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Thread: Third Cycle Log

  1. #1
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Third Cycle Log

    Hey Guys

    I started my third cycle on Monday. I started at 180lbs, I am 5'8" and at about 16% BF. Calories are around 3500 a day and protein at 400 grams + a day. Also I am 51 years old

    This is my first cycle using Prop.

    OK so this is my cycle

    wk 1-14 Test E 750 mg / week shoot three times a week, not EOD because its amps and I couldnt be bothered messhing around with it
    wk 1-5 Test P 500 mg week shoot EOD
    wk 1-14 Deca 500 mg / Week shoot EOD
    wk 1-9 Var 80mg / ED
    wk 10-14 Winny 50mg / ED

    Arimidex 0.25 mg ED through hole cycle.

    No PCT as I cruise between cycles on 100mg Test E

    I hope to gain 15-20 lbs on this cycle. I have upped the doses on my previous cycles as the gains just wernt there which I can only put down to age.

    I started on Monday, its now Saturday and I am 4lbs up just this week. The feeling from the Prop and Var is awsome. I am pumped all the time and horny as a cut cat which I did not experience on previous cycles.

    I was worried about the Prop pain but cutting it with Test E and Deca makes a big difference. So flame away and I will keep you updated.

    The pic on the right is me before I started juicing and after a year of not working out. Not pretty !!!!

    I have added two more pics of me now after seven weeks of HGH, I am down t about 185lbs here but pretty happy with the fat loss.
    Last edited by Kale; 09-21-2006 at 06:34 AM.

  2. #2
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    thats a big cycle.. i thought prop was used at the end of a cycle not the beginning
    good luck & i'll be following ur progress

  3. #3
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    The cycle is to long.Nobody can grow for 14 weeks,however if you feel that it is right for you then run the test for a couple of weeks longer than the deca .Maybe add prop at week 10-16 and take the test e out.


  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    The cycle is to long.Nobody can grow for 14 weeks,however if you feel that it is right for you then run the test for a couple of weeks longer than the deca .Maybe add prop at week 10-16 and take the test e out.

    Yeah I agree with the length, I will see how the growth goes and I will stop whn I think I am not getting any further. I think because I cruise it will be togher going anyway to get the gains I want. I might try the prop at the end as well to change it up if growth stops

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3
    thats a big cycle.. i thought prop was used at the end of a cycle not the beginning
    good luck & i'll be following ur progress
    Prop can be used at both the beginning and the end of a cycle bro

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Yeah I agree with the length, I will see how the growth goes and I will stop whn I think I am not getting any further. I think because I cruise it will be togher going anyway to get the gains I want. I might try the prop at the end as well to change it up if growth stops
    Good luck whichever way you decide to go with it.

    Hope you ok anyway my friend!

  7. #7
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale

    OK so this is my cycle

    wk 1-14 Test E 750 mg / week shoot three times a week, not EOD because its amps and I couldnt be bothered messhing around with it
    wk 1-5 Test P 500 mg week shoot EOD
    wk 1-14 Deca 500 mg / Week shoot EOD
    wk 1-9 Var 80mg / ED
    wk 10-14 Winny 50mg / ED

    Arimidex 0.25 mg ED through hole cycle.

    No PCT as I cruise between cycles on 100mg Test E

    Run test 2 weeks longer then the deca. I would recomend to run.........

    Deca week 1-10
    Test E week 1-12

    your cycle is okay though it is too long and a lil heavy for a 1st cycle.

  8. #8
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    Run test 2 weeks longer then the deca . I would recomend to run.........

    Deca week 1-10
    Test E week 1-12

    your cycle is okay though it is too long and a lil heavy for a 1st cycle.
    its his third cycle

  9. #9
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3
    its his third cycle
    Ohh shoot my bad, I read the part stating that its his first cycle using prop and I thought it was his 1st cycle. I guess you should read the entire thread before posting feedback

  10. #10
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    OK this is almost the end of the second week. This week has been amazing. I am up another 3lbs for a total of 7lbs in two weeks so I am up to 187lbs. I am constantly pumped and I can already see a lot of difference. The workouts have been intense although I had to stop legs yesterday because of muscle spasms in my lower back caused by a heavy dead lift day three days before. I am going back today and I will just do leg press and leave the squats out.

    No sides at all so far, sex drive is up a lot as expected. I hate the fvcking site of food though, I am almost dry reaching at every meal but its worth it for the gains I am getting. So lets see if I am stiil this happy at the end of next week.

  11. #11
    Booz's Avatar
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    good luck with this Kale....keep us updated...

