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Thread: Some cycle help please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Unhappy Some cycle help please

    Ok i'mthinking of doing this cycle

    8 weeks 500g test
    9-10 weeks 250g test

    Gonna rum clomid and ** armidex throughout
    is there any point in doing proviron throughout
    also gonna have some nova on hand should the tit fairy come by
    Will run fincar for the hais and use nizorol as well

    The questions i have is which is the test to go for Cyp or EThanate i'm leaning towards Ethanate.

    Current stats are 182 lbs at 5 7"
    boday fat not too sure but i'm not exactly over weight or with a big gut nor am i ripped, what i lookin to do here is hit aorund 14 stone, just done a cycle of var before.

    Any advice would be Aprriciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Sorry i meant 500mg a little typo there,
    14 stone is 196 lbs
    Why do i not need to do arimidex, don't i need this to combat any gyno ?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    But wouldnt the arimidex keep water down? The fact that it wont let estrogen bind to receptors is just a plus.

    I mean the way I see it, what your gonna lose in the end is water anyway. Plus not everyone digs that puffy look in the face.

    How much do you think it hinders gains? Keep in mind its like the guys first cycle.. Also the reason im asking is im thinking of running arimidex through out my 1st cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I'm gonna stick with the arimidex cus i'm not really all for getinng super bloated.
    But what i would like to know is which is the better test to go for anm why ?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    You won't need the clomid until after your cycle especially if you're using arimidex since clomid works by blocking your estrogen receptors and not as an anti-aromitase like arimidex. One thing about deca, if you decide to use it...there is nothing you can take to prevent progesterone induced gyno, (though some think winny can help). I'd go with the EQ with your test. As for which test to use, Both Cyp and Eth are long acting esthers, but I've read that cyp is more often counterfeited. Be careful, be safe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    1/4 tab of armidex throughout will be plenty to reduce bloat

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