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Thread: Alright Bros.... Here we GO!!!!!

  1. #1

    Alright Bros.... Here we GO!!!!!

    Shot #1 Complete and lovin it!

    I just started my cycle.... which is a little limited due to supply.

    I am running Test Prop at 300-400mg a week all 8 weeks
    Winny at 25mg ed for weeks 1-4, 50mg ed for weeks 5-8

    I may get some sust and/or test cyp in soon, which I will add in whenever I get them..... probably just one or the other, not both.

    I'll keep you guys posted!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida
    best of luck.....lift till something snaps!! and youll be good

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Thatta boy! Grow big! And by all means, get some pooty with all that test runnin through ya! (No offense to the ladies, just tryin to give my boy some encouragement).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Be safe bro

  5. #5

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    Every prop cycle I've done before has made me horny as hell!!! LOL! I don't expect this one to be any different!

    Just waitin for the goods to kick in!

  6. #6
    Alright bros..... I'm changin up the cycle a bit..

    I was doing 100mg Test Prop eod, but after the second shot, I felt like I needed more (since I got nothing to stack with it but winny). So now I have switched to 100mg ED!

    So I'm going from 300-400mg/wk to 700mg/wk.
    I hope to see some substantial gains. I am also hoping to get some DBol or Deca (or both) to stack with it.....

    I'll keep you guys posted..... peace.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    east side
    sounds good,i like that you went to e.d injects,ill be doin' the same come december but im gonna ad tren ,with winny 50 mgs for 6 weeks and anavar 40mgs for 6 over lapping ,for 10 weeks,keep us posted,and keep eatin and liftin',good luck,Morg

  8. #8


    Damn! I feel great! Just got back from the gym and I have finished my first week of my third cycle....... went from 208lbs to 213lbs!!!!!!!!!

    I have used nothing but 100mg Test Prop every day for the past week... I am waiting on my Dbol, Winny and Deca to come in..... Sounds good doesn't it! LOL.... Actually I am wondering if anyone has tried I*'s 50mg Dbol tabs and/or the new Sublingual Deca tabs coming from our favorite chinese friend???? Those are the ones I am getting and I am pretty pumped to try them as all his shi* is good.....

    Anyways.. Back to my results.
    My bench has increased 20lbs. My Leg Press 40lbs. My T-Bar by 15lbs, and my BB curls by 10lbs. All weight increases are for repping weight (the amount I use to do sets of 8-10 reps), not maxes. I am really happy with the way this cycle has gone so far, and I am really impressed I gained that much off nothing but 700mg test/w. I can't wait till the rest of my shi* comes in!!!!!

    It also may have to do with the fact that I am now eating around 6500-7500 cals a day. (As opposed to 3000).

  9. #9

    Thumbs up

    Keep up the good work!!!

  10. #10

    End of Week 2...

    Week 2 complete. I have since added Winny 50mg ed and insulin started yesterday. I am tapering the insulin (4,5,6,7,8,9,10 iu) up, so I am only on 5 iu today.

    I have hit 220lbs!! A gain of 7 pounds in week 2! My leg press is up another 90lbs! Bench up another 10lbs! and Squats up 40lbs!

    I have switched from Prop to Enanthate, only because my source ran out of prop..... bastard!

    I am very happy with my gains (just hope I can keep them...) and I am shooting to hit 230lbs by christmas (I don't think that will be a problem, maybe I should shoot for 240??? )

    Just keepin my peeps posted!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    240??? pussy....... 250!

  12. #12

    LOL @ PPPP

    Damn..... I can't even imagine myself at 250. That makes me want to hit it even more!

  13. #13

    End of week 3!

    Week 3 complete. I had some pitfalls this week, my source was being shady and I made the BIG mistake of starting my cycle without all the gear in. Well everything is okay again now. My FINAL cycle looks like this....

    Test Enanthate 800mg/w untill week 8
    Dbol 50mg ED weeks 1-4
    Insulin 45ius ED weeks 3-6
    Liquidex .25mg ED all throughout

    Bridge into next cycle with
    Clomid weeks 11-13

    Test Prop. 700mg/w for 10 weeks
    Fina 75mg ED for 4 weeks
    Winny 50mg ED weeks 5-10
    T-3 for 3 weeks
    Clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks ECA

    That should get me to spring break....
    I haven't really thought out the cutting cycle very well, just kinda threw it together, so please comment!!!!!!!

    Anyways, back to my results. I weigh in at 225 now. My bench is up another 10lbs. My leg press is up 60lbs. My Squats up 20lbs.

    I am feeling VERY bloated, but its all good. I just started the liquidex so I hope that helps. I know I am holding a lot of water. I look like a jelly fish.

    Anyways, no other exciting stories, so that's it until next week!!


  14. #14

    Finished week 4 on Wed...

    Well, progress has slowed down some. I am holding a weight of 235lbs. I am holding A LOT of water and have gained quite a bit of fat as well, but my strength gains are through the roof!

    As far as injections go, I am running out of damn sites! I am shooting one shot every day and some places are getting a little sore from using them so much. My rotation looks like this, right glute, left glute, right quad, left quad, right bicep, left bicep, right tricep, left tricep, right delt, left delt. I need those pics of the calf shot. (XBiker, are you listening.. LOL ).

    Also, has anyone noticed some pain with phenylpropionate? I am getting a lot more pain on this than on plain prop. What's with that?

    Anyways, I have this solid feeling of power now. I love the 4-6 week of a cycle. You feel unstoppable! I walk in the gym and throw at LEAST an extra 5lbs on to every exercise from the last workout. My repping bench weight went up 10lbs in 3 days (I lifted chest sunday, and then wednesday). Unbelievable!

    Anyways, just sharing the good news! Lata

  15. #15
    Or these posts Big Al???

    Don´t you think they are illegal in some way? What if the FBI finds out?
    Do these "members" have what it takes to be well earned respect members?

    well, "Big Al".....prove you´re not on drugs all the time and write an answer to this!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    MN...please stop doing this. This has nothing to do with GBH, so do not disrespect him by airing your grievances on this thread. I hope this will be the end of this.


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