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  1. #1121
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    Beast that was insane, good lift, you actually made it appear semi easy, like you could have gotten 3,4. Mind I ask why you take it out of the rack instead of lift it off the ground to start?

  2. #1122
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69 View Post
    Beast that was insane, good lift, you actually made it appear semi easy, like you could have gotten 3,4. Mind I ask why you take it out of the rack instead of lift it off the ground to start?
    lazyness mate! cant be bothered to keep lifting the ends up to put more plates on as i ramp up the weight...

    Just cardio today and a good rest to try and clear this cold.

  3. #1123
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    Oh my god, you just answered my question as to making deadlifting NOT such a pain in the ass when your adding tons of plates...The rack!!!!!

  4. #1124
    Obro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    Got out of work to find my car had been locked in a car park so had to get my mate to come with a crane and lift it out!!

    Love yer style mate!

    Awesome vid too. Unreal.

  5. #1125
    thetank's Avatar
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    im source cheks
    sick lift man!!

  6. #1126
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    trained legs yesterday and shoulders today. stuck in the 10-12 rep range as i still got a bit of a cold so im taking it nice and easy. wont bother listing the lifts as it was all basic stuff and im short on time!! The weekends are always so busy for me as i work pretty much day and night on thurs,fri,sat bar a few hours where i grab power naps!! Certainly not ideal for bodybuilding but then you cant eat and pay gym fees and supps with no cash!!

  7. #1127
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rest yesterday and no training so far today as my cold has gotten worse so im going to see how i feel later. probably have another complete rest day though, I think im then going to have to be a lot stricter with my training and ensure that 1rm are kept to every third week to try and boost my immune system a little. Hard training and long working hours make it easy to get ill

  8. #1128
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    had sunday off too as i was still ill with cold. Trained pretty light today and will continue light all week to give my immune system a break.

    bench 3 sets of 5x140k
    weighted dips 3 sets of 8x50k
    incline DB press 3 sets of 8x40k per side
    DB flies 2 sets of 8x30k per side
    tricep pushdowns 3 sets of 12x100k
    cable x-overs 3 sets of 12

    abs 6 sets

  9. #1129
    llrockyll's Avatar
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    sounds like you could use a well deserved vacation bro.

  10. #1130
    TatMan's Avatar
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    Out there somewhere
    great log bro! Get some and then get back at it!

  11. #1131
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    tell me about it! i would love a vacation.... unforunately taking time off means possibly losing a lot of cash as things go wrong and dont get sorted. I wish there were more staunch trustworthy guys i could rely on but they are getting hard to come buy in the security industry.. They are all young weak little kids who are just doing it for quick and easy cash.

    trained back this morn

    deads 10x70k 10x120k 10x170k 8x170k 8x170k
    incline bench DB rows 3 sets of 10x36k per side
    Weighted chins 3 sets of 7x15k
    wide grip pulldowns 3 sets of 8x70k
    low rows machine 3 sets of 10x90k

    back in eve for biceps
    str8 bar curls 3 sets of 10x45k
    Seated DB curls 3 sets of 8x24k per side
    standing cable double biceps 3 sets of 12
    20 mins cardio

  12. #1132
    llrockyll's Avatar
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    PB what are ur thoughts on extreme stretching? do u ever incorporate them?

  13. #1133
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    hey rocky. well i have always stretched the working muscles during training. just seemed to be the right thing to do. I have not tried the "extreme" stretching though so cant really comment on it. Would be interested to hear if anyone else has had improvements with its use though.

    Rest today just 9 sets abs and 30 mins cardio

  14. #1134
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    well i been real busy with work ect so a little late with log. i have just been doing the basics in the 12 rep range. yesterday was legs and today shoulders and abs. Im feeling a lot better as im giving myself plenty of rest and not maxing out at all. Will continue to train like this next week then push it a little more every third week and see how it all goes

  15. #1135
    Gears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    well i been real busy with work ect so a little late with log. i have just been doing the basics in the 12 rep range. yesterday was legs and today shoulders and abs. Im feeling a lot better as im giving myself plenty of rest and not maxing out at all. Will continue to train like this next week then push it a little more every third week and see how it all goes
    How do you like that rep range v. 4-6?

