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Thread: 2 WEEKS ON AND BF% please help!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Athens, Greece

    Question 2 WEEKS ON AND BF% please help!!!!

    I started 2 weeks ago with 25%bf
    Today i will go and see if i have so far any results from my experience i will propable be about 22%. Anyway i will post later when i get the results!
    Please help me regarding this:
    I`m on a low calorie low carb high protein diet (about 1500cals per day 5meals) The problem is that i feel always very tired and cannot lift the weights that i can. I want to cut up fast. Is this normal or i should change anything in my diet or weights program?
    Please help me guys i need your worthfull advices!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    How many g's of carbs are you eating a day?

    Low carb diets will always make you feel like shit bro. You'll always get weaker too, there's not much you can do than up your carbs a little till you are more comfortable. Are you taking flax oil or anything? Getting your necessary fats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Athens, Greece
    My breakfast is 2slices of turkey with 1 slice of pumpernickel And 1 glass of juice.
    After 4 hours in the work i eat 300gr 0% yogurt with cereals. Then after 4 hours i eat green salad and 1 apple
    Go to gym
    After workout 1 yogurt and protein shake and 2 hours after that i eat the same as breakfast

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Maybe swap your salad and apple meal with the cereal meal, as I dare say there is probably more carbs in the cereal which will give you more energy for your workout. Maybe you could have a sports drink just before training to give that extra bit of energy. If you are worried about the extra carbs then do 10-20 mins easy cardio after you workout, but probably isn't necessary as the extra energy hit will let you lift heavier and work harder therefore burn more cals. Also I wouldn't leave it much longer than 1hour from your meal to your workout. Hey where are the egg whites. When I cut down I was living on egg whites and the occasional yolk. Bump up the protein intake........
    You are the master of your body, take control and sculpt it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Another few words. If it was me I would be cutting the juice and the apple out, these are sugars that hit the blood stream quick causing your insulin levels to spike rapidly and then drop giving you hunger pains. The idea is to try and keep insulin levels as steady as possible, so maybe try brown rice instead and get stuck into the vegies like brocoli, lettuce mushrooms etc, stay clear of starchy vegies like potatoes and corn. Drink shit loads of water. Hope I haven't rambled toooo much.
    You are the master of your body, take control and sculpt it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Athens, Greece
    Thanks a lot bros!

    I'm waiting for more replies! all opinions are respectable

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Manchester, England
    Try Oatmeal porridge for cereal if you are not already, make it a lot with water so it looks a large meal takes longer to eat and has a great mix of protein, carbs and good fats. This good mix means it releases glucose into the blood stream at a constant rate making you feel more alert as there is a consatnt glucose supply to the brain. It will also make yopu feel fuller for longer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Also doesn't look to be to much protien in there, should be eating at least 1.5g per lbs otherwise you will burn up muscle too or more muscle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Athens, Greece
    Yesterday i went for %bf test. Results within 2 weeks are:
    Now 95kgr total weight
    26% water (they told ne thats very low, normal is about 45%)
    22% bf
    Well i run also a fit test.
    My pulse at rest point was 143!!!!!
    When i finished 10min bicycle was 160!!!!
    And after the power test was reached at 190!!!
    I think i`m a burning fat machine!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    The only thing I would stress, which has already been said, drink lots and lots of water!!! 1.5 to 2 gallons a day. I have heard, and know, people that upped their intake of water while trying to cut and it helped tremendously. Will help raise your metabolism and may help with energy. Just my dimes worth bro.



  11. #11
    man u should rase your meals ,i eat all those stuffs in 1 meal!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Try to take some sort of eca stack before you workout.

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