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Thread: 8 days on d-bol and deca, still nothing from d-bol?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    8 days on d-bol and deca, still nothing from d-bol?

    I am going on day 9 of deca and d-bol. The deca is not suppose to kick in for a while yet and I know that but at 35mg a day of d-bol I should be noticing something, right. First time on d-bol. I take about 300mg of protein a day and eat right and train hard. So I was just looking for a reason why nothing is happening, no pumps of anything. I know for sure it's the real deal. Any help would be cool, thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dude what type of dbol tabs are you using? From what company and what are your stats? I am currently on a dbol and sus cycle, the dbol hit me the 4th day i was on it. The power wasn't amazing but i get good pumps. and always looked a little pumped. Kind of like creatine. But then after like 2 weeks i started getting a little bigger, and i went from 146lb to 151lb now on my week 3. i finish dbol next week, and my face is starting to get bloated. and I also am eatting like a mofo. I mean 3-4 plates, 4 times a day. I could fit anything in my stomach it's nice. Well i'm using the Naposim brand. Little white tabs with a triangle in the center of the tab. good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    same here bro, using the same thing. I have never taken d-bol before, by pumps, what do you mean?

  4. #4
    i noticed changes after the 2nd week gaining 8lbs
    from 155 to 163 doing 15 to 25mg ed D-bol
    by LOEFFLER i love it .....

  5. #5
    oh by the way PUMPS means that when you take D-bol your muscles feel like you just finished workout thats what you call PUMPS which you can also feel the same with other AAS as well...
    correct me if i'm wrong..

  6. #6
    Patience.......don't worry the gains will come.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks guys. Hey, that's a great picture neo!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey Bodine keep us updated on your cycle progress..

  9. #9


    wasup....3 days on d-bol, deca , sust....dont like pins, but is needed...i combine 200 mg deca with 400 sust, and 4 lil d-bol pills/day...eating clean/training hard..and waiting 4 patient..i know whats coming....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon
    does 3 pills of d-bol/day are enough ?

  11. #11
    do 35 to 40mged if you have enough gear do 25mged 1-8, i was reccommended to 50mged 1-5 but i didnt have enough to do i regret i didnt get enough
    i got good gains on it next time i'll do it.

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