycle.. i used Ttokkyo EQ for this one. it's my first time taking it and i did like its effects.. my appetite is unreal. and i've gotten really vascular...more than normal.. and i have lean muscle that i can see.. i accomplished so far what i wanted to... i didnt want too much bloat, which was the reason i chose eq over deca.. and halo over dbol or anadrol.... and i honestly believe that the fina is bringing out the eq better. its compounding the vascularity effect from the eq.. so far, i like it.. have you thought about tossing in an oral for a kickstart in the first 4 weeks???

    Big J

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    time for some pics huh?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    No BIG_JDAWG....I haven't thought about using the orals for a kickstart...just don't want the i was planning on running PROP for weeks 1-3 and then running it again weeks 11-13 so that i can start clomid 2 days later. Hows the gains coming along so far?

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