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  1. #521
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    ok....I tried.....f yourself..
    I'm sure Beast will one day realize his terrible mistake in failing to take advice from an expert such as yourself. . .

  2. #522
    Columbus's Avatar
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    wasnt any was a congrats on progress......which was smoke anyways....

  3. #523
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    Play nice. All of you.

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days!

  4. #524
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  5. #525
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    I have been following your thread from the Beginning Beast; by far the best, most complete log I have read in my short time here on the boards.

    Great improvements since the start of the log (arms have definately improved). Chests, lats and traps are all looking nice and full. Legs continue to look good, but they have always seemed a strong point. I think you definately can get a bit leaner for the show and I know you are working towards that as well.
    Thanks Danger. Yes im pretty happy so far. Im all out to lean up for comp at the moment and im keeping the pics back till comp day!!

    Another good workout this morn. Feeling energised and happy.

    dips 4 sets weighted
    Skullcrushers 3 sets last set finished with close grip bench till fail.
    reverse grip cables 4 sets

    EZ bar curls 3 sets
    Seated DB hammer curls 3 sets
    Rope curls 3 sets

    abs 7 sets
    cardio stepper 20 mins

    eve cardio 30mins c trainer

  6. #526
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    How are you finding the PWO cardio?

  7. #527
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Well it seems to be working well as does the evening cardio between pro/fat meals. I am so happy with the way it has been working I will use it over fasted cardio whenever I can. I seem to be burning the same ammount of fat as I do with fasted but it doesn't make me feel tired like fasted does. I am also holding onto muscle better this time around (I cut down low last year just to experiment) which I think is something to do with the change in cardio.

  8. #528
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    I have asked you nicely on several occassions not to post in my log, then I asked you a little less nicely, then I was rude about it, however the fact remains you are still posting here.
    I am not interested in anything you have to say. I am bored of your constant lying and attention seeking on these forums. For the last time, leave me and the log alone and go do your own thing.

  9. #529
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    I promise to never post again.....but I do need to stand up for myself.....NEVER once have I that's the end. I'm no liar and trust is something I value EXTREMELY....later.

  10. #530
    Geezy's Avatar
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    you look damn good man and you keep people like me, who are trying to lose weight and better themselves, motivated...Keep up the good work man.


  11. #531
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Well it seems to be working well as does the evening cardio between pro/fat meals. I am so happy with the way it has been working I will use it over fasted cardio whenever I can. I seem to be burning the same ammount of fat as I do with fasted but it doesn't make me feel tired like fasted does. I am also holding onto muscle better this time around (I cut down low last year just to experiment) which I think is something to do with the change in cardio.

    Good to hear PB...i hope the fat loss continues.. I have been using pwo as well and leaned up and added some size...


  12. #532
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    PB nice work so far!

    on a side note! this is absolutely hilarious!!!!

    I have asked you nicely on several occassions not to post in my log, then I asked you a little less nicely, then I was rude about it, however the fact remains you are still posting here.
    I am not interested in anything you have to say. I am bored of your constant lying and attention seeking on these forums. For the last time, leave me and the log alone and go do your own thing.

  13. #533
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    cardio only today and tomorrow. Low carb days too

  14. #534
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Well back at the gym today after 2 days off. Felt great this morn. Energy levels are good.

    Chins 3 sets followed by pulldowns 2 sets.
    Deads 4 sets
    Seated rows 4 sets
    DB pullovers 2 sets followed by some cable work at high reps for the lats.
    30 mins stepper Cardio

    Have been using more glut and BCAAs PWO but I have cut the carbs in it to 40g + 24g pro.
    Carbs on workout days are 150g
    high carb day 400g
    low carb (non training days) 100g

  15. #535
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    up early this morning for chest.

    DB flat bench 4 sets
    Smith Decline bench 4 sets
    Incline flies 4 sets
    Cable x-overs 4 sets
    abs 9 sets

    cardio 30 mins on stepper
    40 mins eve on x-trainer.

