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Thread: Sust/Deca Diary

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Sust/Deca Diary

    Cycle Started May 13th 2002
    250mg Sustanon every Mon & Thurs. 8 weeks
    200mg Norandren every Mon & Thurs. 8 weeks
    .5mg Arimidex EOD threw entire cycle
    (Possibly winny tabs 50mg ED weeks 7-11)
    End with clomid week 11-13

    I wasn't going to post a diary, but I'm very excited and have to tell you guys. I'm only 8 days into my cycle and feel very strong, intense, and gained ten pounds. 10 pounds (That's f***in SWEET!!!! I don't think the weight gain is due to the juice, but is probably because of my diet.

    Original Stats=
    Arms 16 (Flexed)
    Chest 42
    Waist 34
    Neck 16.5
    Height 5'9
    Weight 170lbs
    I didn't check my calves, thighs, and forearms yet (My buddy has the tape measure) LOL

    This is my daily routine:
    5 grams L-Glutamine(empty stomach)
    1 bananna and oatmeal (half hour after Glut)
    Nitro Whey protein shake (2 scoops 50grams Protein)
    eat a protein bar on the way to gym (35 grams protein)
    10 grams L-Glutamine post workout
    2 scoops of Cell-Tech post workout
    3 Chicken breasts (Around 80 grams protein) with a veggy
    get a shower and leave for work 1:45pm
    Shake and Bar (85 grams protein) during 1hr 15min drive
    Sometime before 5:00pm I'll eat a nice portion of pasta with salad
    7:00pm Shake and bar (85 grams protein)
    9:00pm get off work, drink shake and Bar on way home (85 g protein)
    Get home 10:15
    Eat 3 chicken breasts (80 grams protein) with a veggy
    last shake of the day (50 grams protein)
    5 grams L-Glutamine before bed (half hour after protein and food)
    ***Drink at least 2 gallons of water per day
    ***Drink cranberry juice with meals
    ***protein bars suck/might replace with 4 cans of tuna
    ***Vitamins ED
    ***I piss at least every 45 minutes(that sucks)

    Lifting= Go heavy or go home!!!, One body part a day (no more than 12 sets, 6 days a week (Mon-Sat)

    If you have any opinions on please hook me up with info, Constructive critism is always welcome. Sorry about the long post, but I'm stoked right now.=-) I'll post my gains every Mon from now until end of cycle.
    Last edited by Havesome77; 06-11-2002 at 03:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Looks good to me bro. Good Luck and enjoy. Grow big.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    I like your cycle bro. Very similar to the last one i ran, and i was very happy with my results. If you have the winny already, i'd throw it in. I think you'll be glad you did. What exactly are your goals for this cycle? The early weight gain could be attributed to a little water too, even with the arimidex. Sorry but i'm a little confused by your diet, and i'm not sure what your goals are...

    Anyways, everything looks good bro, good luck and train hard...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I'm now in the middle of my third week and gained another 5 pounds (185lbs). My diet was off over the holiday weekend, but is now back on track. My stength gains are constant, but nothing significant. I feel speedy from my gear and I'm hoping that next week at this time i will start to feel the anabolic affects (i can't wait). My fiance and my mom both have told me that I'm finally starting to look good again. I accept their compliments with a smile, but I'm thinking in the back of my head "shit u haven't seen anything yet"LOL. Overall I feel really good mentally and physically. Next week I will post any changes in weight, stength, and size. My only sides are restless nights, I get irritated easily, and my body is overly warm all day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    good shit bro!! im looking to do your cycle my next cycle. it's going to be test 500mg/wk 1-10, eq 400mg/wk1-10, dbol 40mg/ed wk1-5. good results bro. im on test,dbol,winy stack now on my first cycle., good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    The stack looks rock-solid!

    The only concern I have is that your diet seems to rely WAY to much on protien shakes & protien bars--there deosn't seem to be enough "real" food in there and not enough complex carbohydrates.

    Protien shakes & bars often have a lot of simple carbs. You have a fair abount of veggies, but where are the rest of the complex carbs: oatmeal, rice, potatoes, beans, whole grains, etc.?

