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Thread: cycle

  1. #1

    Thumbs up cycle

    whats up guys....i was wondering if you guys can give me some help on this..i was going to start a cycle and i was wondering if you guys could help me go's .......dball deca sustanon 250 and winny with clomid ....any suggestions on when to take them or how ..please help thanks alot ..what kind of gains will i be looking at in the end of this cycle? and if you had some experience with this cycle help a bro out

  2. #2
    What is your cycle experience and your stats?

  3. #3
    well im 20 years old 5 7' and i wiegh 180 ...i took EQ and Deca i gained 35 lbs from that and didnt take clomid ill say that im very lucky....i want to take another cycle to be huge i want to gain lean mass so what do you think i should take thanks alot for ur reply

  4. #4
    Sustanon 500mg week 1-10 (split up the injections to at least twice a week)
    Deca 400mg week 1-10
    Dbol 30mg ed week 1-4
    Winstrol 50mg ed week 8-13
    have an anti-estrogen or anti-aromatase just in case of gyno...or water retention. An anti-aromatase like arimidex is superior in combating water...and will keep gyno away as well.
    Clomid the next day after your last tab of winsrol...take 300mg the first day, 100mg the next ten days, and 50mg the next ten days.

  5. #5
    thanks alot man for ur help..1 question though.........i should take the winny 50 mg every other day right? or no thanks alot

  6. #6
    I recomend taking it everyday. If you think 50mg is too much. Try 25mg ed. Everday administration will ensure stable blood concentrations of hormone. This will produce better gains.

  7. #7
    thanks alot man for the good more for you buddy.....when should i take the arimdex and how much and when thanks

  8. #8
    Take .5mg every other day. I think that would do fine in keeping water to a minum on that cycle.

  9. #9
    hey thanks alot i really appreciate ur help .

  10. #10
    Hell yeah...good luck.

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