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Thread: Help Me!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Help Me!!!!

    i want to do a cycle of test and deca, but not sure when to start, i haven't been hitting the gym quite like i should in the last 6months, what should I do?
    Say work out hard for a few months, or work out for a month, then juice, what should I do?
    I want to get big and I want to use some juice, i have access to 4000mg of test, and 3000mg of deca, and clomid too. What should I do?
    stats are
    6 2 196 25yrs old

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    Welcome to AR...

    First of all I would say to wait on the AS and research some more till you are confident with all the information you will of obtained. Secondly, in your profile it says you workout only 2 days a week. This routine may be good for you at the moment but is definately not up to par with a routine for a person on AS. I suggest you do an overhaul on your goals in the weight room and while doing so you can further determine whether or not AS is right for you (remember just because it's available, doesn't mean you have to use it). With the right workout routine you may be able to accomplish everything you want without AS. So lastly, go the natural route for now while hitting it hard in the gym, you may just surprise yourself.

    Good luck and keep us updated with everything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Okay, I was working out 2 days a week, and last week started on a five day a week program, so now I am hoping to get stronger and bigger, the reason I want to juice again, is because it can make you big make your work outs so much better. I have used juice before, but because I haven't worked out hard enough lately for a few months what is best to do, work out for how long, I want to use them again, and I want to get huge like I got when I used omnadren. So, do you have any answers about that?
    Well, if you do and you can help, please help me. I need to gain some weight and get bigger and more cut. I have the goodies, and have used juice bfore, so i am hoping to use them, but when is the right time???
    help, thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    You say you worked out before and got great results from omnadren and stopped working out. My question is......what makes you think this time will be different ? Either your a gym junkie or your not !!! AS is there as an accelerator not a miracle drug. If you don't continue working out and decide to do AS, you'll get fat , and thats all. I would work out hard for one year and research your ass off here during that time, and then re-evaluate your decision. NO flame intended bro , just trying to help. This is the reason I came to this site, to read, research and ask questions. This is a great site and you will learn more here than any other board. Good Luck Bro , Sick1

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    Ponder this for a second...12 weeks of putting on some serious weight and strength gain only to be lost in the next 3 weeks...or 12 weeks of serious research, and serious sweat in the weight room with gains that last however long you want them.

    Wait on the AS. Work your butt off in the coming months. Eat clean. Rest. And learn.

    Remember we are all here for you to help and guide but how you use the knowledge is your own doing. Patience is virtue my friend

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