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  12. #12
    king diamond is offline Banned
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    damn kale, if i had to guess how old the person in your pics was i would have said in his 30's...definitly not in his 50's! u look unfriggin believabe for someone in his 50's. i guess its true if u keep in good shape and never let yourself go u can keep a good body.....(and a little help on the side)
    good luck with your cycle

  13. #13
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by king diamond
    damn kale, if i had to guess how old the person in your pics was i would have said in his 30's...definitly not in his 50's! u look unfriggin believabe for someone in his 50's. i guess its true if u keep in good shape and never let yourself go u can keep a good body.....(and a little help on the side)
    good luck with your cycle
    Thanks bro I really appreciate that, hopefully at the end of the cycle I will look even better

  14. #14
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    Shit Kale you wanna adopt me? I can't get my pops to go anywhere near the gym. You look amazing for 51 never would have guessed...

  15. #15
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Guys I mentioned earlier that I am eating a lot, I am starting to put on a bit of fat as well which I am not happy about. Well I bought Fitday and did an analysis of what I am eating which I have attached here. Jesus !!! I am getting 4500 calories a day and almost 400 grams or protein. I dont think 4500 calories is a good idea at my age so I am going to back it off to around 3000 calories and see how it goes. Any comments would be appreciated. I am also going to do some cardio in my days off as I am getting short of breath and feeling exhausted, I think because of the extra weight I am carrying now.
    Last edited by Kale; 09-13-2006 at 04:35 PM.

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I personally wouldn't do that length of a cycle anymore, but if thats your plan i would slightly change a couple of things around id drop the Decca 2 weeks before the test and i would start Winny on week 12 and take that 2wks past the test e, i understand your not going into pct but think stopping all them compounds all at once could have a bit of a downside.

    The calories sound good and protein consumption, its worth thinking about priming the body before for a few weeks then introduce all the calories, growth would of been fast and big, good luck i will keep my eye on your log and will be interested to see when the gains stop.

    looking well for 51yrs old, well done

  17. #17
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I personally wouldn't do that length of a cycle anymore, but if thats your plan i would slightly change a couple of things around id drop the Decca 2 weeks before the test and i would start Winny on week 12 and take that 2wks past the test e, i understand your not going into pct but think stopping all them compounds all at once could have a bit of a downside.

    The calories sound good and protein consumption, its worth thinking about priming the body before for a few weeks then introduce all the calories, growth would of been fast and big, good luck i will keep my eye on your log and will be interested to see when the gains stop.

    looking well for 51yrs old, well done
    Thanks for the advice Markus and the encouragement, I have huge respect for you bro. I am going to reduce the cycle to 12 weeks based on other feedback as well. I will modify the Deca and the Winny accordingly also So you think I should maintain the calories at this rate, man its fvcking killing me and I am getting some fat on as well. I have probably only added 1500 calories to what I was doing normally while cruising but shit it has made a difference.

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Thanks for the advice Markus and the encouragement, I have huge respect for you bro. I am going to reduce the cycle to 12 weeks based on other feedback as well. I will modify the Deca and the Winny accordingly also So you think I should maintain the calories at this rate, man its fvcking killing me and I am getting some fat on as well. I have probably only added 1500 calories to what I was doing normally while cruising but shit it has made a difference.
    Thanks Kale,

    Yes i would definitely keep the calories up,its the only way the body can grow and i will guarantee your appetite will start to fade in 2-3 weeks time it always does, thats why i prime the body so i can take advantage of the growth process in the early days of a cycle, alittle bit of fat is nothing to worry about this can be corrected after the cycle to expose the new muscle,
    keep some cardio up try to aim for early morning on empty stomach

  19. #19
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Thanks Kale,

    Yes i would definitely keep the calories up,its the only way the body can grow and i will guarantee your appetite will start to fade in 2-3 weeks time it always does, thats why i prime the body so i can take advantage of the growth process in the early days of a cycle, alittle bit of fat is nothing to worry about this can be corrected after the cycle to expose the new muscle,
    keep some cardio up try to aim for early morning on empty stomach
    OK thanks bro, I will stick with it then. I am starting cardio on wednesday a couple of times a week. Ill keep you posted

  20. #20
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Look behind you.
    Looking real good Kale Some of the young guys on this board would love to look as good as you.

    As far as the cycle, I don't know if it's too long. I run longer cycles than most as my gains come at the end instead of the beginning. I think you should see how you react personally and stop when the gains do. I also think Marcus300 made a great point about stopping all at once. Even though you cruise on test, dropping that many compounds at once could be a bit of a shock for your newly found muscles.

