weeks 1-14
Curently off steriods for 2 weeks now,and im on clomid hcg. But got to start in 2 weeks.Contest is in sept 28th.Level 1 first timer here
so here it is
weeks 1-14
1-10 600mg enthanate
11-14 500mg's prop or do i do test the last 4 weeks??
deca 600mg's first 2 weeks then 400mg's to week 9
finabolan weeks 9-14 70mg eod
eq-50mgs a day weeks 9-14
anavar last 6 weeks suggested dosage guys?
clen-last 6 weeks 2-3 squirts a day
winny-50mg ed last month so from 10-14
can u guys understand this? please help a bro out.I need a trainer too obiously.i know how to diet good,and ive started already.
i was 240lbs down to 210 and lost maby 4% body fat-think im at about 11% for now maby 10% or lower not sure im 27years old have done only bulking cycles in my life. thanks guys