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Thread: Clen Cycle: Daily Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At the gym

    Clen Cycle: Daily Log

    Started my clen cycle today. Going to post the results daily. My goal for now is 200lbs at 10%. I'll be posting clenbuterol treatment dosage, diet, and training daily . Will be measuring and updating weight and bf% on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

    Day 1

    Height: 5' 9"
    Weight: 219.5
    BodyFat: 18%

    40 mcg @ 10 am

    Felt a little bit shakey in the first couple of hours. Don't feel any sides now later in the day.

    Cardio x 45 min

    Shoulders and Traps
    Cardio x 60 minutes

    Calories: 1810
    Fat: 18g
    Carb: 154g
    Protein: 272g
    Last edited by vacarski; 03-20-2006 at 09:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Keep us posted bro. Don't slack on the posts either. I love reading progress reports!

    Any pics?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Why so much cardio and only 1810kCals?

    As far as clen goes, don't up your dose until your temp comes back down. Where is your list of supps?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At the gym
    Day 2

    40 mcg clen 9am
    40 mcg clen 12 noon

    Strange the way I felt, it was. I was shaky a little bit, but at the same time I had an all around body fatigue. I even was able to take a nap about a hour after I took my second dose and woke up about an hour later really shaky and my heart beating fast. The fatigue is tolerable, its strange, almost like my body is heavier and its requires more effort to carry it around.
    Once I started my workout though I was able to get a good pump and push pretty hard.

    Cardio x 30 min

    2012 cal
    40 g fat
    122 g carb
    309 g protein

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Why so much cardio and only 1810kCals?

    As far as clen goes, don't up your dose until your temp comes back down. Where is your list of supps?
    I did some research on precontest dieting and found an interesting article by Chris Aceto (Jay Cutlers Nutritionist). He says that if your want to cut your body fat but preserve the lean mass you should consume between 10 and 15 calories per one pound lean body mass. As of Sunday I was 219.5 at 18% which gives me 179.9 lbs lean mass. Consequently the caloric intake range is between 1799.9 and 2698.5. Given the anti-catabolic properties of clen I'm going to try and stay toward the lower end of the scale. I'll be checking and posting my weight and BF% progression twice a week and if I see a drop in lean mass I definitely up the cals.

    As for the cardio in Acetos book "Everything You Nee To Know About Fat Loss" he presupposes intense weight training and extensive cardio ergo the contest preparation schematic. I'm not training for a contest but I'm taking the same approach because IMO bodybuilders are the most knowledge as far as fat loss and muscle gain/maintaince. Again, if the lean mass starts to drop I'll tweak the cardio.


    36g glutamine
    3g cla
    5500mg Potassium
    Amino Acids

    Post Workout (within 15 min):
    50g Protein (Isopure)
    35g glucose/dextrose combo

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Keep us posted bro. Don't slack on the posts either. I love reading progress reports!

    Any pics?

    I'll post some pics this week.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Where is your Taurin supplement? As far as what Cutler's nutritionist says..well more than likely he is talking about a person that is cycling. And you know you can only lose so much weight within a week. I think you should drop the after weight training cardio and see what you get...start off with less and up it as you plateau.

    I wish you the best, and yes keep this updated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At the gym
    Day 3

    40 mcg clen 9am
    40 mcg clen 12noon
    40 mcg clen 3pm

    As was well. I started feeling shakey about 30 minutes after each dose and the shaking lasted about an hour. Again though I had an all around body fatigue. It may be due to the fact that I'm sitting at a computer all day because once I start working out I'm still able to carry on with good intensity. Thats has always been the case though, once I start working out, no matter how tired I get I'm good to go.

    I did have a small cramp in left side of my abdomon but it was very tollerable, just kind of there. Very light headache, again nothing serious, just kind of there in the background all day.

    I havent had much of an appetite at all. I actually just have to eat by the clock because I'm very rarely hungry (except after weight training). So, I been eating every 3 hours, mostly protein shakes and meal replacements.

    Cardio x 45 min

    1773 cal
    31g fat
    87g carb
    302g protein

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At the gym
    Day 4

    40mcg clen 11am
    40mcg clen 1pm
    40mcg clen 5pm

    217.5 lbs

    17.4 %

    I felt pretty good today. I had the day off so I slept in a little bit. I wasnt as shaky as before and no cramps or headaches or anything so I'm going to up my dose to 160 tomorrow and alternate 160/120 each day.

    As for my weight change and bf% change its about what I expected. I think this week comming up I will get even more results though because I will have higher doses in my system. Those numbers reflect the build up days so they dont posture the maximum benefit I'm expecting. As for how those numbers break down:

    219.5 @ 18% on 03/19/2006
    217.5 @ 17.4 on 03/22/2006

    Total Days: 3
    Total Weight Loss: 2lbs
    Total BodyFat % Loss: .6%
    Lean Mass: -.34lbs
    Body Fat: -1.67lbs

    I know I lost a little bit of lean mass but I think thats mostly water because I have been sweating like crazy. When I work out, by the time I'm done I look like I jumped in the pool with all my clothes on, seriously, its kind of disgusting. I naturally sweat a lot so this is just crazy. Its worth it though.

    I had a cheat meal today (Foot long BMT Double Meat from Subway ) so my calories are on the higher range compared to where they have been the past few days. But for me I need to have those cheat meals at least twice a week to keep my body from going into starvation mode and storing body fat. The cheat meal twice a week just lets it know that the foods going to be there and I'm generally at a lower BF% the day after a cheat meal. I think my body is responding to the increased calories in expectation that it will continue and then burning more calories and fat. This only works for me though when I'm on a low calorie diet and have higher calorie day twice a week ie. metabolic trickery.

    Anyway, I should have some pics up by Saturday.

    Cardio x 45 min

    Cardio x 45 min

    Bis, Tris, Forearms

    Calories: 2508
    Fat: 106g
    Carbs: 179g
    Protein: 222g

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At the gym
    Day 5

    80mcg clen 9am
    40mcg clen 12noon
    40mcg clen 3pm

    Felt good today. Almost all the shaking has gone away. It kind of sucks actually because I like the shaking; it gives me that, wow its woking feeling. I did have mild headace all day. I took Aleve but it was still persistently there in the background all day until I started working out, then it went away.

    My workouts are going pretty good. 120lbs dumbells on the shoulder press 4x but it felt heavier than last week. Also my endurance through the duration of my workout is a challenge to maintain. I'm sweating a TON, so I'm trying to drink as much water as possible, but I have to really push myself to maintain the same level of intensity as I'm used to.

    I do feel a great pump during my exercises. The funny thing is that while I'm exhausted all around as a total I felt last night that I my shoulders and traps could have and actually wanted more after 26 sets so threw in some rear delt flys to burn out.

    I should have some pics up tommarow.

    Cardio x 35 min

    2131 cals
    54g fat
    116g carb
    319g protein

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    This is helpful....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by solacevip
    This is helpful....
    ...also hasn't been updated in 2 months.

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