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Thread: 1st Cycle Log Part II - Through PCT & IGF

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    1st Cycle Log Part II - Through PCT & IGF

    Hello gear heads and wannabes. My 1st cycle thread got hosed so I'm starting a new one to take this on through PCT and my IGF cycle.

    I started my cycle on 9/16/05 and took my last shot today. Here's what I ran:

    Week 1-12 400mg of Test E
    Week 1-12 .5mg Arimidex EOD -- later switched to .25 ED
    Week 1-12 320mg Palmetto Extract ED
    Nolva at the ready - but never used

    At week 8 or so I started taking HcG at 500iu twice weekly. This filled out
    my nuts nicely, and I hope will make PCT a bit easier.

    I weighed in today at 198, up from 178 when I started the cycle.
    Just about what I thought would be good gains when I started. I want to
    finish PCT up at least 15 pounds. But I figure I have another few days of possible gain before my test crashes so who knows

    I took my cals up from 2600/day to 3500/day gradually suring the cycle.
    Pretty much avoided fat gain this way (thanks Pinncale).

    I changed my workout schedule to an every other day schedule during the last 4 weeks, and found that my strengh and muscle "fullness" went up impressively.

    So far, so good NOW for the hard part Thanks again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Glad to see a part to your thread

    Here's the copy of your thread i case you need to refer back to anything at any point:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanks Nark for your help. This has been a blast, and I hope the thread(s) will be useful for other folks down the road.

    So here's my schedule from here on out:

    Last shot of Test E was 12/8/05

    I'm going to keep my cals at 3500 for another week, then evaluate.

    I'll run 500iu of HCG twice a week until 12/16. Arimidex all the way through to end of PCT.

    I'll start PCT on 12/22 with Clomid, Nolva and Arimidex.
    I'll also start running 60mcg of IGF-LR3/day then too.

    I'll get a blood work up on 1/23/06, and see how everything looks.

    Sound like a plan?

    How should my diet and workouts change during all of this?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Thanks Nark for your help. This has been a blast, and I hope the thread(s) will be useful for other folks down the road.

    So here's my schedule from here on out:

    Last shot of Test E was 12/8/05

    I'm going to keep my cals at 3500 for another week, then evaluate.

    I'll run 500iu of HCG twice a week until 12/16. Arimidex all the way through to end of PCT.

    I'll start PCT on 12/22 with Clomid, Nolva and Arimidex.
    I'll also start running 60mcg of IGF-LR3/day then too.

    I'll get a blood work up on 1/23/06, and see how everything looks.

    Sound like a plan?

    How should my diet and workouts change during all of this?
    Read this: (PCT)

    Your diet and workout?

    I train the same when i'm coming off..even tho it's said that there's a cortisol rebound post-cycle. You may want to try not training past failure. That and only going to failure on the last set of each exercise until the end of your PCT.

    Diet. Calculate your cals at maintenance.. no more. Allow for at least 1 gram each of protein and carbs per lb of lbm. The rest of your cals should come from fat.

    It'll work out to a 33% ratio for each of the macros.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanks Nark,

    I'm actually looking forward to not having to eat so much.
    Sounds like 2800-2900 cals will do it after this week.

    Since there are always so many questions about when the wiehgt gains start during a cycle, I thought I'd post a graph which shows my gains from 9/16 to 12/8 from 178 to 198 pounds.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	weight gain chart.jpg 
Views:	241 
Size:	6.0 KB 
ID:	59626  

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Thanks Nark,

    I'm actually looking forward to not having to eat so much.
    Sounds like 2800-2900 cals will do it after this week.

    Since there are always so many questions about when the wiehgt gains start during a cycle, I thought I'd post a graph which shows my gains from 9/16 to 12/8 from 178 to 198 pounds.
    You need to keep you cals high all the way through PCT.Don't sweat that.The IGF will keep BF in check.Plus you'll drop a few lbs of fat just by accident(IGF).PCT is not a time to cut your caloric intake.After PCT you can drop to maintenance levels.

    You've been warned!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Agreed it isn't the time to cut drastically..but that was not my suggestion

    Maintenance kcals (+500 kcals at most) is all he needs.

    Keep you EFAs high (with secondary support from Saturated fats)... and keep your carbs moderate.