    Keep the a.m. cardio going. I have to do this no matter what as I'll always put on fat if I don't. Your kcals seem just about right.

    I'll be following your progress. Good luck brother.
    How about some measurements and lifts?


  21. #21
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Looking real good Kale Some of the young guys on this board would love to look as good as you.

    As far as the cycle, I don't know if it's too long. I run longer cycles than most as my gains come at the end instead of the beginning. I think you should see how you react personally and stop when the gains do. I also think Marcus300 made a great point about stopping all at once. Even though you cruise on test, dropping that many compounds at once could be a bit of a shock for your newly found muscles.

    Keep the a.m. cardio going. I have to do this no matter what as I'll always put on fat if I don't. Your kcals seem just about right.

    I'll be following your progress. Good luck brother.
    How about some measurements and lifts?

    Thanks 1buff, I am definitly going to change when I drop what. I will see how its going around week 10 and make a decision then. As far as measurements go I have no idea I am more interested in whats in the mirror and I havent measured for a while. I will do it this week and report back. As far as lifts go I am no where near all of you freaks.

    Flat Bench is at 242lbs
    Leg Press at 460lbs
    Squats I dont do because they fvck with my back
    Lying DB Bench 90 lbs DB's
    Dead Lifts around 260lbs but really havnt been doing this for very long

    So not very impressive but I dont really care about my max's, as long as I am encouraging growth thats all that matters.

  22. #22
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Look behind you.
    Lifts are real good for the average bodybuilder, and quite outstanding for someone your age. Keep it up, and lift hard.

    I feel you on the squats, it can reek havoc on your back. I'd make sure you're doing some lunges to help compensate.


    BTW, what did your last cycles look like?

  23. #23
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Last cycle was Test E, Dbol (which I stopped because of sides) Deca and Var. I only got about 8lbs out of that and I have been cruising on 100mg Test E ever since. I wasnt eating right thats for sure. So this cycle I want 10 to 15lbs and then I will cut at a later stage.

  24. #24
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    OK now I am really depressed. I got measured at the gym today, here are my pathetic little stats. I am almost to embarrased to post this

    Chest 44.4"
    Shoulders 49.5 "
    Biceps Right 15.8" Left 16.1"
    Waist 34"
    Quads Right 23.2" Left 22.5"
    Calves Both 14"
    Neck 16.5"
    Forarm Right 11.5" Left 12"

    BP is still good at 134/73 resting pulse is 63. I am getting short of breath all the time, my fitness level is zero and the extra weight I have gained is causing me to work harder I think
    Last edited by Kale; 05-02-2006 at 04:27 AM.

  25. #25
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    OK now I am really depressed. I got measured at the gym today, here are my pathetic little stats. I am almost to embarrased to post this

    Chest 44.4"
    Shoulders 49.5 "
    Biceps Right 15.8" Left 16.1"
    Waist 34"
    Quads Right 23.2" Left 22.5"
    Calves Both 14"
    Neck 16.5"
    Forarm Right 11.5" Left 12"

    BP is still good at 134/73 resting pulse is 63. I am getting short of breath all the time, my fitness level is zero and the extra weight I have gained is causing me to work harder I think
    At 51yrs old Kale you have a very impressive body, doesnt matter what your measurment are if your happy with the way you look thats all what matters, alot of the younger BB's on this site would be proud to have what you have.

    Credit to you, keep eating and doing what you doing cause its working, well done

  26. #26
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Well I had some fun this morning. I went to do my shot which adds up to 2 3/4 CC's of juice and I only have 5/8" pins. I hate doing delts but I had no choice, so I thought I would do half the syring in one delt and half in the other. I do my left delt then pull the pin out and blood literally shoots a foot straight out like I have hit an artery. I didnt realise there was so much pressure in veins. Fark there was blood pissing everywhere. It stoped as soon as I got pressure on it , then I had to do the other delt which went OK. Now both my delts are sore especially the one that blead. Well that will teach me to make sure I have the right tools.

  27. #27
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    End of week three tomorrow. no real weight gain this week, still sitting on 187lbs. Strength is definitly increasing and pumps are huge. My BP is up a bit at 143/80 but it fluctates a lot so I am not to worried about that. I am a bit red in the face which the wife has noticed.

    I still have a couple of weeks until the Test E kicks in. I have decided to run the Prop for six weeks just to make sure I dont miss the start of the Test E. I am a bit disappointed at the weight staying stable but its still pretty good for just three weeks.

  28. #28
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    You don't look good for your age............................ you look great, period.