  7. #7
    xcellent info bro, keep us updated
    but yeah it looks like ur a big fan of bars n shakes, i know they are very tasty

    just try to add in some more real food as one bro said.

    and keep us updated! n yessssssssssssss, goooood luk

  8. #8
    what would be the benefits of the winny at the end of the cycle??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by FHSAA CHaMP
    what would be the benefits of the winny at the end of the cycle??
    Winny adds little size, but considerable strenghts and lots of hardness & definition. Some people believe that Winny also helps you keep the gains that you get while on a cycle. (Winny is one oral/17AA steroids that does a good job allowing you to keep most of the gains you make on it.)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hello everyone. I only gained 3lbs(188), but the anabolics are kicked in high gear!!! Yesterday I did Chest and today i did Back. I'm not gonna list all my exercises and how much weight I've gone up, but I'd say that I jumped up about 10-15lbs in every lift. The strength increase from last week to this week has been incredible. Compliments at the gym have been coming right and left (feels real good). My finace says my chest looks the same, Waist looks slimmer, and my arms, traps, and shoulders are getting big and cut.

    I will definately be throwing in the winny tabs, but in weeks 6-10 instead of weeks 7-11. Clenbuterol and clomid will start in week 11.

    Diet is in full swing thanx to some tweeking by Ajax. Thanx bro.

    Side Effects- irritated easily, speeding all day, warm body, restless nights, constantly horny, and my lower back feels real heavy. No acne breakout yet (knock on wood).

    I will post measurements tomorrow afternoon. I took before pics and will be taking another set of pics on Sunday. Hopefully i will have them developed and posted next week.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hello everyone!!! My weight has dropped 2lbs from last week (186lbs), but is not a concern. My chest is finally starting to swell up and match my arms (my arms are prone to blow up like balloons and my chest usually lags). My stength and intensity in the gym is threw the roof.=) All lifts are increasing rapidly (at least 5lbs in every lift). I started tanning yesterday and I took end of week 4 pics on Sunday. I have to get the pics developed and scannned into my computer. I will post them as soon as possible. Winny tabs at 50mg per day will start this Monday.

    Measurements as of this morning:
    Arms 17.25 (Flexed)
    Forearms 12.5
    Chest 43
    Waist 34
    Neck 17.25
    Quads 21
    Calves 15

    Side Effects= Nothing new from last week other than one pretty big zit on my back

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hello everyone!!! My weight is back up to 188lbs, but no significant weight gains in about 2 weeks. I'm bigger, stronger and cut more than I was 2 weeks ago, so the scale doesn't really matter too much. I don't get to see people to much because most of my time is spent lifting and working, but last week I got two days off work and was catting around. I ended up seeing a bunch of people that I haven't seen in a while. Everyone was like "Holy shit you got big". That is the best feeling in the world =). Anyways, my pumps are still great and I feel real good. Weight is still increasing in every lift every week. A week of tanning and i look like i put on an extra 5 pounds of muscle (The tanning bed is the best invention ever!!!). I started my winny tabs yesterday. Half tab in the morning and the other half in the evening. When will I start to feel the affects of the winny? I can't wait until they kick in... I still didn't get my pics developed (I'm a procrastinator), but I will post them as soon as i do. As far as body parts go, my back and triceps need work. Any tips and ideas are welcome.

    Side effects- My temper/patience/ and tolerence for ignorance has become very short. My body heat at times makes me very irritable.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Under the squat rack
    Sounds awesome! Keep it up bro. At 195 you'll be a freak

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    good luck..hope u turn out to be a monsta!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Yikes. That's the same cycle I want to do, just having trouble getting the Sust. I'm not a fan of having to inject Mon and Thurs, but if it works better, yowsers. Keep up the good work bro and train hard.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Another quick ? Is 600mg milk thistle and 200mg of alpha lipoic acid everday enough to protect liver? Does anyone have any thoughts on the questions i asked in my post from 6/17/02? bump
    Last edited by Havesome77; 06-22-2002 at 01:35 PM.

  17. #17
    hey bro. im on a simular cycle and my warm body makes me tired alot and loss of appetite ( sometimes ) i put on 6lbs the first week but nothing threw week 2-5 im on my sixth week.. are u forcing your self to eat bro >?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    For badboy68. From the time I get up to the time i go to bed, I make sure that I'm eating or drinking something. By the end of the day I'm really bloated and feel like my gut is gonna burst. But when I wake up in the morning my stomach isn't bloated and i'm starving, ready to do it all over again.
    I'll give this question one more shot. Is 600mg milk thistle and 200mg ALA a day enough to protect liver? Does anyone have tips on my questions from 6/17/02
    Last edited by Havesome77; 06-29-2002 at 08:22 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hello everyone!!! My weight is up 2 more pounds (190lbs). I'm now in my 7th week and gained a total of 20lbs. My intensity in the gym is still very high, but stength increase last week was gradual compared to previous weeks. Today is my 10th day on 50mg winny and so far I'm very disappointed. I was hoping to feel big stength increases from these little blue pills, but the only thing I'm feeling is pain in my elbows, shoulders, and wrists. It's only been 10 days so hopefully by the end of this week I will see better results.