    Too high a carb intake will keep serotonin levels high...which in turn will cause cortisol to be high...which is a no no.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    I know it wasn't sweet pea.I was just trying to clarify for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Agreed it isn't the time to cut drastically..but that was not my suggestion

    Maintenance kcals (+500 kcals at most) is all he needs.
    ^Agreed on that.^


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Careful a few weeks you'll make me cry with talk like that LOL

    OK guys....3300 cals is the number for now - I was getting fat at 3,500
    carbs at 350 or so and protien 250.

    Still working out every other day - but combined arms with back and chest, so go through the whole cycle in 8 days now vs 10 before.

    Should I torque the Hcg up from 500 2x/week?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle

    You've been warned!!!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Careful a few weeks you'll make me cry with talk like that LOL

    OK guys....3300 cals is the number for now - I was getting fat at 3,500
    carbs at 350 or so and protien 250.

    Still working out every other day - but combined arms with back and chest, so go through the whole cycle in 8 days now vs 10 before.

    Should I torque the Hcg up from 500 2x/week?
    You are ok on the HCG.

    But you are going to have to up your cals.The IGF will not allow you to get fat.So don't fret the extra cals.Bump your cal from 3300 back to 3500.Believe me,you'll probably lean out running 3500 cal.IGF is one of the best cutting drugs I've ever come across.Pricy,but the results stand for themselves.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    No Problem Pinn. I'll dial in 3500 for now.

    Right now I'm extremely busy fornicating all I can before my Test level crashes. I feel like a guy who's been told he has 10 days to live.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    No Problem Pinn. I'll dial in 3500 for now.

    Right now I'm extremely busy fornicating all I can before my Test level crashes. I feel like a guy who's been told he has 10 days to live.

    You crack me up!!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    So far the body weight and strength are holding up, but its only been 7 days since my last stick.

    Did legs today, and I was half expecting to notice a difference in strength but I actually added some weight on everything but calves.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    OK, been running clomid and nolva now for 4 days. Other than some hot flashes the sides have been minimal.

    Weight down 2 pounds - so net gain now 18

    IGF LR3 started 5 days ago. Running 60mcg/day PWO -- 1st day I was light on complex carbs and paid the price with headaches that night.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Now 2 1/2 weeks into pct. I feel like its going great. Already got sex drive - no problem "delivering" either Almost no strength loss but have lost 4 pounds . LR3 seems to help pumps.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Officially finished with PCT now. Complete blood workup shows everything is (back to) normal. Official weight gain which I believe is nearly 100% muscle is 15 pounds. During my cycle I reached a high gain of 20 pounds. I really have not seen much detrioration in strength. The gains in strength are at a relative crawl however.

    In general I'm satisfied with my results. I couldn't have done it with out some really good advice from Vets Like Pinnacle. My advice to those considering a 1st cycle:
    - research everything, and double check anything that doesn't make sense
    - Get blood work done pre, during and post cycle - not doing this is like
    driving a car with no gauges. Wreckless.
    - Find a Vet here or elsewhere that can give you the good advice on the
    details you might have missed all along the way.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Officially finished with PCT now. Complete blood workup shows everything is (back to) normal. Official weight gain which I believe is nearly 100% muscle is 15 pounds. During my cycle I reached a high gain of 20 pounds. I really have not seen much detrioration in strength. The gains in strength are at a relative crawl however.
    Fantastic results! That is how it's done my friend.I'm really happy for you,and I bet the women are now just starting to recoup from treacherous escapade's you put them through while on cycle.

    I can safely assume you already have number#2 being planned as I type this?..ahahahahaha


  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    15 lbs is huge gain, esp starting at 178. You should put up before and after pix!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanks again Pinnacle.

    OMFG -the "woman" factor - the financial costs (still ongoing) of having the test levels of an 18 year old are Freaking staggering. I'll bet they are a multiple of the gear, diet and lab costs. I will never forgive you for not telling me about this in advance LOL

    I'm going to give long term Hgh a try starting in a few weeks, then a few months down the road I'll look at another AAS cycle on top of this.
    I'm thinking at my age the hgh will be sweeeat

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Fantastic results! That is how it's done my friend.I'm really happy for you,and I bet the women are now just starting to recoup from treacherous escapade's you put them through while on cycle.

    I can safely assume you already have number#2 being planned as I type this?..ahahahahaha


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Let me see what I can do for "after".

    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    15 lbs is huge gain, esp starting at 178. You should put up before and after pix!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Let me see what I can do for "after".
    Looking foward to it.

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