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Thread: Stats of my cycle/ Help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Brooklyn, New York

    Stats of my cycle/ Help.

    Okay So here we we go:
    My Cycle began about 9 weeks ago and I thought I was heavier but the scale was way off in my gym. I am sure there are a whole bunch of dissapointed people there.

    Any way my STATS are like so.
    Moved up from 185 to 215, but gained went from a size 31 waist to 33.

    Strength gains are pretty fair.
    one max rep:
    Bench 405 from 365
    Reverse grip bb rows 355 from 275
    deadlifts 600 from 510
    Squats (Dissapointing) 365 to 430 I know its bad!!

    My arms are 18 1/2 when pumped and flexed
    Chest and back not to sure.
    But my claves have grown 1 1/2 (HELL YEAH!!)
    So that makes them 15 1/2 punnies!!!

    Gains are solid from 500mg test 200 a week for 8 weeks. and d-bols 40mgs a week for 6 weeks. And deca 400mg a week for 8 weeks.

    I wanted to go on for 12 week cycle, but gave traded my supply with my brother for his winny's and EQ, besides I want to do my first competition this year> I know I will not win, since my friend won last year.

    Monday morning I have felt the burn of Winny's. OUCH they burn and I am feeling very sore. So this is my cutter cycle:
    8 weeks:
    Winstrol 50mg ED
    Eq 300mg a week.
    Am taking Milk Thisle everyday 1200mg daily.

    Let me know what you all think about me extending my cycle to 16 weeks. Any recomendations?
    Please let me know.

    All help is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    san antonio
    your only taking eq for 6 wks? might not kick in fully untill week 3or4 so maybe you should just go w/ the winny and some prop

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    san antonio
    o i just read that your taking it for bad but still many say it should be run for 3months becasue it just gets better and better as the weeks go by

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Brooklyn, New York


    I'll take that into consideration.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Brooklyn, New York
    bump for more info guys.

    I have been taking the winny's 50mg/ed except for sunday's. and EQ's 100mg/eod.

    I am trying to cut up now. But am not sure how long to stay on the EQ's and winny's. I have the ganabol 50cc/50mg X3 bottles and 60 bottles of winny's 50mg each.

    I am aslo taking milk thistle at 1200mg a day.

    Any help guys and gals.

    Thanks in advance,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Brooklyn, New York
    Bump da bump de bump

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