    Best of luck with the cycle Kale. I personally don't have an issue with the cycle usually is the gains stop coming the fat loss effect continues, so if you need to drop a few % BF on cycle you can run it a bit longer.

  29. #29
    BADASS323's Avatar
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    i'm turning 40 in 4 months.i now have a new hero...KALE your the man!!!

  30. #30
    Dreaming2B-BIG's Avatar
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    Gotta agree with everyone your in great shape especially for your age, I can only hope I'm even close to your shape at that age.Best of luck to you.

  31. #31
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Well its the end of the fourth week today and still no significant weight gain sitting on 187.8 lbs right now. I have added Flaxseed Oil to a couple of my shakes to so if that helps, that started today. Hopefully the Test E will kick in soon and things will start moving again. Strength is through the roof, I have added 100lb to my leg press in the last two weeks which is insaine. No sides so far, just starting to notice a tiny bit of acne on my back so I am scrubbing it twice a day now. Getting comments about looking bigger which is encouraging. My workouts and the pumps I am getting in the gym have been awsome so I am pretty sure I have that bit right. Lets see what happens in another week.

  32. #32
    abokeef is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Well its the end of the fourth week today and still no significant weight gain sitting on 187.8 lbs right now. I have added Flaxseed Oil to a couple of my shakes to so if that helps, that started today. Hopefully the Test E will kick in soon and things will start moving again. Strength is through the roof, I have added 100lb to my leg press in the last two weeks which is insaine. No sides so far, just starting to notice a tiny bit of acne on my back so I am scrubbing it twice a day now. Getting comments about looking bigger which is encouraging. My workouts and the pumps I am getting in the gym have been awsome so I am pretty sure I have that bit right. Lets see what happens in another week.
    intersting man, keeb it up. Hopefully u get the gain u want very soon. BTW, are ur prop and deca 50mg/1ml?. If this is true, I can't imagine how many mls u have to shoot in one day

  33. #33
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    the Deca is 250mg/ml and the prop is 100mg/ml I shoot EOD and is 2 3/4 CC per shot thre days a week when I do Test E on the one day I dont do Test E its just 1.75 CC

  34. #34
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    You don't look good for your age............................ you look great, period.

    Best of luck with the cycle Kale. I personally don't have an issue with the cycle usually is the gains stop coming the fat loss effect continues, so if you need to drop a few % BF on cycle you can run it a bit longer.
    I gotta agree


  35. #35
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Thanks Nark, that means a lot comming from you !!!!

  36. #36
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Well I am not gaining weight much but my strength is just rediculous. I just got back from doing Chest today and I benched 308lb for two which is just rediculous for me. I was at 264lbs last week. I have changed what I do as well. I start with just two warm up sets and then go straight to my max attempt, then I start moving down rather than the other way. Makes sense that it will increase I guess.

  37. #37
    helium3's Avatar
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    strength going up coinsided with some good weight gains for me,could you increase your callorie/protein intake up anymore?. i know it becomes difficult to force so much food down but it might give you a boost.

    i presume the pictures are before this cycle,have to say looking great,i hope you notice some good gains soon,theres nothing like seeing your hard work pay off,it gives you the motivation to push harder,good luck.

  38. #38
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    strength going up coinsided with some good weight gains for me,could you increase your callorie/protein intake up anymore?. i know it becomes difficult to force so much food down but it might give you a boost.

    i presume the pictures are before this cycle,have to say looking great,i hope you notice some good gains soon,theres nothing like seeing your hard work pay off,it gives you the motivation to push harder,good luck.
    Well I can certainly up the protein some more. I can add shakes, but food is just a nightmare. I have added the Flaxseed oil as well. I seriously think the lack of weight gain is an age thing> I would be stoked to get top 200lb and then hit the HGH and cut with that. Lets see what happens and thanks bro

  39. #39
    BullDogg20's Avatar
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    Holy SHit Kale, you are looking awsome bro, keep up the hard work, i cant wait to see your after photo's

  40. #40
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    OK end of week five today only put on a pound this week so I am at 188.7 I had my last Prop shot today thank God, man that stuff hurts like a bitch. Strength is still awsome. I am about to start three weeks of travelling which will be difficult food and workout wise but I will make it work somehow. I want to get to at least 195 but I think that will be a struggle. I am looking good though, even I can notice I am a bit bigger and I am getting lots of comments again. I am going home to Oz this week to see people I havnt seen for over a year so it will be interesting to hear there comments. I have picked up a bit of fat, but I am hopeing the HGH will take care of that later in the cycle

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