I'm interested in putting a cycle together for the first time and was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
My stats are as follows:
weight: 160
height: 6'1"
age 30
bodyfat: 4%
I read a number of articles and have been considering doing a test-enanthate 200mg/deca 200mg a week for 10 weeks cycle. However, I have a few concerns. 1: I dont want to be riddled with stretch marks. I'm thin now, but I'm ripped. What do you use to prevent them? Also, I want to minimize side effects and keep the gains. Should I add anything to the cycle to do this?
Aslo, I looked through the steroid information chart and HGH looks like it could be a winner, but I havent seen anything on the message board about it. Is it worth a try?
Any information you can provide to help me on my way would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance