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Thread: Guinea Pig Short Cycles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Guinea Pig Short Cycles

    Okay BSS bro's already know the reasoning behind this so you guys get a brief explanation.

    I am trying the 5/3 cycles, to be a guinea pig of sorts and to try out a new combination drug consisting of prop and fina in the same inject.

    Here it is.

    120mg/day tren acetate
    150mg/day test propinate
    100mg/day oral winstrol
    600mg/week equipoise (no ester)
    .25mg/day arimidex
    12.5mcg/ 5 days each week T3
    Clomid for the entire 3 weeks off, 300mg/day 1 150mg/d rest of first week. 100mg/d the next two weeks.
    Also will be running super clen in the3 weeks off as an anti catabolic and to shed a bit of fat.

    Let me know what you fella's think, oh and Ms Figure since you're so smart you can comment too, lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    OK, I have a question. Why are you taking that much clomid? Your natural test will only be shut down for 5 weeks. I think you would be fine at 100mg week 1 after your first high dose. I think you would get good results without using so much clomid if you went like this. 300mg the first day, 100mg the next 10 days, and 50 mg the last 10 days. You are going to do this 5/3 cycle thing for a good while(6 months I think you said) and you may develope a mild tolerance to clomid. I would not want that bro. You may need to take this into account so you can run this longer.

    I know I am not as smart as Ms. Figure but these are my .02...LOL


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I agree with Gil to much are going to trurn into a bitch bro....

    i woul go with 50 mg ed/100mg eod/50 mg ed and shoot some HCG bro

    other then that looks good....

    P.S im also going on 5/3 cycle for 1 full year soon mine will be alot different tho...i will useing higher amounts and different forums of gear

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Thanks fellas, I wasn't even taking the tolerance factor into account. The fact I would have been taking clomid like that every 8 weeks never even crossed my mind. I think I will be running it just like you suggested Gilster.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    oh and Ms Figure since you're so smart you can comment too, lol
    LMAO i have only just seen this post! Im sorry do i go on too much!

    I have seen results from cycling gear three weeks on three weeks off using short acting esters including A bombs, winny, Prop anavar etc! I would be interested to see your result!!!

    I think the theory behind it is good because you hopefully are not shutting down your natural test as you would on a longer cycle the only thing ive ever been wary of with these types of cycles are that you never know if your natural test production has come back bfore you start your next so when you finally finish you may have a crash speculating only I know the short acting esters mean that yes you take your last shot on sunday should be out system by monday so to speak but you just dont know! but i have always like the theory behind it so very interested in your results keep us updated!

    Glad you decided on less Clomid! Nice one Glister ive seen you over at BSS female board im impressed! Shouting for Green tea bro i dont know LOL!!
    Ms Figure

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Originally posted by kizer_soce
    Thanks fellas, I wasn't even taking the tolerance factor into account. The fact I would have been taking clomid like that every 8 weeks never even crossed my mind. I think I will be running it just like you suggested Gilster.
    Actually you will be ending clomid therapy and starting clomid therapy after 5 weeks not 8. You will only have the 5 week period when on cycle, that your not on clomid. You will START clomid every 8 weeks.

    Thanks Ms Figure. I appreciate it. Anytime I can impress a Lady I'm happy. Especially one as smart as you...LOL...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    east side
    that cycle looks killer!when are ya gonna start that Kizer?btw check yo PM,yuou got mail,Morg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    As soon as my kits show to make my killer combo, hahaha. Probably about two weeks from today (monday)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    By the way the mail is real slow nowdays KS. It might take a bit longer than 2 weeks with the goings on now. I am still waiting for a video I ordered..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Well must be the anthrax that they are worried about! Im off to the Olympia on Wednesday Las Vegas here i come, and i was going to take my LGlutamine on the plane and then thought better of it! LOL! id have been kept in customs a very long time!
    Ms Figure

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    I envy you. I wish I could go to the Olympia, glutamine or not...LOL. Tell us about it when you get back on. Enjoy your trip.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Thank you i promise i will ill tell Ronnie all about you all!! Just thought of something have you realise the only way you can win the Olympia is if the guy who won it the year before retires! LOL
    Ms Figure

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    okay it has started today.

    The combo isn't too painful, just about like a normal 200mg/ml shot of prop. Tender but bearable.

    I didn't get my bf measured but after getting off a REAL low dose of dnp it is around 9%. Bodyweight is 215.

    I altered it just a tad.

    I will be dosing ed so I decided on 1/2cc of the no ester eq a day instead of 1cc m, tu, th, fr so instead of 600mg/w it will be 525mg/w.

    Still doing the 1.5 cc/d of the combo (150mg prop and 120mg tren)

    Gonna bump the t3 up to 25mcg also 5 days out of each week (determined randomly, no set schedule) Still hitting clen post cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Sounds good bro. Glad to hear the combo is not painfull. Let us know how it's going. I envy you. I wish I was on now...LOL..I'll be there too soon enough..hehe

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Okay small update combo hurt like shit the next day, now diluting it 1cc combo w/1cc sterile oil and no pain AT ALL, not even the next day. Already up 6lbs, strength and pumps continually getting better.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Been 1 week exactly can still see my abs (fading quick) but I am now up 11lbs to 225, strength is through the roof. Diluted the combo no more pain except from the asian eq.

  17. #17
    Damn, just saw this post! Doing a killer 3 week cycle. Just finishing week one too. How does it feel? Keeps us posted!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i thought the idea behind short cycles was to stay off a little longer or the same amount of time you are on. They are supposed to be safer because you are on less frequently. I have heard of 2/4 splits, 3/5 and 4/4 splits, but 5/3 defeats the purpose (in my humble opinion). You're on more than you're off and you can't depend on your body to recover itself, you need to use more drugs that will be less and less effective.

    just started my two week cycle. going to go two weeks on, three-four weeks off. Just finished a long cycle about a month ago, and lost a lot, trying to see if I can gain it back with a quickie cycle.

    Here's what I'm taking:
    day 1-4 100 mg prop
    day 5-14 50 mg prop
    day 3-14 100 mg tren
    day 1-14 40-50 mg dbol

    calories around 4000+ per day, <a href="" target="_blank">creatine</a> 4x day, l<a href="" target="_blank">glutamine</a> 20 mg/day and bee pollen(makes me feel more aware).
    Last edited by humpymuscle; 12-08-2002 at 12:22 PM.

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