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Thread: Test E/EQ cycle log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Test E/EQ cycle log

    OK well started my first cycle on 5/9/05.

    Here's some basic info

    I thought I'd start this log coz it was difficult to find one with just test E and EQ...a lot of people throw in some sort of oral at the beggining.

    I've done two shots up until now both in the legs. Tommorrow I'm gonna try my first glute shot. Both shots went well. I followed proper procedure and was really ANAL about hygiene. I was a little nervous about sides so the firstr shot took about 30 minutes but by the second I was OK. I guess the way I look at it is I've never cared if I die or not so fvck it....and I want to grow into a beast...or atleast another swolecat.

    Nothing to report so far. I have felt a little moody and agressive this week but that isn't out of the norm for me....I hate most people The proviron seems to be doing a good job of hardening me up a bit.

    Will report back once things start kicking in....or going wrong.


    PS Nobody has still welcomed me to the "dark side".......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    cool man. was hoping to run test e and eq next time. keep us posted on how things go and when you start seeing gains.
    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    3rd shot done in the right glute this morning. Went fine. Left but check feels a little numb now probably from the BA or the excessive massaging I did. Did legs yesterday and it went well. No major strength changes but I am 1kg heavier at 100.6kg from last week .


  4. #4
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    Jan 2005
    My ass hurts like hell today. I'm pretty sure its not infected or anything coz it just feels like bruising. Did chest last night. Only highlight was doing 110lb dumbells on the decline for 9 reps and also managed to finally do flys with the 50lb dumbells (properly with my arms stretched out) for all 4 sets ranging from 15-12 reps.

    Apart from that nothing else to note although I did managed to beat my training partner in nealy every set we did. I think it's too early to say it was the AAS...I think it was just an off day for him. I got a massive pump in my chest and several people commented on how pumped I looked....

    Felling good. Eating well and training has been good so far but I need to up the intensity. I think I've been lagging coz of the hot weather but that seems to be going now. This is why I waited until September to do my cycle. I just can't train well enough in the heat!!!

    No sides as yet...fingers crossed its like that all the way through.


  5. #5
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    Jan 2005
    For all those interested my right butt cheek is fine. It was just soreness and went away a couple of days later.

    Done my left cheek today. That's shot number 4. Went well but when I pulled out got a bit of blood and it was really dark. But I feel fine so....

    I hate injecting glutes especially the left side. I'm so ****ing bulky that it's really difficult to see what you're doing most of the time and I'm right handed so the left side is always difficult.

    No sides as yet although I'm sure my balls have already shrunk a bit. I'm gonna have to keep an eye on them and consider HCG towards the end of my cycle....

    Shoulders tonight. Looking forward to it.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    On AR's Forum
    Welcome to the dark side!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Welcome to the dark side!!!!!
    THAKNYOU Joey2ness!!!!!!! At ****ing last someone has done it. Now I can sleep at night.

    Update. I'm feeling really good today and a my arms session was excellent. I supperseted biceps and triceps and it was awesome. Everything seemed just slightly easier and even though I was supersetting bis and tris I seemed to recover a lot quicker. I also seemed to get a slightly better pump and I was slightly more agressive.

    I think it may just be in my head at the moment but I can't help just sitting there in betwwen sets and looking at my veins in my forearms and just imagining that juice travelling down them and turning me into a BEAST ...

    Appetite also seems to be pretty good and I'm eating like a horse (but really CLEAN)....

  8. #8
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    Jan 2005
    Shot 5 done in my right leg. Went fine with no problems. Arms on Saturday was awesome but I've been feeling a little under the weather since Sunday. I'm starting to get a sore throat, a cold and sometimes feel very hot. I'm also feeling very tired and agressive. I'm easily keeping the aggression uder control though.

    After my 5th shot I tried a bit of the AAS and it was kinds bitter tasting. I'm still slowly inching away from my training partner with regards to strength. I wonder how long it's going to take him to start wondering. Not that I'd tell him.

