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Thread: finally..!!!

  1. #1

    Talking finally..!!!

    happy here...i got my juice..a 20 week cycle guys lemme know what u think...35y, 5'5", 160..
    week 1-8 (25 mg/day dianabol, 200 mg/week deca)
    week 5-10 (10 mg nolva, 25 mg proviron/day)
    week 8-10 (testo 200 mg/week)
    week 11-16 (200 mg/week primo, 150 mg/week win)
    week 17-18 (testo 200 mg/week)
    week 17-20 (equi400 mg/week)
    after last equ pin, clomide therapy...300 mg/1st day, 150 mg/2d day, 50 mg ed for 4 weeks....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    First off, I wouldn't run Dbol for 8 weeks, thats gonna be pretty harsh on the liver. I'd run it for around 4 weeks tops. Secondly, why are you only running Test in weeks 8-10 and 17-18 and only at 200mg/week? You won't get much if any results from running such short bursts of test at such low amounts too, I'd run the Winny 50mg ED or EOD instead of 150mg/week, also, why the EQ only in the last 3 weeks of the cycle? I'd run EQ for way longer. 20 Weeks is also a LONG cycle, I'd try to cut it down to no more than say 13 weeks. Just my opinion.

  3. #3
    nj...u r right bout loooong cycle...lemme explain...da 1st 1-8 weeks r 4 bulking (diana/deca, this combo dosages i blieve r not heavy).....then nolvadex/proviron to avoid increased estrogens and excessive water retention....
    primo/win/equi....for cutting, but doesnt mean that im going to take it ALL 2gether....i create confusion saying 20 week cycle....cuz in reality r 2...(bulk/cut)
    bout testo....still dont know where to take it...any sugestion..??
    btw, i only have 1 equi 2000 mg and 14 win 50 mg.....thnx Jr...peace

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Why not break this into 2 cycles with a recovery time in between. You are shutting your own test production down for 20 weeks. That will be hard to recover from. The dbol/deca aspect would be much more productive with test at the same time. The anti-estrogens will probably not be necessary at these low dosages. If they are necessary then perhaps clomid eod during the cycle. IMHO

  5. #5
    kool...thnx meth 4 da test, da question how long i do have to wait 4 da 2nd cut cycle..?? i guess a month min.... what u think..??

  6. #6
    also, can i combine test & deca at same injection..?? (im not good at needles)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Yes you can combine test and deca in one pin. You may want to stay off as long as you were on for sake of health recovery. Bulk for 8 weeks, take 8 weeks off by doing a nice clen/eca stack with cardio, then hit the cutting cycle. I normally like to keep the test to deca ratio at 2 to 1. I had problems with deca dick when I did not keep this ratio in the past. Nolvadex is not necessary unless you are showing signs of gyno. I use Arimidex for cutting water, but I have not needed it since I'm avoiding dbol. if you want a mild anti-estrogen you could consider the clomid on cycle eod then ed post cycle for 4 weeks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Here is an example for a bulking cycle. Weeks 1 -6 dbol at 25mg per day. Weeks 1 - 8 test at 400mg per week and deca at 200mg. These are conservative dosages but they are probably fine if you are 160lbs. Start clomid at week 3 or 4 eod then ed post cycle. Now depending on what type of test you are taking, you will need to continue the clomid for several weeks after the last esther is done. Example, sustanon will release test for several weeks after the last injection, so clomid should be used several weeks past that point. Hope this helps. You could try clen post cycle to help maintain yours gains and to hinder the anti-catabolic effect that occurs post cycle. Then after the time off, you could do the equipoise, primo, winni cycle for hardening and cutting.

  9. #9
    respect...meth, u know yer thing....i beeing doing my homework 4 a long time now, will b my first cycle...and now im on eca to lower b/f...a year seriously at gym...i think i have good bases, shame dont have a cam to monitor da transformation (my tax refound was entirely 4 juice)....u suggestion bout clen as post cycle is good, still have time to save some $$$....i got 10 viramone100 mg, dunno how aggresive this test is... peace.

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