  16. #536
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Well it seems to be working well as does the evening cardio between pro/fat meals. I am so happy with the way it has been working I will use it over fasted cardio whenever I can. I seem to be burning the same ammount of fat as I do with fasted but it doesn't make me feel tired like fasted does. I am also holding onto muscle better this time around (I cut down low last year just to experiment) which I think is something to do with the change in cardio.
    Hey Beast,

    First time checking-in in a while. Went straight to your posts first.

    Great progress!

    Question: I agree; fasting cardio sux. How much time do you allow after your pro/fat meal before doing your 30 min. cardio? How much time elapses after your cardio before you take your next pro/fat meal.

    I've been trying cardio in the morning, and I'm either too tired and wasted afterwards from fasting, or I feel like puking if I have my egg-whites and oatmeal before hand. How have you timed it?


    BigLittle Tim
    Last edited by BigLittleTim; 03-12-2007 at 06:33 PM. Reason: spelling

  17. #537
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    If i had a pro/fat at 8 and my next was due at 11 I would do 30mins cardio at 10. Taking BCAA pre and post cardio too in order to prevent catabolism.

  18. #538
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Well felt pretty tired today but got better as the day went on. Looking leaner all the time. I will be posting pics when im contest ready as I dont want added pressure at the moment and havent got time to mess about resizing pics ect.

    Cardio this morn for 45 mins on stepper/x trainer

    legs afternoon using a pre exhaust routine

    Leg ext superset with ham curls 4 sets 20 reps
    Squats superset with leg press 4 sets 20 reps (by this time we were in pain!)
    Close stance hack squats on smith 3 sets 15 reps OUCH!
    Calves standing and seated 10 sets 15-20 reps

    eve cardio 35 mins x trainer.

    I have been tweaking the diet as I go so here is my current diet.

    Meal 1 - 5 egg whites (cal 80, pro18), Oats 60g (cal222 carb38 pro9 fat4), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5). sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 414, carbs 40 pro 50, Fat 6


    PWO - 1 scoop whey (cal112, carb2, pro23, fat2), WMS 40g (cal140 carb34) TOTALS – Cal252, carbs36, pro23 fat 2

    PPWO -- 5 egg whites (cal 80, pro18), Oats 60g (cal222 carb38 pro9 fat4), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5). sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 414, carbs 40, pro 50, Fat 6

    meal 4 - 150g chicken (cal247 pro46 fat4) Coconut Oil (cal83 fat9g) Broccoli 100g (cal34, carbs 10)TOTALS – cal364, pro46, carbs 10 fat13

    Meal 5 - 150g chicken (cal247 pro46 fat4) Coconut Oil (cal83 fat9g) Broccoli 100g (cal34, carbs 10)TOTALS – cal364, pro46, carbs 10 fat13

    Meal 6 - 150g chicken (cal247 pro46 fat4) Coconut Oil (cal83 fat9g) Broccoli 100g (cal34, carbs 10)TOTALS – cal364, pro46, carbs 10 fat13

    Before Bed – Lean Mince150g (cal246 pro38 fat9) Broccoli 100g (cal34, carbs 10) Walnuts 7 halves (cal93 pro2 fat9 carbs 2) TOTALS cal373 pro40 fat18 carbs 12

    DAILY TOTAL Cal 2545 Carbs 170 Protein 301 fat 71

  19. #539
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    Trained shoulders after Breakfast this morning. Felt ok though a little weaker than normal.

    Smith machine behind neck press 4 sets
    Lateral DB raises 3 sets
    cable front raises 3 sets (last set drop)
    Shrugs 3 sets
    DB upright rows 3 sets

    40 mins stepper cardio

    eve cardio 40 mins x trainer cardio.