    No other sides apart from what looks like test flu coming on.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    dirty jerz
    welcome to the dark side muah ha ha ha ha! by the way i the next couple of weeks is when the AAS's really take effect and you start to notice a differance. if anyone wants to coment please chime in.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    dirty jerz

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Cheers itsdarock.

    Update: Well even though I felt kinds shitty yesterday I still went to the gym. I know I probably shouldn've have rested up but what can I say I'm addicted to the pump!!

    Its kinda weird though. I'm not sure if this is test flu or not. Sunday, Monday and tuesday I felt slightly feverish, sore throat, coughing slightly and a runny nose. Today I already feel much better. I've had the flu before and this was very, very mild compared to that. The only thing I can think of was that when I went for my pre cycle bloods I was told by the doctor that the two tests (can't remember what they were called) that indicated how well you fight infection were both "extremely high" and it's true in the past I've been able to get rid of a cold in 24 hours when other people have had it for days. Not sure if I should expect something more in the next week or so.

    Yesterdays back training was pretty incredible. I blew my training partner out of the water. I was lifting about 15% heavier than him in all the back movements we did and I looked seriously pumped at the end. I think it might just be in my head but the past couple of workouts have felt slightly easy. Before I would tire out about half way to 3 quarters of the way through the workout and the weights I'd use would reduce accordingly. But yesterday I managed to maintain intensity and high weights right the way through the workout.

    To top it off the owner of my gym who competed up to Mr. Universe level actually came up to me grabbed my shoulders and said "wow he's coming on ain't he!". This is a guy that your lucky if you get a grunt out of him let alone a compliment like that.

    All in all a seriously good day. So far no sides. I think the combo of Proviron and Nolva is doing it's job well and it don't seem to be limiting my pump or strength in any way. Whether it limits my gains is still to be seem.

    Right leg is a little sore today but no signs of infection. Weighed in at 101.6kg

    I'm off to eat!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Shot number six completed on Friday. Shot into my left quad. First shot got quite a bit of blood into the syringe. I changed the syringe, swabbed an area about 1/2 an inch further down and injected again. Went fine. Leg feels fine.

    Workouts went OK. Arms on Friday was really good and legs yesterday was OK. This concludes week 3 so I'm hoping that I really start feeling the effects by the end of next week.

    EQ seems to healping my eating as well.

    So far no sides. Fingers crossed it stays that way.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    One more thing to add: My level of horniness is definetly increasing.....

  14. #14
    How much of Test E and Eq are you taking a week i am getting ready to start and just want to know what you are doing.Thanks sorrry to interfere with anything Thanks.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Thumbs up

    cool, im on the same cycle runnin 500mg of test e and 400mg of equipoise right now and am about as far along as you are now. keep us posted on your gains i will keep checkin in.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Presidential Muscle
    How much of Test E and Eq are you taking a week i am getting ready to start and just want to know what you are doing.Thanks sorrry to interfere with anything Thanks.
    Easy bro.
    Here's my cycle.

    1-13 Test E 250mg x 2 shots per week
    1-12 EQ 200mg x 2 shots per week
    1-19 20mg Nolvadex ed
    1-13 25mg Proviron ed
    1-19 2mg proscar ed
    15-19 Clomid with the usual 100mg for first week, then 50...etc, etc

    I'm off to do shot number 7 now.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Shot seven done in the right glute. All went smootly. I had a little dribble of juice come back out but hardly much.

    Update - Everything seems to be OK. I'm weighing in at about 102kg so I'm up about 5-6lbs in 3 weeks which ain't bad considering the juice ain't really gonna kick in until the end of this week/beggning of next. I certainly look better. Muscles seem to be fuller and a little harder then before. Vascularity also seems to be improving. My veins aren't popping out like a pro's or anything but they definetly seem more visible especially after I've trained.

    BP has elevated a little. I'm now about 130/80. I was about 126/75 when I started. Gonna keep an eye on that!