  16. #1136
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gears View Post
    How do you like that rep range v. 4-6?
    I get better pump but i worry that i will weaken as my body gets less used to heavy weights. we will see how it goes.
    Had sat totally off and trained chest sunday. again stuck with basics in the 10-12 rep range. Feeling a lot better and im recovering well which is the main aim of dropping the weights a little.
    Today was back again just the basics in the 10-12 range. had a great workout with a good pump. Did cardio on my bike in eve.

  17. #1137
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    no weights today but plenty of cardio as i spent much of the day on my mountain bike due to the lovely weather...

  18. #1138
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    had a great arms session this morning. I have started using visualization and i am reading up on kundalini and chakra. I know it sounds a bit new age but i had it explained like this. If the human body was linked to a computer that could trigger muscles and tendons to move and you used it to lift weights it could move much higher weights than you normally lift before the body broke. It is the mind that holds us back. By harnessing visualization and kunalini you can control the mind and force the body to perform to its extremes. It certainly worked today. normally weighted dips i can get 3 sets of 8 x 50k. by visualing the set before i did them i was able to do 3 sets of 10 x 50k. I dont care if its new age crap - it works!!

    dips as above
    ex bar curls 3 sets of 10 x 50k
    straight bar pushdowns 3 sets of 15 with stack
    seated db curls 3 sets of 8 x 22k per side

    cardio done on mountain bike to and from work...

  19. #1139
    Diablo10000 is offline Junior Member
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    PB, when u train arms, do u do all bis and then tris or do u do 1 bi exercise and then a tri exercise?

  20. #1140
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    hey diablo. noi alternate them to give them rest so that they can be trained at maximum intensity.

    legs today

    Squats warmup 10x60k then 10x100k 10x140 10x180k 5x220k 5x220k
    leg press 3 sets of 10x280k
    calf raises 3 sets of 15x160k
    ham curls 3 sets of 15

    abs 9 sets

  21. #1141
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Yo Beast, just checked out your Vids on youtube...F****** sick man, keep it up. Hope all is well with your stepson bro....

  22. #1142
    audis4's Avatar
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    wow, real strong deadlift on your video bud! nice work!

  23. #1143
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx guys. had another great day training. lots of rest and higher reps this week have really paid off with immune system and energy levels. All good with family life TJ apart from i am still on bail for some minor crap!


    seated press on smith 3 sets of 10x
    lateral DB raises 3 sets of 10x30k per side
    Upright rows 3 sets of 10x60k
    front raises with cable 3 sets of 10

    cardio was done on cross trainer and did bits on my bike during day.

  24. #1144
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    just cardio today and a nice rest!!

  25. #1145
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    back at the weights today.


    bench 15x60k 10x100k 5x140k 5x140k 1x160k fail
    incline hammer press 3 sets of 5x140k
    flies 2 sets of 10x30k per side
    Cables 2 sets of 20

    back in afternoon for abs 6 sets and 20 mns cardio

  26. #1146
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Yo Beast
    Glad all is well with the Family bro. You seem like a solid guy man, things will work out for ya.. Goodlooking on the log bro, keep it up

  27. #1147
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    hey thanks tj. yes all is good. my step son has settled down and is happy with a GF. My missis aint so happy but whats new! im on bail again but the charges are BS and will get dropped as usual!

    trained back this morn
    deads 15x60k, 12x100k' 10x140k 8x180k 5x220k
    rows 3 sets of 10x100k
    weighted close grip chins 3 sets of 6x10k
    lateral hammer pull downs 3 sets of 10x40k per side

    cardio 20 mins then went too and from work on a pushbike!!

