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Thread: First Cycle Progression

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    First Cycle Progression

    Hey guys, started my first cycle today.

    It will be 500mg of Cyp a week. I was going to do 400mg a week, but decided to go up to 500 this morning.. So I took my first shot this morning of 250mg in my glute. My gf did it to me, and it didnt hurt at all(still doesnt hurt). I will post my progression pics as everything goes along. Nolvadex, Clomid, L-Dex, Clen, on hand.

    Wish me luck on my first cycle!

    Here is a before picture, relaxed.. I will get some pumped ones when I can get them taken.

    Last edited by MiZongMaster; 12-27-2005 at 06:36 PM.

  2. #2
    the "on hand" items - are you taking them throughout the cycle ? i'm curious to see how prepared you are.

    do yourself a favor and take some pictures right now. it's hard to tell how dramatic of a changeb you might incur since you see yourself everyday - same thing with your woman (take pictures of her too. j/k).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    lol, well I took pics last week, I will post them in a bit.. I am taking 10mg nolvadex ed.

    actualy my gf is getting implants, so I will be posting before/after pics of her too, but thats a different story, lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MiZongMaster
    lol, well I took pics last week, I will post them in a bit.. I am taking 10mg nolvadex ed.

    actualy my gf is getting implants, so I will be posting before/after pics of her too, but thats a different story, lol
    pics required...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MiZongMaster
    Hey guys, started my first cycle today.

    It will be 500mg of Cyp a week. I was going to do 400mg a week, but decided to go up to 500 this morning.. So I took my first shot this morning of 250mg in my glute. My gf did it to me, and it didnt hurt at all(still doesnt hurt). I will post my progression pics as everything goes along. Nolvadex, Clomid, L-Dex, Clen, on hand.

    Wish me luck on my first cycle!
    I thinking of having my girlfriend do glute injections for me. My old girlfriend wouldn't do it for me. Did you have to teach her how to or did she do the research herself? Good luck, bro!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    I thinking of having my girlfriend do glute injections for me. My old girlfriend wouldn't do it for me. Did you have to teach her how to or did she do the research herself? Good luck, bro!

    Well she was a nurse in the army, so she knew how.. But I had to make her promise to aspirate, and I also showed her some articles on injecting steroids.

    She got mad, but I didnt care, I was paranoid for the first poke, lol. It is so much easier to have her do it then doing it myself

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    OK well I took my 4th shot today, in the glute.. haven't been posting much because it is cyp, so it hasn't kicked in yet, not even 2 weeks yet. But I try to make myself believe it is kicking in while I workout.. it gives me a mental pump, hah. I got my workout and diet in check

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