Im just about to start a new cycle im 20 170lbs. Im about start d-bol only @ 40mg ED, is it safe to raise the dosage to 50mg ED or not. And how often is best to take them daily ill be getting 5mg tablets, so is it best to take 8 a day 40mg or 50mg a day (10 per day)? also wat intervals do u recommend the tabs r taken, is it every 4 hrs?
This is my first cycle, i want to do this cycle before i do injects cos by the time ive finished this cycle ill of fully researched how im gonna take an inject cycle.
Im also gonna take clomid post-cycle to keep gains.
By the way ive been using something called "norateen 2" for a week now its supposed to raise growth hormone levels and test naturally. Is it safe to take norateen 2 with d-bol.
those sites have info about it.