  20. #540
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Felt a little more energetic this morning. I got up a little earlier as I have been reading about pre workout eating. I have been eating 1 hour before workout. Apparently this can mean that blood is still flooding into the intestines and away from muscles. We want blood to engorge muscles and bring them vital nutrients so it is suggested that 1.5 hrs at least between whole food and workout. also took 10g of WMS from my PWO shake meal and took it with BCAA and Taurine/L cart just before workout. Def helped with energy levels.

    So anyway... Trained arms and abs this morning.

    Dips weighted 4 sets
    BB curls 3 sets
    Tricep pushdowns 3 sets super set with DB hammer curls
    Single arm tricep pushdowns 3 sets
    rope curls 3 sets

    abs 10 sets
    cardio stepper 40 mins
    eve cardio x trainer 50 mins

  21. #541
    hardgainer1's Avatar
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    beast what is
    WMS 40g

  22. #542
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Waxy Maize Starch, a complex carb which is digested faster than dex due to its high molecular weight. It is the main ingredient of Vitargo. I buy it raw ( lot lot cheaper than Vitargo). I use it as Dex causes me terrible bloating and pain sometimes.

  23. #543
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    Well its my two rest days now. Cardio is still done of course at 45 min AM empty stomach (BCAA before and after) and this eve between 2 hours after pro/fat meal. Same tomorrow.

  24. #544
    s00noma is offline Junior Member
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    So your changin your pre workout meal to about 1.5 hours before the workout? Damn, i wonder if me taking in food about 30-45 min pre is hindering gains.

  25. #545
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    Hey BP just checking in to see progress and wondering what your BF% is down to now?Once again thanks for the help and info you gave me on my cycle

  26. #546
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Hey s00noma - Don't know about hindering gains but it certainly felt more comfortable for me and I felt more energetic during workout.

    Canadian - Haven't been measured but can clearly see all abs, vascularity everywhere including stomach, seperations in delts ect. Upping the cardio has lost me over 2 kilos of fat during the last 7 days.

    I am now 14 days out from comp day. Sodium loading started today. I will be starting at a level of 5500mg of sodium ED and working down to 600mg by the day before the show. Potassium is taken with every meal at 99mgs. So that means today I have had to add 4500mg sodium divided between meals.

    Trained back this morn. Kept it nice and high for reps 15+ and just worked at a good pump.

    Close grip chins 3 sets followed by 2 sets close grip pulldowns
    Deads 4 sets
    BB rows 3 sets
    Iso pulldown machine 4 sets
    Rear delt cable flies 3 sets
    40 mins stepper cardio

    eve cardio 45mins on x trainer.

    All in all I am pretty happy with everything. I have planned out my carb deplete and load and all sodium so thats the hard maths out of the way!! Will adjust cardio this week as needed (may need to drop off a little).

  27. #547
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Great stuff PB....almost there!

  28. #548
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Sounds awesome PB, I'm excited to see pictures....the precycle pics and these are gonna be nuts, like two different people!

    Good luck with the show I'm sure you'll kick some ass

  29. #549
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. I was going to post pics weekly but Im kind of holding off until im in full contest shape. Getting lots of positive comments from the competitive guys at the gym which has really helped me. Luckily one of the guys who has competed (and won) a few shows will be competing in the same show and he has been very helpful on tanning and posing ect. Plus he is bringing along a couple of cuban cigars for us!

    Trained chest this morn. Awesome pump!!

    Incline DB press 4 sets
    Flat DB flies 3 sets
    Hammer strength flat press machine 4 sets (chest looked crazy after this!)
    Cable x-overs 3 giant sets

    abs 10 sets
    cardio stepper 40 mins
    eve cardio x trainer 40 mins

    I have been spending my time at work planning my next lean bulk diet, food is all i can think about!! I cant wait to eat some decent ammounts of carbs

  30. #550
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Great day today. Still sodium loading at 5500mg ED and potassium with every meal.
    Read an article today citing a study showing ALA can inhibit fat loss from clen . So I have dropped ALA. In fact that was just one of the negative effects I read about ALA, there were more and quite worrying too. Ill post it in a seperate thread.

