I'm 33, married and male and am on my first AAS cycle. I'm not a bodybuilder nor do I intend to do (at least other than an aesthetic pursuit). However, steroids and body/mind altering substances have always interested me so in the intrests of disclaimer, I must be honest in stating that my experimentation with AAS is not motivated purely by the effects of the substances on my body but perhaps equally, my mind. Don't flame me, I know that the majority of you experiences bros will consider my plan rash and irresponsible, however, i shall remain honest for the benefit of other rash individuals.
I did my research here and bought my gear online. I don't know how to find a "source." Anyway, I studied hard to identify a fake and what I got looks like the real deal. I'm doing steroid.com's Novice cycle I (500mg test-e /wk for ten weeks and 28 days of 30mg dbol/ed for the 1st 28 days: Lion Nolva 20mg/day and have lots of Clomid for PCT (I'll use Nolva for that too).
So, day 12 and I've gone up ten pounds, my working sets are better than what they were a year ago (way up). Placebo exhuberance? No way. About day 6, I started getting headaches in the gym after sets. It would wane after but got to the point where I called a doc while on vacation (Brutal headaches). The bros told me that it would go away and indeed it FINALLY HAS! Advice: when you get those dbol headaches, do some evil cardio, fixes it right up.
Anyway, went to jits last night and during the warup, I sprained the SH%T out of my ankle. I finished practice although in bad form and could barely get up the stairs last night. Today, my ankle is 80% better. I had a "week-out" injury and have healed up to almost new in two days. Test-e and Dbols? Dunno.
No Alcohol, Lots of good food, Jits and powerlifting as much as possible and thniking about running the test @ 300mg/wk and running it a little longer. Advice?
was 189, now 199
20% bodyfat
Will post a pic or two and some measurements and lifts.