    Workouts are going well. Did back last night and blew my training partner out of the water again. Managed to finally crack 100kg on the bent over barbell row for 8 reps and 110kg on the close grip row for 10 reps. My training partner is starting to suspect something. I can see it in the way he looks at me when I'm doing my reps. I feel slightly bad, I don't want him to hurt himself trying to "follow me" but at the same time I don't trust anyone enough to tell them that I'm on juice.


  18. #18
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    Jan 2005
    Had to update after yesterdays shoulders workout. It was awesome. Everything was easier. Highlight of the workout was doing 3 sets of Arnold press with the 80lb dumbells for 10, 8, 8. I feel I had more left in me at the end of the w/o and I could have perhaps pushed myself a little more but I don't want to risk injury. My shoulders are REALLY sore today so I'm happy.

    Arms tonight. Lets see if I can keep the momentum going.

    Got a couple of compliments on my size from a couple of women. Wouldn't fvck any of them though..not even if I was on 5g of test a week....but it's nice to get the compliments.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ufcwarrior
    cool, im on the same cycle runnin 500mg of test e and 400mg of equipoise right now and am about as far along as you are now. keep us posted on your gains i will keep checkin in.
    What have your gains/experiences been so far?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Its been 3 1/2 weeks and at the begining of my third week my strength has shot up pretty good. I am back up to my previous best in my lifts. My muscles seem to have alot of endurance. Cant wait to see how much more they go up in the next few weeks. Ill keep in touch.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Well shot 8 has been done in the left glute yesterday. Legs yesterday was pretty good.

    Started to feel a little itchiness in the left nipple for the past couple of days so I increased my Nolva to 40mg. Chest workout today was absolute crap. I can't explain it it's like all my strength abandonned me today. Perhaps it's the increase in Nolva.

    Overall my strength has gone up so I'm marking this one up as being tired. It's weird. In the gym I do feel stronger and muscles do have more endurance and I am looking better but outside the gym I don't really feel any different. I've read a lot of times how people say they feel "invisible" or something like that but I don't really feel any different.

    Feeling a bit down to be honest. Gotta keep it going. Gonna rest for the rest of the weekend and regroup on Monday.

    Diet is going well and I'm eating plenty!



  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Shot 9 in the right quad done this morning. Didn't go as smoothly. As I was trying to inject the pin wouldn't go in. I couldn't even break the skin!!!! I tried in two places (within 1/2 an inch of eachother) and the same thing. It was bloody painful. The needle didn't look blunt but I changed it and tried another spot about 1/2 inch down from the first two and it went in like butter. Perhaps the needle was blunt? I can't believe that I got scar tissue already!!! And even if it was surely I'd be atleast able to break the skin with the needle wouldn't I?

    Anyways. Shoulders went well yesterday. Managed to db press the 100lb dumbells for 4 clean reps on my last set. Previous PB was the 87lb db for 6-7 reps (struggling). This time I blew 87's out of the water for a good 10.

    Weight is now up to 103kg. That makes about 8lbs gained in 4 weeks. Pretty good progress I think. If I keep on going like this I should have about 25 odd lbs at the end.

    Sides: Well the left nipple seems to have calmed down completely. I stayed on 40mg of Nolva over the weekend and reduced back to 20mg on Monday. Keeping an eye on it.

    I've also reduced my finesteride to 1mg ed. I think at 2mg I was blocking too much DHT and strength was suffering.

    I've also noticed that my skin (esp my face) seems to be producing more oil. So now I'm washing it with a proper face wash 3-4 times a day. I also seem to be producing more phlem (?) which results in some nice greenies .

    Apart from that everything seems to be going well. Got over my slump at the end of last week so I feel I'm back on track.


  23. #23
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    Jan 2005
    Shot 10 done in the left quad. Went in OK but did hurt a lot more going in than any other shot.

    W/o have been good and I seem to be getting stronger. BAck today and the highlight was being able to do the 130lb db for bent over db row for 8 good reps. That was my last of 4 sets working my way up. Previous pb was the 120 for 6 reps.