    As far as my body goes=
    My chest still needs work, but looks a lot better than it did. Flat bench was 165, 175, 185 for 6reps, curent 235, 245, 255 for 6reps.

    Biceps are good. Incline bicep curl was 20, 25, 30 for 10reps, currently 30, 35, 40 for 10reps.

    Triceps are still lagging behind my biceps, but they are starting to come out more. Hopefully in the next 2 weeks they'll be wolfin. Over head dumbbell Ext was 50, 55, 60 for 12 reps, currently 85, 90, 95 for 12 reps.

    Early last week I was concerned with my back, but I've put in 2 hard core workouts since then and the V shape is finally here. 4 sets of 12 Pull-ups in the beginning of the workout and finsh the workout with 3 sets of 12 pull-downs. Pull-ups suck but they work.

    Shoulders are good to go. Arnold dumbbell shoulder press was 35, 40, 45 for 6-8 reps, curently 65, 70, 75 for 6-8 reps.

    Legs don't look to good but are getting stronger. squat was 225 for 5reps, currently 315 for 5reps. Leg press was 375 for 6 reps, cureently 500 for 6 reps.

    I think that covers just about everything. Sorry about the long post, but I'm bored as hell. Have a good one....
    Last edited by Havesome77; 07-24-2002 at 10:12 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hello everyone!!! I weighed myself this morning on an empty stomach and I'm up another 2lbs (192lbs). Considering my diet was way off all last week (I missed a lot of shakes), I'm happy with 2lbs. I also measured my waist today because my shorts were feeling a little snug, I gained 1 inch(35) over the last 3 weeks. Last week my pumps were kick ass, but the winny is hammering my joints. The pain in my shoulders, elbows, and wrists during my workouts is so bad that i could cry. Seriously, I can usually handle pain pretty well, but getting through these last couple workouts has been like torture.

    I'm now in week 8 and my last shot is supposed to be this Wednesday. But I've been pondering over the last couple of days if I should extend this cycle to 10 weeks. I'm real happy with the gains that I've gotten so far, but i also want to put on as much mass as possible during this particular cycle. I'll make my decision before Sunday.

    Side Effects- My temper is as short as it can get, people really piss me off (especially when I'm driving). My cheeks and body are always warm which makes me very irritible. Zits on my back have been popping up here and there over the past week.
    Last edited by Havesome77; 07-01-2002 at 03:34 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    bro... thats some funny shit... thinking about extending your cycle, joints hurting like hell, being warm and people just pissing you off!! Just keep your head in check!!

    That signs of a real good cycle keep up the good work

    oh yea... IMO, if you aready started your winny then I wouldnt extend your cycle unless you can keep the winny going with it!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Awesome point F.R. Stick w/ what you decided already. Let your joints catch up to the new weight.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanx for the advice F.R. and Pap. I have enough winny to carry me threw the cycle if i decided to extend it. If the joint pain stays real bad all this week then i will end the cycle as planned, but if it subsides i will take the cycle to 10 weeks.

    Last night I went swimming at my fiance's parent's house(Sorry about the grammer). I'm not around her parents that often because i work alot. when i do see them I usually have a real loose shirt on. Well, when i took my shirt off to get in the pool, their eyes just about popped out of their heads.LOL Her dad said "holy hell buddy, Are you on steroids or something?" I didn't even have to say anything, my fiance chimmed in and said "no he isn't on steroids, you should see how much he eats a day." And she went on and explained how i work my ass off at the gym every day. My fiance really thinks I'm not juicing. I love this shit (juice), especially when u start turning heads.
    Last edited by Havesome77; 07-02-2002 at 02:25 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hello everyone!!! My weight is still at 192lbs as of this morning. My diet was off again over the weekend because of the holiday. These dam holidays are killing me, I probably could be weighing in at around 195lbs if I would have kept a strict diet the whole way through. My stength is still increasing in all exercises and I feel good. The joint pain is still killing me, but I'm doing my best to work through it. I decided against extending my cycle. The juice should linger in my system for about 3 more weeks, and I will still be taking the winny tabs during that time. My goals over the next 3 weeks: To weigh at least 195lbs, put atleast another inch on my chest, to put at least a quarter inch on my biceps, and keep a very strict diet.
    I leave for Ocean City Maryland this Saturday. I plan to workout at the Gold's Gym on the strip. My fiance thinks I'm crazy for wanting to lift while were on vacation, but like I said I want to utilize these last three weeks to the fullest. I'll post again this Friday before i leave for the beach. Have a good one...

