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Thread: Test/ EQ cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Gainesville (hometown West Palm Beach FL)

    Test/ EQ cycle

    Alright I decided myself since no one posted on my last thread. I really need help in deciding how i'm gonna run my Test/ EQ cycle, which is gonna be my first cycle. ALright I have 2 bottles of TT EQ and 1 1/2 bottles of Tornel Test Enth. I was thinking of my cycle lookin somethign like this:

    EQ Test
    1 800 (front load?)
    2 400 600(front load?)
    3 400 300
    4 400 300
    5 400 300
    6 400 300
    7 400 300
    8 400 300
    9 400 300
    10 300
    13 Clomid first day 300 mg, then 10 days of 100 mg a day
    followed another 10 days with 50 mg.

    *Nolvadex on hand

    *Diet: 4000-6000 kcal a day (300 g. protein)

    *Stats: 5'8 165 10% bodyfat

    PEOPLE PLEASE THROW IN YOUR 2 CENTS, i'm very open to suggestions! Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    No need to need to see how your body will respond. Those look like safe first doses. Are you running eq for 10 weeks? If need to start clomid on week 14.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I agree no frontloading your first time out. Plus I would run my test a little higher but you might see some results with lower doses....I don't but everyone is different.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Gainesville (hometown West Palm Beach FL)
    That 300 mg is suppose to be under the TEST column. So you guys don't think I should frontload? Thats think I should run it 400/400? I guess that would be my best bet to make it simpler. The only thing is i'll be running outta test by week 7!! I can get d- think I should take d-bols for weeks 1-2 and start the test at week 3-10 with the EQ going 1-10? Thanks a lot for the help! Also, do you think this is a pretty good beginner cycle? I believe a lot in moderate dosages and relying on nutrition and a good workout program for gains rather than steriods. Is a 20-25 lbs. gain while on this cycle in arms reach?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Well, I'd run it at 300 mg in that case. Like I said some people are test sensitive and 300 will do. I'd skip on the dbol. I know a lot of people use it on their first cycle (me included) but dbol can be harsh for a first timer IMO BTW eq and test is a great beginner cycle.

  6. #6
    I recomend to just forget the dbol. Spend the money on test.

    test 500mg week 1-10
    eq 400mg week 1-10
    anti es

  7. #7
    Originally posted by RON
    Well, I'd run it at 300 mg in that case. Like I said some people are test sensitive and 300 will do. I'd skip on the dbol. I know a lot of people use it on their first cycle (me included) but dbol can be harsh for a first timer IMO BTW eq and test is a great beginner cycle.
    Yeah...if you think you can grow on 300mg...go for it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hey man i am going to run the same cycle and i too am a begginer. I got a lot of responses to this and "bigkev" told me to run it like this:

    EQ 400mg weeks 1-10
    Test 400mg weeks 1-10

    Start clomid 3 weeks after your last EQ injection and keep some novladex on hand. I was also told to maybe take .5mg Arimidex per day throughout the cycle. I know it depends on the $$$$. Good luck man.
    Drop me a PM and let me know how you results are coming!

    Later bro!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Gainesville (hometown West Palm Beach FL)
    True...thanks a lot man for your help.....yeah, do the same and let me know how your cycle is goin. I would definetly consider the Arimidex if it was in my price range, but that shit isn't cheap! What kind of EQ and Test did you get?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Mike gyno surgery is more expensive then liquidex or arimidex. Somthing to think about.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Originally posted by JohnnyB
    Mike gyno surgery is more expensive then liquidex or arimidex. Somthing to think about.

    That is true but IMHO nolvadex will be fine for this cycle

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Gainesville (hometown West Palm Beach FL)
    So you guys think Nolvadex will do the job? Alright, so if I feel any gyno symptoms I should take 40 mg the first day and continue to take 10 mg straight through clomid therapy?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Originally posted by mike7682
    So you guys think Nolvadex will do the job? Alright, so if I feel any gyno symptoms I should take 40 mg the first day and continue to take 10 mg straight through clomid therapy?
    I might over do it (better safe than sorry) but here is what I would do. If you feel symtoms take 60mg ed till they stop. Then 20 mg ed through clomid therapy
    Last edited by RON; 05-19-2002 at 11:21 PM.

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