    Looking in the mirror lately I can see my body taking on another shape. It's kinda weird. I seem to be thicker, muscle are fuller and harder looking. I'm really enjoying posing at the moment . If things carry on like this (and providing I can get a bit of a tan as I'm absolutely pale!!) I'll def get some proper photos done. I've also noticed a reduction in bf%. Not a huge amount...probably just 1/2-1%.

    Sides: Nothing noticeable. Nipples are fine. Losing a few hairs...probably seeing 3-5 some days when I comb my hair. I think this is a reasonable amount and shouldn't cause my any long term baldness.


  24. #24
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    Jan 2005
    Shot 11 in the right glute done yesterday. Very little soreness now from the injections...probably coz I've calmed down a lot while injecting and I'm not moving the pin around as much. Did have the same problem as the quad shot the other week (ie. the pin not being able to break the skin). I moved it somewhere else and it went in fine but did hurt a lot. I think I may just have a bad batch of pins. I hope that is it...i'd hate to think I've already got scar tissue...

    Highlights so far in training. I managed to bb curl the 20kg per side on Monday. BB curl has always been difficult for me. I don't know why as I can db curl quiet a bit more. Yesterday I managed to leg press 795lbs on the leg press for 8 good reps...but I have to admit I did start to feel it in the left knee a little. I also managed to get 1 3/4 plates a side on the front squats for 8 reps with my bum touching grass. PB on leg press was about just under 700lbs and on the front squats was 1 1/4 plates.

    Benching tonight so I'm interested to see if I can make some gains there. Bench press is another movement I lack in. I flat press the 120lb db for reps but put me under a bar and I just can't seem to get it right. It seems to always irritate my left shoulder.

    Sides: Nothing to really report here apart from the fact that I constantly feel tired this week. I can hardly keep my eyes open and it's starting to annoy me!!!!! Apart from that everything else is OK.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Nice progress bro- keep it up.. I have one question: How is the proviron working for you? I am interested to see if I should add it to my Test/Tbol stack?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    Nice progress bro- keep it up.. I have one question: How is the proviron working for you? I am interested to see if I should add it to my Test/Tbol stack?
    Easy bro,
    Yer the proviron is working well. Definetly keeping the bloat away and it is making me look a little "harder". A lot of people say they get constant erections from proviron but I haven't had that. I think it's also good to use because it stops the likelyhood of estrogen rebound when you end your cycle and start PCT. Also so far 20mg of Nolva and 25mg of Proviron has kept any likelyhood of gyno well at bay!


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    what's up with the updateeeeeeeee

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by beast N°1
    what's up with the updateeeeeeeee

  29. #29
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    Shot 12 in the left glute done. No real soreness and the shot went well.

    Training towards the end of the week has been really good. The tiredness I was feeling seems to have lifted. It was really pissing me off!!!

    Back yesterday was good. I had a bit of a scare. Was doing deadlifts and had just completed 310lbs deadlift for 10 good reps. I replaced the weight and literally as I took 2 steps my left glute and hamsting just seized up. The pain was unbearable!!! I thought I had torn my glute muscle and I couldn't even put my left foot down!!! Luckily after a few minutes it seemed to dissapear. Still a little sore today...must have been cramp. Damn shit ruined my deadlifts!!! Was going for 400lbs that day!!!

    Shoulders today was awesome. Finally managed to shoulder press 80kg each side on the bb press (seated ofcourse!). My back is really sore and shoulders are gonna be dead tommorrow.

    Eating has been really good this week. I think the EQ hunger is really settling in. Sometimes after just 1 hour I feel hungryu again!

    Gonna weigh myself on Monday and see what the weight is. Fingers crossed.


  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Congrats on your work so far. Keep on putting in the details, cause this is my next cycle.


  31. #31
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    Shot 13 done in the right quad. Still having problems with the needle not penetrating the skin. I'm hoping its just a bad batch...but I can't help thinking it's scar tissue.