  28. #1148
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    Rest day today apart from abs and cardio

  29. #1149
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    arms today. had lots of sleep the night before but felt really tired for some reason. ended up with really good pump though.

    dips warmup 20 reps then 3 sets with 50k 10,8,6
    str8 bar curls 3 sets of 12 @ 40k
    tricep pushdowns with v bar 3 sets of 16x90k
    cable curls 3 sets of 10x30k
    1 arm tricep cable ext super setted with one arm cable curls 2 sets of 10x18k

    cardio 25mis+biking 8 miles later

  30. #1150
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Beast what did you do? Bash some ass****?lol

  31. #1151
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    Beast what did you do? Bash some ass****?lol
    LOL no the police here hate me due to some of the people i work for. they charged me with possesion of class C drug (steroids and viagra) possesion of offensive weapon (a rounders bat) and impersonating a police officer as i had a police logo baseball cap on. It will all get dropped they are just being annoying as usual!!

    Had a bit of a mad one today!!


    Squat 15x60k, 10x100k, 10x140k, 10x180k, 4x220k 1x260k went very deep and the trainer spotting missed me and grabbed my waist in a odd way which forced me to fall forward and roll the weight off my neck. Ouch. I was fine just a little bruised but the trainer was beside himself and went pale and say with his head in his hands for 20 mins with tears in his eyes!! bloody drama queen!

    leg press 3 sets of 10x300k
    ham curls 3 sets of 10 with stack
    calf raises 3 sets of 20 x 190k

    abs 9 sets

  32. #1152
    GGallin's Avatar
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    Perfect Beast is like a ****ing action hero lol.

  33. #1153
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    LOL thanks Gallin!

    Couldnt type yesterday as my space bar was broken. New keyboard fixed that though

    yesterday trained shoulders

    shoulder press warmup 15x20k per side then 12x40k per side 8x60k per side 6x60k per side
    lateral DB raises 3 sets of 10x30k per side
    shrugs 2 sets of 140k had to stop as neck hurt from injury the day before
    rear delt flies 3 sets of 10x20k per side
    front cable raises 2 sets of 15

    back later for cardio 30 mins

    today i will just do a little abs and cardio.

  34. #1154
    B*R*A*D UK's Avatar
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    keep it up .

  35. #1155
    GGallin's Avatar
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    Thats what happens when you attack your keyboard.

    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    LOL thanks Gallin!

    Couldnt type yesterday as my space bar was broken. New keyboard fixed that though

    yesterday trained shoulders

    shoulder press warmup 15x20k per side then 12x40k per side 8x60k per side 6x60k per side
    lateral DB raises 3 sets of 10x30k per side
    shrugs 2 sets of 140k had to stop as neck hurt from injury the day before
    rear delt flies 3 sets of 10x20k per side
    front cable raises 2 sets of 15

    back later for cardio 30 mins

    today i will just do a little abs and cardio.

  36. #1156
    PowerPress is offline Junior Member
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    PB u say u use liquid aminos. are those liquid beef aminos?

  37. #1157
    PEWN's Avatar
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    not saying that this is what he uses but I would think he is refering to something like this

  38. #1158
    PowerPress is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PEWN View Post
    not saying that this is what he uses but I would think he is refering to something like this

    yeah i use those wondering how they compare to liquid beef aminos. i hear people ranting and raving about them.

  39. #1159
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    yes i use amino fuel or similar. Never tried beef aminos. sounds a bit gross!

    Had a really good session today. Ive been making an effort to rest more and not maxing out so much which is really aiding recovery. Also changed my chicken supplier as the chicken was giving me gas and making me feel bloated. I believe (as does the supplier) that the meat was again being injected with lactose (which im allergic too) to give it a full plump look. I bought the new chicken at marks and spencer which is a posh food store in UK. It was more expensive but no bloating so i think its worth it. Also if it is bloating me and giving me the runs then i am not getting full protein value out of it, not good!

    Bench warmup 15x60k 12x100k 6x140k 4x150k 1x160k 10x100k
    Incline hammer press 50k per side for 12,10,8
    Decline smith machine 3 sets of 7x100k
    DB incline flies 2 sets of 10x30k per side
    cables 2 sets of 20

    went back later for 45 mins cardio.

    it was cheat day today so ate a boat load of chocs when i got back from gym

  40. #1160
    goose is offline Banned
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    Beast check out the liquid amino at holland and barret,very good and the best priced for us guys,why pay more for fancy brand shit.

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