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Thread: fina+dbol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    chained to a squat rack


    My starting stats:
    17 years old
    6'2" 188lbs
    4 years training experience
    5000+calories a day
    chest 47"
    arms 16"
    calves 16"
    waist 32"
    bench max 260
    squat 275 for 10
    Here's my cycle:

    Fina week 1 6pills dmso
    week 2-4 8pills dmso
    week 5-6 10pills dmso
    dbol week 1-4 25mg ed

    Upped training volume and duration. Taking in extra calories.

    Week 2:

    Weighed 197 this morning! Bodyfat is down, im guessing only 1%. Feeling great, can definintely notice the androgenic side of the fina. Incredible stregth, aggresiveness, and acne. Lifts are improving steadily. Here are a couple examples:

    pre fina: 2weeks in
    bench 205 for 8 210 for 8
    squat 275 for 10 300 for 10

    Looking good so far. Next cycle I will be injecting, dmso is a pain. I have clomid for post cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    chained to a squat rack
    week 3:
    weigh 202 this morning, up 14 lbs in 3 weeks. Bodyfat has not changed.

    Strength is through the roof. All lifts are up at least 20lbs.
    Deadlift up 20lbs
    squat up 25lbs
    bench(i'll find out tomorrow)

    Currently i'm on a program that a college sent me. Its centered around basic lifts but also incorporates many assistance lifts. Its intense

    i"ll keep the updates coming!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Sounds like your doing good but I doubt your bodyfat is at 1 per.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    chained to a squat rack
    its down 1%. Read it slowly you shithead

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Well hey I read it wrong.I apologize for that.As far as the shithead thing goes.Hmmmmm Your the one whos 17 doing AS

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    chained to a squat rack
    my bad, got a hot temper from the fina.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Its cool..I was even gonna comment on the temper thing since you are taking fina Peace

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    chained to a squat rack
    Week 4 update: well actually i have two days but i'm eager

    Today was squat and deadlift day(i was a tough and long day)
    Final set of squats i hit 315 for 6 reps
    final set of deadlifts, i did 315 for 5 reps. sumo
    weight after getting home from the gym was 207! needless to say i am very happy with my cycle thus far. Before i started, i was aiming at walking away with 10lbs kept. But now i am aiming at 20lbs of lean mass. Still have 1 week of the dbol, and two weeks of the fina. The last week i am bumping up the dose to 200mg ed via dmso.
    Side effects thus far: mild dmso breath in the morning, crazy aggresion(as you can see in earlier posts), and fina dick(but only for the first week)
    Positives: strength, strength, and more strength
    increased hunger
    veins(in my chest too!!!)
    17lbs(bf is about the same as beginning)
    mass(legs have grown 1")
    ATTENTION(everyone is noticing)

    It's all very exciting. I strongly recomend a fina/dbol cycle for any football player or strength athlete. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, i feel like LAT from THE PROGRAM?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york
    Originally posted by SUPERDAVE
    Week 4 update: well actually i have two days but i'm eager

    Today was squat and deadlift day(i was a tough and long day)
    Final set of squats i hit 315 for 6 reps
    final set of deadlifts, i did 315 for 5 reps. sumo
    weight after getting home from the gym was 207! needless to say i am very happy with my cycle thus far. Before i started, i was aiming at walking away with 10lbs kept. But now i am aiming at 20lbs of lean mass. Still have 1 week of the dbol, and two weeks of the fina. The last week i am bumping up the dose to 200mg ed via dmso.
    Side effects thus far: mild dmso breath in the morning, crazy aggresion(as you can see in earlier posts), and fina dick(but only for the first week)
    Positives: strength, strength, and more strength
    increased hunger
    veins(in my chest too!!!)
    17lbs(bf is about the same as beginning)
    mass(legs have grown 1")
    ATTENTION(everyone is noticing)

    It's all very exciting. I strongly recomend a fina/dbol cycle for any football player or strength athlete. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, i feel like LAT from THE PROGRAM?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now all you have to do is scream out "STARTING DEFENSE" and put your head through a car window. I guess we can get to that Week 5

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    i am 17 also and i HAVE finaplix, i am dieing to use it, but fina dick is just too damn risky. could waste the whole summer for me. how isthe acne coming?

  11. #11
    G-S Guest
    You mentioned FINA DICK, but only for the first week. Explain, please. Are you saying you couldn't get hard for the first week, but now you can?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    chained to a squat rack
    you got it. i'm no expert but i think the dbol helped out. The little guy was shy for the first week. The urge was not there also. It was not that bad though. Kept me focused on the weights! Acne is bad, but who the hell cares. Its only 6 weeks. It will help to keep the hoes at bay. Keep you focused. If the only reason you're doing roids is to get some tail, you should reevaluate.

    Oh, and week 4 officially started. Benched yesterday 6 sets of 225 for 6 reps. Never done that before. Weighed 205 this morning. I don't think i want to gain anymore weight. Its been too much too fast. Something interesting: Despite the 15+ pound weight gain, my vertical leap has gone up 4" Good stuff. I can easily dunk.
    I have 5 more days of dbol and 10 more days of fina.
    After last day of fina i will start: clomid, loading creatine, tribulus, zma, glutamine.
    I wanna keep every ounce.
    Oh and for the last 10 days i am bumping up my dose of fina to 200mged dmso. All or nothing.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    does the dmso make you smell like garlic, you or your breath
    was contemplating it because ed poks SUCK

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    i noticed the smell when i woke up, but after i took a shower it was gone

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Officially 3 weeks after my fina/dbol cycle.
    Here's what's happened so far:
    Lost minimal strength(ex. 5 lbs on squats)
    Retained all weight gain(holding at 205)
    Small increase in bf(probably 1%)
    Sleeping much better(vivid dreams)
    Getting sore after workouts

    I am taking 1.5 grams of trib 2 a day, other than that everything has been about the same.

    Defiinitely recomend fina to anyone looking to add quality mass, but only one suggestion........INJECT. Dmso worked fina but was a pain in the ass

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