    Trained legs this morn. This will be my last leg training before comp. Training legs wihin 7 days of c is a bad idea apparently as it makes them look smooth. All high reps today and just going for the pump

    Extensions 4 sets 20
    Squats (a mix of close,wide and normal stance) 4 sets 20
    Walking DB lunges 3 sets OUCH!
    Ham curls 4 sets 20
    Calves 4 sets 20

    stepper cardio 40 mins

    Went and practiced my posing with some fellow BBs at the gym for 20-30 mins. Everyone was pretty happy with the way my body looks. I am having trouble mastering the lat spread pose though. Must practice that more!!
    40 mins x-trainer cardio.

  31. #551
    thetank's Avatar
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    im source cheks
    awesome log reading these thigns when people keep the updates steady..good luck with the rest of your diet and cant wait to see some updated pics.

  32. #552
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    Thanks tank glad you like it buddy.

    Legs ache like hell after yesterdays training so im limping around a bit. Trained shoulders this morn. Again all high rep stuff for a good pump,

    DB seated press 4 sets
    DB lateral raises 2 sets with 2 sets of cable lateral raises
    Cable front raises 3 sets
    Shrugs BB 3 sets
    Upright rows 3 sets
    Cadio stepper 40 mins

    eve cardio on x trainer 40 mins.

  33. #553
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    a little arms and abs this morn. Once again all high rep stuff.

    DB seated hammer curls 3 sets
    Wide grip/close grip BB curl supersets 3 sets
    Cable curls 2 sets

    Rope pushdowns 3 sets
    DB overhead ext. 3 sets
    DB kickbacks 2 sets

    abs 8 sets
    cardio 35 mins
    eve cardio 35 mins.

  34. #554
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    off day today and tomorrow. Cardio is still done of course 50 mins morning and 30 eve. Feeling pretty good today and everything is going just as planned. I am obsessing about being able to eat a decent ammount of carbs!! I just want to gorge on oats!

  35. #555
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    Just popping in to check on my boy PB. Looking great brother. Keep it up.

    Oh, and LMAO @ columbus.

  36. #556
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx buff, hope you are doing good mate.
    Another off day today with just 2 sessions of 40 mins cardio. Carb deplete starts tomorrow Cant wait for the carb up!

  37. #557
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    back at the weights today. It is first carb deplete day. Down to 100g carbs from oats and green veg. Did a very light but high volume back workout and finished with some abs. Still watching sodium levels of course. Went and did some shopping today (my day off work) and bought lots of great health food stuff for my next bulk (nuts,seeds,dried fruit, PB ect) hmmm i can hardly wait!!

    Wide grip pulldowns 4 sets 20
    Bent over rows 4 sets 20
    Hammer machine iso pulldown 4 sets 20
    Cable pullovers 4 sets 20
    rear delt cable flies 3 sets 30

    abs 9 sets
    cardio 30 mins stepper
    eve cardio 30 mins x-trainer

  38. #558
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    Second carb deplete day, down to around 80g carbs. Feeling pretty good.
    Trained very light high rep chest and tris this morn. all sets around 20 but if i could get a few more i did

    Decline Smith 4 sets
    Incline DB flies 3 sets
    Dips 3 sets
    Flat press machine 3 sets
    Cable flies 3 sets
    Tricep rope pushdown 3 sets
    DB kickbacks 2 sets

    Cardio 30mins morn and eve.

  39. #559
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Hey Pb,

    I'm not sure if you have posted this but do you use any supps for the pre-workout boost? and crappy days?

  40. #560
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Hey Pb,

    I'm not sure if you have posted this but do you use any supps for the pre-workout boost? and crappy days?
    Yes mate. Pre workout I take L-car 1.5g BCAA 5g, Taurine 2g, Ephedrine 25mg and a good strong cup of black coffee!

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