    Legs yesterday was really good. Strength wise I was awesome. Weighed in at 104.2. If my calculator is correct that makes me 229lbs. So mid way through the cycle I am up 10lbs. I'm happy with that coz it means I'm on target for that 20lbs by the end.

    Sides. None to report really. Nipples are fine. Sleeping pattern seems to be settling down as well. I have had a couple of incidences of extreme agression this past weekend but nothing I couldn't control....I just seem to be easily wound up at the moment. Oh i've also been having a little more heart burn lately. But I always get this when I bulk and my weight goes up. Once it stabilizes the heart burn goes away.....just more annoying than anything.

    Chest tonight and then back tommorrow. Looking to break some PBs especially tonight!

    I did some preliminary measurements over the weekend... just messing about kinda thing u know. Anyway I was astounded to see that I had put on just over 2cm on my legs and nearly 1.5cm on my calves. Amazing!!!


  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Shot 14 done in left quad. Really bad today. Had to poke myself 3 times before the damn thing went in!!! I'm gonna have to start using shoulders....was hoping glutes and quds would be enough but obviously not!!!!

    Sides: None to report. Heart burn is still there but manageable. Nipples are fine.

    Managed to do the bent over db row with the 130s for 2 sets this time (started at 110) both for 8 reps. Also managed two sets of incline db press with the 110lbs both for 8.


    PS anyone doing this cycle want to chime in with their progress/thoughts so far are very welcome....

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I am on the same cycle right now. I am at the end of week 4. I have noticed more hardness and a little stregnth but nothing spectacular. I hope the next few weeks bring in some big gains. I train hard and eat alot. started at 208 now at 222 but I dont really see the gains and have really had no compliments about getting bigger. Oh well I'll post again a little later.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 302help
    I am on the same cycle right now. I am at the end of week 4. I have noticed more hardness and a little stregnth but nothing spectacular. I hope the next few weeks bring in some big gains. I train hard and eat alot. started at 208 now at 222 but I dont really see the gains and have really had no compliments about getting bigger. Oh well I'll post again a little later.
    Thanks for the input. Wow 14lbs in 4 weeks??? That's a huge amount! Are you running any anti-es?Keep on training hard!


  35. #35
    That's a big gain

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    yes Im running nolva and dutasteride. Im running 500 test and 400 eq and also front loaded them the first week 1000 and 800. This is my first cycle so im wasnt sure what to really expect. I do think frontloading may help. From what I have read you realy dont see results until weak 4 or 5 but my strength and muscle hardness were going up from the end of week 2 on.

  37. #37
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    Shot 15 done in left shoulder. The needle went in smootly this time so I have to conclude that the problems I'm having in my quads and glutes is due to scaring. This is not good!!!

    No prblems with the shoulder apart from for some reason I am getting a pain in my left rear delt now. It's better than it was yesterday so I'm not really worrying too much.

    Training has been goo so far this week and I'm getting stronger and stronger. My endurance is also up drastically. Weighed in at 105kg on Monday so I'm happy with that.


  38. #38
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    Shot 16 done in right shoulder. Went in fine. Again I'm having this sharp pain in my right rear delt area. Can't even raise my arm up into the air.

    Training is continuing to be good and strength has gone up. EQ seems to be really kicking in now as I feel really hungry all the time. No sides to report. Getting some good compliments from ppl at work. One person said I was looking really huge so I'm happy


  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    those are some good results, really good when ppl start to notice! Did you say your running 10 mg ed of novla? Hows that going with the estrogen side of things? No bad sides hopefully.



  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ScreaM
    those are some good results, really good when ppl start to notice! Did you say your running 10 mg ed of novla? Hows that going with the estrogen side of things? No bad sides hopefully.


    Thanks. I've been a bit anal on estrogen coz I've taken 20mg ed of nolva and 25mf ed of proviron. No estrogenic sides at all...but I think my gains have been sacrificed a bit by this but I'm OK with that. Also I know that the proviron will stop the backlash of estrogen when I come off so that's important to. My aim with this cycle is to get to 20lbs of LBM by the end. So far I think Im on target so fingers crossed.


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