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Thread: about to start first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    United Kingdom

    about to start first cycle

    Im just about to start a new cycle im 20 170lbs. Im about start d-bol only @ 40mg ED, is it safe to raise the dosage to 50mg ED or not. And how often is best to take them daily ill be getting 5mg tablets, so is it best to take 8 a day 40mg or 50mg a day (10 per day)? also wat intervals do u recommend the tabs r taken, is it every 4 hrs?

    This is my first cycle, i want to do this cycle before i do injects cos by the time ive finished this cycle ill of fully researched how im gonna take an inject cycle.

    Im also gonna take clomid post-cycle to keep gains.

    By the way ive been using something called "norateen 2" for a week now its supposed to raise growth hormone levels and test naturally. Is it safe to take norateen 2 with d-bol.

    those sites have info about it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    do not go over 30 mg in your first cycle bro.....

    your liver will be fucked on 50 mg, also use plenty of milkthistle, and keep nolvadex on hand for the bitchtits. Just because dbol is cheap dont overuse it bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Okay bro,

    1. You are still a little young bro, but I'm not going to preach at you about that. Just don't be surprised if 5 years from now you look back and wish you had done it differently.

    2. Bro, you have not even begun to research AS enough. This is not a flame. Before you go swallowing or injecting anything bro, research, research, research. You can seriously hurt yourself here, and none of us want that. I can tell by the quesitons that you are asking that you haven't done enough research. But, this is a problem that can be easeily fixed.

    Here's my suggestions.

    1. Tell us more about what you are wanting out of AS. Stats, workout experience, bf%, diet, etc. It is very important that you have many of these in check before you start doing any AS, otherwise you are just going to get fat bro.

    2. Hang around here on AR. Ask questions about AS, weight training, diet, etc. Utilize the 'Search' button. There are thousands of questions and answers already there that are invaluable.

    3. After you truly have everything 'situated', then go forward with your training, and if AS is a part of that, then at least you will minimize the possibilities of hurting yourself and you'll be able to maximize your efforts towards your goals. Taking AS is kind of a pain in the ass, so get everything out of it while you are on.

    4. Keep asking questions!! You have shown that you are wanting to learn by posting here. Continue to read and ask questions.

    5. Read the member's rules for AR. It might save you some problems later on bro.

    6. WELCOME TO AR!!!!



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    way up north
    hella totally what TTB said dont start AS untill ur at least 200lbs aroung 10-11%bf (especially at 6'2")......then if ur still seriouse about makein body building your f*ckin carier then start juicin like a mad man...then my friend and only then you will be olympic meterial=)

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