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  1. #1
    BigBadDurden is offline Banned
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    Arrow Sustanon and Deca Cycle Diary

    I am starting my cycle on Monday, Aug. 21. I am running the sustanon for 14 weeks and the deca for 12 weeks. I am injecting the sustanon every-other-day at .5 ml (175mg) and the deca on mondays and thursdays (200mg) adding up to 612.5mg of sustanon a week and 400mg of deca a week.

    I am currently eating 3500 calories of a extremley healthy food and it is a very clean bulking diet. I am getting around 450g of protien daily and I am taking a very good multi vitamin as well.

    I am currently making a big difference in my total body compostion. I took a fitness assesment at my local gym and these are the results.
    Stats: (as of now)
    Max VO2: 43.0 ml/kg-min
    Bicep Strength: 64 lbs (Fair)
    Flexiblity: Sit and Reach: 6.6 in.
    Height: 6 ft.
    Body Weight: 220 lbs.
    Lean Body Mass: 154.7 lbs., 70.3% Lean Body Mass
    Fat Mass: 65.3 lbs., 29.7% Fat Mass (this is something that I believe was extremely off... I will have to retest it for myself to see if that number is even reletively close)
    Basal Metabolic Rate: 2198

    At the end of the cycle I will be taking that assesment again.
    I am currently eating 7 - 8 meals a day and spending 45 minutes lifting and 50 minutes cardio. I am going to take this test called an O2 test to see at what rate I burn the most amount of fat. I am going to the gym Monday through Friday and having the weekend as my off days. I am going to take Nolvadex as the PCT and HCG as well.

    Body Mass: 15%BF
    Bench: 230
    Squat: 420
    And pretty much improve everything ten fold... I will keep everyone informed and plan on making this a very good first cycle thread.

  2. #2
    smokethedays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadDurden
    I am starting my cycle on Monday, Aug. 21. I am running the sustanon for 14 weeks and the deca for 12 weeks. I am injecting the sustanon every-other-day at .5 ml (175mg) and the deca on mondays and thursdays (200mg) adding up to 612.5mg of sustanon a week and 400mg of deca a week.

    I am currently eating 3500 calories of a extremley healthy food and it is a very clean bulking diet. I am getting around 450g of protien daily and I am taking a very good multi vitamin as well.

    I am currently making a big difference in my total body compostion. I took a fitness assesment at my local gym and these are the results.
    Stats: (as of now)
    Max VO2: 43.0 ml/kg-min
    Bicep Strength: 64 lbs (Fair)
    Flexiblity: Sit and Reach: 6.6 in.
    Height: 6 ft.
    Body Weight: 220 lbs.
    Lean Body Mass: 154.7 lbs., 70.3% Lean Body Mass
    Fat Mass: 65.3 lbs., 29.7% Fat Mass (this is something that I believe was extremely off... I will have to retest it for myself to see if that number is even reletively close)
    Basal Metabolic Rate: 2198

    At the end of the cycle I will be taking that assesment again.
    I am currently eating 7 - 8 meals a day and spending 45 minutes lifting and 50 minutes cardio. I am going to take this test called an O2 test to see at what rate I burn the most amount of fat. I am going to the gym Monday through Friday and having the weekend as my off days. I am going to take Nolvadex as the PCT and HCG as well.

    Body Mass: 15%BF
    Bench: 230
    Squat: 420
    And pretty much improve everything ten fold... I will keep everyone informed and plan on making this a very good first cycle thread.
    all above sounds good (up the calories a bit more) but ur goals are to max 230lbs in bench?!! and 420lbs in Squat?!!
    is that what typed or it's a mistake?!!
    if it's right, don't do AAS yet.

  3. #3
    BigBadDurden is offline Banned
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    This may sound really dumb or simply stupid but I kind of threw that out there... I havent maxed out in about 3 months... I have no idea how much i can max but if I have been squating 400 x6 with 3 reps I guess it would be that hard to do 420... I just didnt want to seem like a hot shot and throw a huge amount of weight out there and in the end lift half of what I wanted... I will raise it to 270 bench and 500 squat but its just for you smokethedays! I would be extremely happy to get that.

