Im taking
Weeks 1-10 test cyp 250mgs
Weeks 1-10 eq 500mgs
Weeks 7-13 Winni 50mgs ed
Im taking all ** stuff I just want to know how were your results ?
Anyone satisfied or not from his product?
Im taking
Weeks 1-10 test cyp 250mgs
Weeks 1-10 eq 500mgs
Weeks 7-13 Winni 50mgs ed
Im taking all ** stuff I just want to know how were your results ?
Anyone satisfied or not from his product?
Bump please anyone lol :-(
gona bump this one for some reasonse
What week did you start feeling it john?
damm 4 days im in week 2 and i really dont feel it
I was not happy with his cyp. However I have read others who were. I am not sure how consitant his batches are. I do like his winny tabs. I will not use his oils again. They were painful and I got flu like symptoms from the injections. My next round I am going with human grade test.
47John are you sure you got cyp? If you are feeling it in 4 days I would think that it is prop. Either way good luck in your cycle.
Yea i think if i am to take another cycle i am going to stay away from the ** stuff. I still feel its early to see any results but the shots are painful. I have heard mixed reviews of his stuff but I am just going to have to make the best out of what i have.Originally posted by Ironweb
I was not happy with his cyp. However I have read others who were. I am not sure how consitant his batches are. I do like his winny tabs. I will not use his oils again. They were painful and I got flu like symptoms from the injections. My next round I am going with human grade test.
47John are you sure you got cyp? If you are feeling it in 4 days I would think that it is prop. Either way good luck in your cycle.
Ironweb i forgot to ask how lon did the flu like symptons last?
Generally it lasted about 2 or 3 days after the injection. After 6 weeks I decided it was not working well and quit and finished off with eq & winny.
what was your cycle ? Im really frustrated as of now casue all i been getting is sick and no freakin gains and aggitated i feel like i wasted my money. Also im lookin at my bottle and it doesnt look like there is 500mgs left especially since i already did 1500mgs of the 2000mg body. I got to admit im not happy about whats going on. I heard it takes 5 weeks so there is a small chance i start my 4th week sat so we will see
Im reading all these past posts by people and all i see is ** sucks as of now i think it does i still have time left in the cycle but not a lot of hope. I wish i seen these freakin posts before i bought this shyt i might have changed my mind my fault for being stupid and not following thru on research of these products.
Hey i took a shot last night and didnt get sick!!! Wow first time this whole cycle i should be thankful for that so far i paid to get 4 pounds and numerous ass lumps, sick every shot, runny nose, fever, and edgy and pissy atitute. My one question is when does the acne kick in i cant wait for that.
Mine vials were 2 CCs short. That however is your remailer. ** himself does not do 10 ml vials. My cycle was 500 mg cyp / 400 mg eq a week. Then I did winny for the last 6 weeks. This is my last week and I will be starting my clomid on Monday and I will finish my winny on Sunday. The eq was QV. I did get some good quality gains from the eq and winny. I am much harder. I do not believe that I got anything to talk about from the cyp. That is why after 6 weeks of pain and no gain I quit the cyp. I am going to start clen with my clomid to continue cutting down my BF and for the anti catabolic properties.
Iron web my first bottle of eq i just finsihed. It was suppose to be 2000mgs in it 10 200mgs shots. All i got out of it was 1650, thats a shot and a half. How did you deal with your gear beign under dosege? Did you buy more or you just lowered it a lil bit per week so it lasted?
Thanks for your help bro.
I stoped the cyp at week 6 because I believed it to be weak. I used Quality vet eq and it was right on the money so I did not have to worry about buying more. If you are short and want to stay consistant then I would get another vial. However if you can not then either lessen your dose or stretch out your injection days. For example if you injecting say Mon and Thur now, I would spread them out by injecting on Mon then Fri then Wed then Mon again. That way you will get 2 injection one week and 1 on the following week. By doing this you are spreading out your injection in such a way to keep your blood levels consistant. Good luck bro.
Good idea thanks for the advice ironweb. I have a bottle and a half left that im yet to open maybe ill load up a few needles and see how much im dealing with exactly so im prepared.
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