what do you guys think,, been working out off and on for 3 years,, weight 195, body fat 27%, 5"10, bench press max 255, would like to do a light cycle, what would you suggest
what do you guys think,, been working out off and on for 3 years,, weight 195, body fat 27%, 5"10, bench press max 255, would like to do a light cycle, what would you suggest
Wait a couple of years bro. You still have plenty of free testosterone pumpin through your veins.
What do I suggest ? Hmmmm, that you wait at least 3 years and train VERY HARD, eat A LOT and use your body's natural ability at your age to GROW HUGE !
God I wish I had the test that is running through your body at my age ! (nearly 42)
dont even think about roids yet,and get leaner , u must be fat not big,25% alone is bad for the body, have a blood test,and do some cardio, get a pic in ,roids are for profesionals
Thats a little harsh berry. The guy doesn't need to do roids at his age but no need to be condesending.
Hey,goulet- take your time. Patience is the key. If you do roids now your going to rob yourself of some natural growth, that in the end will be essential to achieve the goals your looking for. I'm 22 and havn't done a cycle yet. Slow down and enjoy your progress.
Yeah bro, settle down a little. No need to call anyone fat. Dude, as soon as I read "off and on" I knew you wheren't ready, on top of the fact that you are 17. Don't even think about juicing till 20 or so. Get your diet and workout in check, and hit the shit hard...you will see outstanding results in a short period of time if you do it right. Ask as many questions as you like, we're all here to help.
here is a pic of me,, those scals said my body fat was 27%
Wait until you are at least in your 20's.
those scales lie bro. u r nowhere near 27%. but hold off on the AS and make some gains naturally. then later on hit it up
the scales say they are 98% accurate,, so thats why i put 27%,, i thought it was a little high too,, I do lot's of cardio,, normally burn 700 caleries a day 4 times a week doing just cardio.
thats gotta be less than 27%,didnt mean to offend anyone saying 27%is fat,the thig is their is a higher risk in fat people taking roids to have bad health situations,and bro get a good food planning and keep up the training ,food is everything taking roids or not,peace
If you are 17 years of age please wait til' your body matures? Don't go rushing in taking steroids just yet.
Don't be fuc@k!*g stupid. Steroids do a lot more to the body than increase protein synthesis at that age they could seriously mess your body up. Have patients read and educate yourself thats what I did when I was your age, then you have a head start on others who arn't educated. For instance myself and 2 friends started AS at the same time they don't have the knowledge I have and are months to years behind in progress. you can't afford to take any chances. Theirs alot of young guys go to my gym and I.ve seen the watching us big guy's throwing heavy lbs around and I know they want to do it to. If I ever found that they were using they would get the hairy side from me. Just think about what i've said and the other members on the board and please wait to do AS. YOU ONLY GET ONE SHOT AT LIFE, DON'T BALLS IT UP.
i recomend going for a RUN!
Hit cardio in the mornings without food x 5 days a week
throw in some resistance training and see what your 17 year old system can do unaided.
no flame here, just a strong opinion that you should wait until you are 19 or older.
im 17 also and i am going to start a couple cycles of clen.....what is your main goal?? to bulk or cut??
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