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Thread: 1st timer in search of a cycle

  1. #1

    1st timer in search of a cycle

    I'm interested in putting a cycle together for the first time and was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
    My stats are as follows:
    weight: 160
    height: 6'1"
    age 30
    bodyfat: 4%

    I read a number of articles and have been considering doing a test-enanthate 200mg/deca 200mg a week for 10 weeks cycle. However, I have a few concerns. 1: I dont want to be riddled with stretch marks. I'm thin now, but I'm ripped. What do you use to prevent them? Also, I want to minimize side effects and keep the gains. Should I add anything to the cycle to do this?

    Aslo, I looked through the steroid information chart and HGH looks like it could be a winner, but I havent seen anything on the message board about it. Is it worth a try?

    Any information you can provide to help me on my way would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    welcome to AR,.........but I've got a few things to ask, you work out? (6-1....160#)thats pretty thin,..... do you eat enough?how much protein do you eat a day? and as far as the HGH goes at the top of the screen there is a botton that says search hit it and put in the letters HGH you'll find many threads on it good luck and if you stay around a while you'll learn tons im sure..........

  3. #3
    Thanks for the response Murph. I checked out the info on gh and decided against it for now. But to answer your questions, I've been on and off at the gym for years, usually going for a few months at a time and then stopping for a few months, just when I start making good gains. Yeah, I know it's ridiclulous, but I also alternate with martial arts which keeps me in fair shape.
    I definately need better eating habits and have made nice gains in the past using a good diet. But that will be part of the plan once I get back to the gym. I just moved to a new area and there's a gym nearby I plan on joining this week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    check out the front page it has a few cycles. i dont think we qualify to tell u what u want to take and do.

  5. #5
    Question: are ampules re-usable? for example, if I have 10 250 mg amps, but only need 200 mg injections, can the extra 50mg be saved for later, or is that a bad idea?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    san antonio
    200 a week isnt enuff. get 10 more amps and use 2 a week for 10 weeks. dont worry the sides wont be anything like you think they will be... you may get some gyno but thats why we have nolvadex..look it up in the drug profiles.. acne is the price you pay to gain weight. and if you want you can add some deca duraboin or equipoise to your amps as well.. they can be put in the same syringe and you will be happy with your games if you have good diet and training good luck and keep learning before you do anything.

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