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Thread: DNP, ECA, and T3 Stack Is Killing me!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Athens, Greece

    DNP, ECA, and T3 Stack Is Killing me!!

    Well bros this fucking stack is killing me!
    Every day i go to gym and after my weight lifting prgram i do 30min cardio at 80% of cardiac rate. When i finish i weight my self and every day at the same time it shows me 300gr lighter!!! Can you believe it!!!
    I`m very happy with the results. I`m trying my very best, i know i will reach my goal wich is to drop my bf below 15% and then i`ll start a cutting cycle!!!
    Now i`m 22%bf. What do you think, will i be 14% after 2months?
    I hope so....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    bump..good luck and keep us posted on the effects of the DNP

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Wow bro... sounds good but from everything I've read about DNP, they say NOT to do hard cardio while on it since that may raise your body temp to a dangerous level. Still, if you're able to handle it then by all means do what you can. I'm planning on starting a dnp cycle in about a week or two when my stuff gets here so I'll have some insight as well.

    Just wondering, but what are you taking to help fight the sides and help with detox and all that? I ordered Tyler's liver detox and some ALA and may take some other stuff too just to be safe. Anyway, keep us updated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    There was a study done back a long time ago on some miners that were exposed to copiuose amounts of DNP (dnp is a constituent of the explosive that they were using on a daily basis) for a prolnged period of time. Thier families reported that they were ALL very lean men. thier bodies refused to put on BF. Some of them were well into thier 40's.
    Well, there was a cave in on a part of the mine and about 9 miners lost their lives. Spooky thing was that on the coronors report he indicated strangely enough that the dead miners bodies had a increase in thier body temperature post mortum!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
    Well, Iwillgrow all I can say is that if you are getting 300gm lighter every day you might want to check out that it isnt MUSCLE that you might me stripping away. Muscle weighs more than twice as much as fat and a rapid weight loss is really muscle loss. Why do you think that it is said not to do heavy cardio when on DNP and T3. They will do most of the work for you. I would just diet and lift. Muscle costs to much to develop (SUPP, gear, gym fees) to just strip off like that. It is easy to loose muscle let me tell you I am made that same mistake. Don't re-live my mistakes. Be nice to your body it can only handle so much at once. I don't want to hear that you spontaneousely compusted after having a coronary on the treamil at the gym.

    Big R

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Athens, Greece
    The strange thing is that for 5 days i have stacked to the same weight

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Frankly the idea of stacking DNP, ECA nd T3 scares me! That's a lot of drugs that really stress the body all on top of each other. I have done Clen/T3 together, but stacking DNP with another thermogenic AND T3 sounds downright scary to me!

    I would opt for a slower approach that put less stress on my body...
    Last edited by Ajax; 06-17-2002 at 04:43 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    thats alot of shit my man....i would rather take a light dose than die....i am on my first day of DNP....dont push yourself

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    ajax knows his shit bro that may be alot--raise in bp from eca,raise in body temp by dnp and eca,raise in pulse with same meds and all that cardio
    be careful

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Athens, Greece
    Well know its been over a week and i`m the same exactly weight 92kgr
    I have finished dnp over a week and now i continue my t3/eca cycle
    Strange is that i have become over the last days more vascular with less guts. I think that means i have raised my lean mass?
    How can this happen while on t3/eca stack? My diet has changed a bit and now is 60%prot 25%carbs 15%fats
    I eat about 300grams of protein per day, i do cardio eod for 45min 50-60% of max cardiac rate. And after dnp cycle strenght almost doubled!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    First off, I DO NOT AND AM NOT ASKING FOR SOURCES. if you pm me out of the blue offering sources i will delete it.

    I have contacted a few sources and never have i seen DNP for sale. do most sources not carry DNP these days?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by Buddha_Red
    First off, I DO NOT AND AM NOT ASKING FOR SOURCES. if you pm me out of the blue offering sources i will delete it.

    I have contacted a few sources and never have i seen DNP for sale. do most sources not carry DNP these days?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    down there


    could someone explaine to me what DNP stands for , please?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

  14. #14
    what exactly is T3?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    T3 is cytomel. You can look it up in the AR main pages. T3 is a thyroid hormone that can assist in a magically chemical way to lose weight. I don't know all the exact chemical reactions that occur in your body when taking this, but I do know that you need to gradually decrese this medicine when coming off. I'm currently taking a version of T3 called sintrocid .3mg which is just causing me to have kidney pains.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    IWillGro.....the reason you are dropping weight post DNP is the shedding of excess water weight. Also, the T3 will have a stronger effect post DNP. DNP causes a reduction in natural T3 levels, so the supplement helps keep the body in balance...... once the DNP is stopped, the body will kick back in, effectively causing you to have an elevated metabolism. This will quickly subside and you will see results start to slow down.

    As for the worry of losing muscle mass, this is not the case with DNP. One reason this such an amazing drug is it has extreme lean mass sparing properties, tending to only uncouple and force the body to use stored fat for energy. However, T3 is highly catabolic, and I would not stay on it for an extended period of time without using at least a little test.

    In the future, I would use the ECA prior to and after the DNP, but not together. DNP causes a large increase in body heat due to the uncoupling effect, and ECA can cause an increase due to the stimulation of the CNS. Therefore, You can quickly end up in problems taking both at the same time. No need to cook yourself for quicker losses.

    If you cycle the DNP 8 on, 8 off, 8 on, etc for a period of 32 days at 400-600mg/day....taking your T3 at about 100mig/day, then taper down the T-3, I think you will reach your goals safer and secure. You can use the ECA during the 8off period.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Last edited by Kemo; 07-31-2002 at 11:49 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Originally posted by Ajax
    Frankly the idea of stacking DNP, ECA nd T3 scares me! That's a lot of drugs that really stress the body all on top of each other. I have done Clen/T3 together, but stacking DNP with another thermogenic AND T3 sounds downright scary to me!

    I would opt for a slower approach that put less stress on my body...
    Man did you say a mouthful here.. I totally agree. I am doing a t3 and an ECA stack right now, and I sweat like a madman. In fact, I am thinking of dropping the ECA stack and just sticking with the T 3.

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