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Thread: I'm i have a question...please dont flame

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    I'm i have a question...please dont flame

    I wanted to know if I only will take D-BOL for 6 weeks....(remember i'm just starting out with this) Will it do any good for me...because some folks told me I should stack it... Whats better SUS250 or DBOL...I have a friend that knows alot about it and he says that they are pretty much the same...what do yall think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    ill break the ice on this one guys... first and formost welcome to the great and almighty assuming that you know pretty close to nothing bye analyzing your thread I must say that you have taking the first step to becoming a monster,you have opened the doorway to endless knowledge. now you must continue to keep coming and visiting are some steps for you to get your answear,these are very important and will enable you to have a great stay at 1st step. =is to take three steps back. go read the board rules 2nd step=after you read all of the rules then you should know that you need to read all of the educational threads. 3rd step.=bye this point you should know to use the search engine to primarily answear any of your questions.this will also enable you to make logical questions and give you experience on how to write a thread, 4th step= writing a thread that gets to the point and one that is not offensive, please do all of these steps and you'lll be a golden member on welcome aboard man and hope to see you soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: I'm i have a question...please dont flame

    Originally posted by tolinka
    I have a friend that knows alot about it and he says that they are pretty much the same...what do yall think?
    Sounds like your friend knows nothing about it!

    Like str82 said: welcome and get down to doing some serious research before you start. No disrespect intended, but it sounds like you have a lot to learn--and that's OK, we were all at that point at one time. What seperates the successful people from the failures is, the successful ones took the time to learn (and learn form the mistakes of others) so they don't make mistakes!

    Surf here for a few weeks / months--you'll be surprised at how much you can pick up!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hey bro!

    Welcome aboard! After doing what the other fellas stated....i would suggest you search for 1st time for your question...well i wouldn't do d-bol for more than 6 weeks....killing your liver. You want a good beggining cycle then you must figure out what your goals are first. I too am looking to begin my first cycle and i got a lot of help from these guys...PM me if you want to know what type of begginers cycle i'm going to start or if you need someone to point you in the direction to find a good cycle. Good Luck Bro! and you will learn more in a day than you could ever imagine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks alot guys...sorry I rushed in to questions right away without a research.

    After I went to the educational forum and I read some stuff about D-BOL. Most of the people say that you'll gain some nice amount of mass but after youll stop doing it you will loose a half(becasue of the water retention). But like with any other drug every person is effected diffrently.
    I realized that it'll be etter to stack it, but the thing is that I dont have a big budget(250-300$) and i dont really know the prices.

    By the way I'm pretty thin. I'm 5'9 and 125lbs. I'm looking to gain some mass and muscle. I know I'm young and you dont recommend it to but please dont criticize just try to hep me so i wont kill myself or just spend the money for nothing.

    Thank you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    why not try this Tolinka: Dbol and Deca. If you can't grow with that then give up AS.
    Here is what I suggest working off your budget:

    run Dbol for first 4 weeks @ 50mg a day. Dbol tabs will probally run you about 100 bucks for enought to do 4 weeks worth.
    Secondly get a 10ml vial of Deca 300mg (TT) I prefer. Inject Deca once a week. It will probally run you about 150.00 bucks for a vial. So you still have 50 bucks to spare, use the rest of that to pick up some Nolv or Liquidex, to prevent gyno from the dbol. Also some Clomid at about 20 bucks for two weeks worth.

    So in other words, run your cycle like this:
    Week 1-4 Dbol 35-50mg a day (try to take every 4 hours)
    Week 1-8 or 10 300mg-600mg of deca
    Keep the Nolv on had for possible signs of gyno
    run clomid 100mg first week and 50mg second week 3 weeks after your last deca shot,

    If this dont' put any size on you nothing will.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I appreciate your help again.
    But what are the chances for gaining 10-15lbs by just takin D-bols...
    I was also thinking maybe stacking it with SUS 250????

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    please guys...any ideas....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I got a feeling by your questions that you are afraid of injections but you're gonna have to get over that. Dbol alone isn't a good idea . You need to take an injectable with it.

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