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Under the squat rack
    Get your girl to go with you. Thats what I did when I went away last week. We trained eveyday at golds in Tampa. It was awesome!! Keep us updated dude. I am looking to do a similar cycle. If i can get it around my wife. She loves to train but she would flip about juice.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by freak of the week
    Get your girl to go with you. Thats what I did when I went away last week. We trained eveyday at golds in Tampa. It was awesome!! Keep us updated dude. I am looking to do a similar cycle. If i can get it around my wife. She loves to train but she would flip about juice.
    I wish I could get her to workout with me, but that will never happen. She hates that I lift and told me that if i get any bigger she won't marry me. I'm walking on thin ice, but this this is my body and i feel great. She's gonna have to deal with BB for a long time. My goal for this cycle was 195lbs and I'm very close to hitting that. These dam steroids fuck with your head. I think 195lbs isn't big enough so my goal for my next cycle is to hit 210lbs. I didn't tell her about that second goal yet, she'll have a feakin stroke.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Under the squat rack
    Originally posted by Havesome77

    I wish I could get her to workout with me, but that will never happen. She hates that I lift and told me that if i get any bigger she won't marry me. I'm walking on thin ice, but this this is my body and i feel great. She's gonna have to deal with BB for a long time. My goal for this cycle was 195lbs and I'm very close to hitting that. These dam steroids fuck with your head. I think 195lbs isn't big enough so my goal for my next cycle is to hit 210lbs. I didn't tell her about that second goal yet, she'll have a feakin stroke.
    I say tell her its a sport. Trust me its not the juice eveybody who is into bb wants to grow. Its the disease. Its awesome you hit 195. Keep us posted good luck with your girl.

    p.s. I left you a pm

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hello everyone!!! I just got back from the beach last night and had a great time... My plan was to lift at least 4 days while at the beach, but i ended up only lifting 3 of the days. Laying in the sun all day and swimming in the ocean drained the hell out of me. By the end of the days i didn't feel like doing shit. My workouts sucked because I was so damn tired and i ended up not taking my Arimidex and winny tabs 3 of the days. Anyways, surprisingly I checked my weight yesterday morning and I gained 5lbs from last week (197lbs). Today is usually my day off, but i will lift tonight to make up for my missed days at the beach.

    I start clomid on the 26th of this month and I'll stop the winny tabs on the 25th. I will be taking 100mg winny tabs ED from 7/21-7/25. Is this a good or bad idea? I thought it might make up for the days I missed at the beach. Should I take Arimidex throughout clomid therapy? Pics are being developed as I type. Pete, will you resize and post my pics if i email them to u?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Great gains guy! I'd like to see the pics, to see how you've progressed.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Bump. Does anyone have answers from my questions in my last post 7/21/02.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    isnt the title sust/deca diary? were is the deca? this is the second guy who is making great gains on a low dose of test. ive been convinced to use 400mg of test and 400mg of eq for my first cycle, but reading this stuff makes the lower dosages really attractive. 200mg test and 400eq maybe.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by ANTWAAN
    isnt the title sust/deca diary? were is the deca? this is the second guy who is making great gains on a low dose of test. ive been convinced to use 400mg of test and 400mg of eq for my first cycle, but reading this stuff makes the lower dosages really attractive. 200mg test and 400eq maybe.
    Norandren 200 is the (Brovel) vetrinary version of deca. I'm not sure how you read this diary, but 500mg of sustanon stacked with 400mg of Norandren a week is not necessarily low dose. You can try 200mg of test, but i can gaurentee that you will be disapointed with the end result. Good luck bro and have a good one...

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    my fault entirely, i didnt realize you wrote your injections monday and thursday i assumed it was once a week. and i didnt know norandren is deca. do you think 400mg test and 400mg eq is adequate? this is my first cycle and i am super paranoid about side effects.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hello everyone!!! I've been off my cycle for about 4 weeks now and my weight has been fluctuating between 192 and 195. I started my clomid and clen on the 26th of this month. My left shoulder, elbow, and wrist has been killing me for a while now, so I decided to take all of this week off. I know that taking a week off post cycle is good for you, but did I take a break to soon? I don't want to lose my gains, but the pain is so bad when I lift that I had to take a break ASAP. I will be back in the saddle this Monday with cardio and abs. I plan to switch my workout to high rep low weight for about 2 weeks and then go back to lifting heavy. Have a good one...

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2002
    My before and after pics are finally posted im member pictures...

  36. #36
    Originally posted by Havesome77
    Another quick ? Is 600mg milk thistle and 200mg of alpha lipoic acid everday enough to protect liver? Does anyone have any thoughts on the questions i asked in my post from 6/17/02? bump
    At least 1000 gram/day of ala. Most people use 2g/day(that i know)

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