  4. #4
    smokethedays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadDurden
    This may sound really dumb or simply stupid but I kind of threw that out there... I havent maxed out in about 3 months... I have no idea how much i can max but if I have been squating 400 x6 with 3 reps I guess it would be that hard to do 420... I just didnt want to seem like a hot shot and throw a huge amount of weight out there and in the end lift half of what I wanted... I will raise it to 270 bench and 500 squat but its just for you smokethedays! I would be extremely happy to get that.
    @ that,
    my point is at ur size now 6" and 220lbs u should bench more than that naturally, i understand every body got their own strength but with the cycle u lined out, u should hit easy 350lbs on bench.
    good luck bro.

  5. #5
    BigBadDurden is offline Banned
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    Thanks man I plan on making you guys happy... oh and me as well. My workout today was allright... I did shoulders and lats... after that I had a wee bit to much water and for some reason got pretty sick feeling... ended up cutting the cardio down to 30 min. There is always tomorrow

  6. #6
    BigBadDurden is offline Banned
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    I did legs today and I did a lot better than I thought I would.... (I am still natural as of now) I did 3 sets at 6 reps with 400 and didn't have a prob with it at all... I am going to raise it by 20 or 30 next week... Cardio went great and getting my fat ass... Less... Fat... Haha you get the point... Btw I finally got a really cool workout bud that has the same scedule and shiet! I am so damn pumped

  7. #7
    BigBadDurden is offline Banned
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    Today is saturday and and today and tomorrow are my off days and then on monday I sart the cycle.... I am soooo damn sore from yesterday

  8. #8
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    How does 1/2 cc of sust = 175mg???

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadDurden
    I am starting my cycle on Monday, Aug. 21. I am running the sustanon for 14 weeks and the deca for 12 weeks. I am injecting the sustanon every-other-day at .5 ml (175mg) and the deca on mondays and thursdays (200mg) adding up to 612.5mg of sustanon a week and 400mg of deca a week.

    I am currently eating 3500 calories of a extremley healthy food and it is a very clean bulking diet. I am getting around 450g of protien daily and I am taking a very good multi vitamin as well.

    I am currently making a big difference in my total body compostion. I took a fitness assesment at my local gym and these are the results.
    Stats: (as of now)
    Max VO2: 43.0 ml/kg-min
    Bicep Strength: 64 lbs (Fair)
    Flexiblity: Sit and Reach: 6.6 in.
    Height: 6 ft.
    Body Weight: 220 lbs.
    Lean Body Mass: 154.7 lbs., 70.3% Lean Body Mass
    Fat Mass: 65.3 lbs., 29.7% Fat Mass (this is something that I believe was extremely off... I will have to retest it for myself to see if that number is even reletively close)
    Basal Metabolic Rate: 2198

    At the end of the cycle I will be taking that assesment again.
    I am currently eating 7 - 8 meals a day and spending 45 minutes lifting and 50 minutes cardio. I am going to take this test called an O2 test to see at what rate I burn the most amount of fat. I am going to the gym Monday through Friday and having the weekend as my off days. I am going to take Nolvadex as the PCT and HCG as well.

    Body Mass: 15%BF
    Bench: 230
    Squat: 420
    And pretty much improve everything ten fold... I will keep everyone informed and plan on making this a very good first cycle thread.

  9. #9
    BigBadDurden is offline Banned
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    Well my sustanon is 350mg per ml so that's how... almost all AAS come in different mg per ml... Simply put I just have a higher consentration per ml

  10. #10
    BigBadDurden is offline Banned
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    I weighed today and I am currently at 216 so I droped 4 pounds... For me that's a good thing... I am ready for tomorrow and can't wait to become a beast... Haha I am whatching UFC right now wondering if any of the guys on the show juice at all...

  11. #11
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    ur goal is to bench 230? Dont really think u should juice yet

  12. #12
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadDurden
    Well my sustanon is 350mg per ml so that's how... almost all AAS come in different mg per ml... Simply put I just have a higher consentration per ml
    There are only two types of sust. sust 100 and sust 250.

  13. #13
    AVAGO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GREENMACHINE
    There are only two types of sust. sust 100 and sust 250.
    There is a chinese sus @ 300mg/ml

  14. #14
    svenne69 is offline New Member
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    do you guys take protein drink before you do your cardio or what? I mean you do your workout and then cardio but you do drink protein/gainer between cardio and workout right? I would appreciate the answer cause i dont know what to to for best results. sorry if the question is dumb but im a newbie at this :-)

  15. #15
    big&tall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by svenne69
    do you guys take protein drink before you do your cardio or what? I mean you do your workout and then cardio but you do drink protein/gainer between cardio and workout right? I would appreciate the answer cause i dont know what to to for best results. sorry if the question is dumb but im a newbie at this :-)


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